Con las ganas - Zahara (Cover) by @pedrovivaz



Hola amigos de Hive espero que estén súper bien este viernes, hoy les comparto esta hermosa canción, cada vez que la oigo me relaja y a la vez me da nostalgia, me encanta mucho, espero que les guste y gracias por el apoyo! ❤️


Hello friends of Hive I hope you are super well this Friday, today I share with you this beautiful song, every time I hear it relaxes me and at the same time gives me nostalgia, I love it very much, I hope you like it and thanks for the support! ❤️


Recuerdo que, al llegar, ni me miraste
Fui solo una más de cientos
Sin embargo, fueron tuyos
Los primeros voleteos

Cómo no pude darme cuenta
Que hay ascensores prohibidos
Que hay pecados compartidos
Que tú estabas tan cerca

Me disfrazo de ti
Te disfrazas de mí
Jugamos a ser humanos
En esta habitación gris

Muerdo el agua por ti
Te deslizas por mí
Jugamos a ser dos gatos
Que no se quieren dormir

Mis anclajes no pararon tus instintos
Ni los tuyos, mis quejidos
Dejo correr mis tuercas
Y que hormigas me retuerzan

Quiero que no dejes de estrujarme
Sin que yo te diga nada
Que tus yemas sean lagañas
Enganchadas a mis vértices

Me disfrazo de ti
Te disfrazas de mí
Jugamos a ser humanos
En esta habitación gris

Muerdo el agua por ti
Te deslizas por mí
Jugamos a ser dos gatos
Que no se quieren dormir

I remember on arriving that you didn't even look at me
I was only one more of hundreds
Nevertheless, they were yours,
the first ticketholders

Why didn't I realize
that there are forbidden elevators,
that there are shared sins,
and that you were so close

I disguise myself as you.
You disguise yourself as me.
And we play at being humans
in this gray room.

I try to help you with your problems1
You glide around me
and we play at being two cats
that don't want to go to sleep.

My anchors didn't stop your instincts,
nor yours my moans,
I let myself loosen up
and tingle with excitement.

I don't want you to stop squeezing me
without me telling you anything
That your fingertips be dried tears
attached to my vertexes

I disguise myself as you.
You disguise yourself as me.
And we play at being humans
in this gray room

I try to help you with your problems.
You glide around me
and we play at being two cats
that don't want to go to sleep




Canción original/Original song:

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