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You had two happy animals in your backyard! I watched the video and really enjoy each other's company and having fun... Lily wants to play more than (a bit grumpy) Hamlet... 😃

I agree with your point of view about breeding... I remember my friend (who is a veterinarian) saying how pugs are heavily bred to be a "perfect pet", but it made them very weak and created a lot of health issues, infections, etc...
Also, your view about bred animals and those who aren't are on the spot... Many animals that didn't have direct "use" for humans are extinct... The same could happen with cows, and many others when they got "boring" for humans...

I have picked this post on behalf of the @OurPick project which will be highlighted in the next post!

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Lily and Hamlet play together a lot. Lily initiates it. Hamlet often resists a little but she does join in on many occasions. They will run around the garden together. They are funny to watch. Hamlet is surprisingly fast for her size and her short legs.

Many have the mentality that animals are here for us. They are bred to be useful or be used by us. They are not respected as species that deserve their freedom as much as we do. This is both a tragedy for them as well as us. An ecosystem needs a wide diversity of species to flourish.

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