Perdone a mi padre, ahora me siento bien / Forgive my father, now I feel good
Es un gusto participar en esta dinámica de reflexión que nos deja la amiga @minismallholding, sobre el estrés y el perdón.
La vida para mí no ha sido fácil, soy única hija de padre y madre, los cuales no me criaron, mi padre se separó de mi madre y yo quede al cuido de mis abuelos maternos, mi madre se salió a trabajar y yo fui llevada a un pueblo con mis abuelos.
En el transcurso del tiempo casi no veía a mis padres y yo pase a vivir con una tía, mi Padre lo veía cuando me llevaban a buscar una pensión de alimentación, estudie me gradué y empecé a trabajar, nunca tuve el cariño y amor de Padre, eso es lo peor que puede tener una persona.
Trabajaba y siempre veía a hombres tratar a hijos con aquel Amor y cariño que siempre me hizo falta, me case con una hombre mayor que yo en el cual veía el padre que me hizo falta, con el tiempo hubo muchos problemas enferme y me tocó muy duro, dónde enfrente la enfermedad, quedarme sola y educar a 2 chicos no fue fácil, al tiempo me sentía agotada de tanto trabajar, me dolía todo la espalda no podía caminar, estaba llena de problemas y estrés por todos lados, mi hijo mayor estudiado, llegué al extremo que no pude más y no podía caminar por el dolor, me realizaron evaluación y no me salió nada.
Mientras por otro lado, yo pensaba y le echaba la culpa a mi padre, porque nunca me atendió, no me prestó apoyo y sobre todo nunca me dio Amor y cariño y eso me mataba lentamente, no quería que me hablara de el, porque todo lo sentía que El era el responsable de mis problemas, decía si el me hubiese dedicado tiempo, un consejo cariño, no tuviera tantos problemas.
No soy persona de contar mis problemas, solo le cuento a mi almohada y el Topoderoso me escucha, llorando en las noches le pedía perdón a Dios, que me diera salida a esa rabia y rencor que sentía por mi Padre, una vez me encuentro con una chica, dónde mi hijo vivía y ella se reunía con unas personas que hacia meditación, sanación y trabajaban el perdón, yo me abrí con ellos llorando y le dije todo lo que me pasaba, ellos me ayudaron para liberar todo lo que sentía hacia mí padre, trabajamos el perdón y sanación, me ayudaron mucho.
Yo me refugie en Dios y fui poco a poco liberando todo la rabia y rencor que sentía hacia mi padre, mis dolores desaparecieron, el estrés desapareció y en los actuales momentos me siento otra persona, más activa, agradecida con Dios porque, ahora me doy cuenta que las cosas que me pasaron o lo vivido con mis padres, fue para hacerme una mujer fuerte, ahora le agradezco a mi Padre porque, lo veo como mi maestro, el murió hace 4 años, yo lo perdone, me libere de esa presión que sentía.
Nunca, sufrí de depresión, sino que me enferme por tantas cosas que me pasaron, mi vida ha sido como un río con fuerte tormenta, ahora estoy viviendo en absoluta calma, aprendí a perdonar y sanar, mis heridas profundas.
Gracias por la visita y comentario.
Las imágenes fueron tomadas desde Pelxes.
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It is a pleasure to participate in this dynamic of reflection that our friend @minismallholdig leaves us, about stress and forgiveness.
Life for me has not been easy, I am the only daughter of a father and mother, who did not raise me, my father separated from my mother and I was left in the care of my maternal grandparents, my mother went to work and I was taken to a town with my grandparents.
Over time I hardly saw my parents and I went to live with an aunt, my Father saw him when they took me to look for alimony, I studied, graduated and started working, I never had the affection and love of a Father, that is the worst thing a person can have.
I worked and I always saw men treat their children with that Love and affection that I always needed, I married a man older than me in whom I saw the father that I needed, over time there were many problems, I got sick and it hit me very hard, where I faced the illness, staying alone and raising 2 children was not easy, at the same time I felt exhausted from working so much, my back hurt all over, I couldn't walk, I was full of problems and stress everywhere, my son older studied, I got to the point that I couldn't take it anymore and I couldn't walk because of the pain, they performed an evaluation and nothing came of it.
While on the other hand, I thought and blamed my father, because he never took care of me, he didn't give me support and above all he never gave me love and affection and that slowly killed me, I didn't want him to talk to me about him, because I felt that he was responsible for my problems, I said if he had given me time, some advice, darling, I wouldn't have so many problems.
I am not a person to tell my problems, I only tell my pillow and the Almighty listens to me, crying at night I asked God for forgiveness, to give me an outlet for that anger and resentment that I felt towards my Father, one time I met a girl, where my son lived and she met with some people who did meditation, healing and worked on forgiveness, I opened up to them crying and told her everything that was happening to me, they helped me to release everything I felt Towards my father, we worked on forgiveness and healing, they helped me a lot.
I took refuge in God and little by little I was releasing all the anger and resentment that I felt towards my father, my pain disappeared, the stress disappeared and at present I feel like another person, more active, grateful to God because, now I realize that the things that happened to me or what I experienced with my parents, was to make me a strong woman, now I thank my Father because, I see him as my teacher, he died 4 years ago, I Excuse me, let me free myself from that pressure I felt.
I never suffered from depression, but I got sick from so many things that happened to me, my life has been like a river with a strong storm, now I am living in absolute calm, I learned to forgive and heal, my wounds deep.
Thank you for the visit and comment.
The images were taken from Pelxes.
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What happens to us as children shapes us in a strong way and as adults it can be very hard for us to reshape ourselves from that moulding. I'm glad you eventually found a way to make your past into a learning experience and see your father from a different perspective.
Thank you for your visit, that is really the reality, sometimes things happen that we do not understand and it is to teach us something in life.