Mi amigo Enrique y el Multiverso [Esp/Eng]


El Multiverso.jpg

Enrique, es un asiduo lector de física cuántica y artículos de ciencia, a pesar de no haber culminado su grado de ingeniería, en general es considerado alguien muy inteligente y culto. Siempre que nos reunimos a tomar café, me cuenta sobre los avances científicos en este campo, pero esta tarde fue diferente.

Llego muy calmado al café, yo había llegado un par de minutos antes que él y me dijo: Me ha pasado algo.

Le respondí: Dime, ¿qué ocurrió?

He viajado a otro universo, ¡ahora entiendo muchas cosas!

Le dije: ¿Estas bien? ¿Has tomado algo?

Me respondió: Carlos, te hablo en serio, debes oírme, ¡Si existe el multiverso!

Me quedé en silencio y asentí con mi cabeza que tenía toda mi atención.

Sabes que Martha mi esposa estaba algo molesta conmigo, ella quiere realizar unos cambios y remodelaciones en casa, no nos podíamos poner de acuerdo, y la fricción crecía y de verdad estábamos muy distantes, cada uno mantenía firme su postura y ya pasaban varios días. No veía una solución.

Me quede dormido en el estudio, mientras leía: Astronomía Nova.

Entonces, al principio, creí que soñaba. Era mas joven y estaba en la universidad y Martha era mi novia. Cuando en la universidad yo estaba casado con Eva y luego de graduarme nos separamos y fui cuando me uní a Martha.

Mi padre Alexis, era el rector de la universidad, y le habían reelegido, tenia mucho dinero e influencias, tanto o más de lo que en esta vida ha soñado ser y tener.

En ese universo — ya veraz que si lo era— no estaba de acuerdo de mi relación con Martha. Y me decía que deseaba acordar un matrimonio con la hija de un empresario, así ambas familias se beneficiarían y tendrían un crecimiento económico.

A lo que le respondí: Padre, nunca te has involucrado en mis asuntos sentimentales, yo estoy bien con Martha, ¿porque me hacéis este desprecio?

El golpeo el escritorio de su despacho y con voz firme, me dijo: ¡Te casaras con quien yo diga!

Me quede estupefacto, mi padre es un hombre pacifico, respetuoso, amable, ¿Qué le ha pasado? Le desconozco…

Fue cuando comprendí, que me encontraba en otro universo, uno en donde mi padre había logrado muchas o mas de sus aspiraciones políticas y el poder le corría por las venas, ejercía control, sobre todo.

Permanecí junto a mi padre, sin responderle nada, mi silencio le otorgaba la razón, y maquinaba como llegue hasta allí, y como puedo hacer para que mi padre desista de esa idea.

Hizo señas para que le acompañara, caminamos hasta fuera del despacho, luego el chofer llego con el auto y ambos nos subimos, él hablaba por teléfono y yo estaba fascinado en la observación de ese universo, ¿Y porque llegue aquí? y ¿Cómo regreso al mío?

Un momento Enrique, pero era solo un sueño, ¡me has dicho que te quedaste dormido!

Me respondió: ¡Ya te demostrare que no lo era! déjame continuar… Rodaba con el en el auto, y llegamos hasta un edificio, subimos al ascensor y llegamos hasta el ultimo piso, entramos a una oficina muy espectacular, todas las paredes eran de cristal allí se encontraban varias personas, un hombre se levanto del despacho principal y saludo efusivamente a mi padre, allí se encontraba una chica joven, muy bonita, que presumo era con quien mi padre me pretendía casar, no emití sonido o palabra alguna. Literalmente solo estaba en modo observación. La realidad de los eventos, las personas el lugar era increíble, pensaba: pero ¿cómo he llegado hasta aquí?

Mis diálogos internos durante esa observación, atenuaban las palabras que ellos intercambiaban, no puedo recordar o saber que fue lo que dijeron. De todos modos, no tenía mucho que decir.

De regreso al lobby, pude ver como el chofer se apresuro en abrir la puerta del auto para que subiéramos. Una vez allí, pensé: Es mi padre, el tiene buen corazón, voy a persuadirle para que desista.

Padre, vengo de otra línea temporal, en este momento, no soy el mismo hijo que has conocido y te lo puedo demostrar… El rio y pregunto: ¿De qué hablas?

Le dije: Si te demuestro que vengo de otra línea temporal de otro universo, me dejaras casarme con Martha.

—En medio de risas y con la certeza de ser algo imposible— dijo: si esta bien y ¿cómo lo vas a demostrar?

Le dije al chofer que nos llevara a una dirección.

—Al llegar hasta allí— me pregunto: ¿qué hacemos aquí?

Yo le respondí: recuerdas a la estudiante que aplico para la beca el año pasado, Eva Montes.

Me respondió: Claro, no solo aplico, gano una beca merito, yo mismo he firmado la autorización.

—Yo recordé sin decir palabra, que en mi universo Eva aplico a la beca merito, pero no la gano. Espero que viva aquí en el mismo lugar— Tocamos la puerta y Eva, la abrió.

Hola Eva, le dije, queremos conversar contigo, ¿podes recibirnos en este momento?

Respondió Ella: Pero que honor, recibir al rector, adelante por favor, no los esperaba. Pasad, ¿a que debo el honor de vuestra visita?

Eva, debo hacerte algunas preguntas, muy personales y quiero que me las respondas por favor, le voy a demostrar algo a mi padre. Ella asintió con la cabeza, pero su expresión de duda era un verdadero poema de interrogación.

Eva, ¿hemos sido amigos cercanos durante nuestra carrera en la universidad?

Eva: Pues cercanos, ¡NO! Compañeros de clases, alguna que otra actividad académica en grupo, la camaradería que se desarrolla durante el tiempo de estudios. ¿Por qué me preguntáis eso?

Yo tengo información muy, muy personal tuya, y quiero demostrarle a mi padre, que esa información la he traído desde otro universo o línea temporal.

Eva ríe… y pregunta: ¿hablo en serio?

Si Eva, hablo muy en serio. Se que tienes Una madre que se llama Aurelia, y dos hermanas menores, Mariana y Fátima y tu padre Marcos. ¿Contadme como están todos?

Eva: están bastante bien, mi madre y hermanas en casa. Mi padre ha muerto cuando yo era pequeña. Pero todo eso no es difícil de conseguir.

—en mi universo el padre de Eva vivía, y su tío Manuel se interpuso durante un robo y recibió una bala, dirigida a Marcos, y eso le causo la muerte a Manuel —

¿Y tú tío Manuel?

Eva: esta bastante bien, hace poco converse con el, es quien me apoya económicamente desde la muerte de mi padre.

Le dije: En otro universo, tu padre no murió, y fue tu tío Manuel quien se interpuso y recibió la bala dirigida a tu padre durante el robo, y Manuel murió.

Eva: Muy interesante Carlos, pero la expresión de tu padre, demuestra que no está muy convencido. Todo lo que has dicho es información familiar fácil de conseguir y especulaciones que pudieron haber ocurrido, pero no pasaron.

Le dije: Es cierto Eva, pero también se: tu comida favorita es la hamburguesa, tu bebida favorita es la Pepsi, tu color favorito es el azul, tu postre favorito es el chesse cake, tu cantante favorito es Ricardo Arjona y cuando tenías 12 años tu primo trato de violarte y tus padres no te creyeron…

Eva: Mis preferencias serian sencillas de averiguar, pero, ¿cómo sabes lo de mi primo?, ¿Quien te lo ha contado?

Le dije: También se, te desarrollaste cuando tenias 11 años en clases, tenias un perrito que fue arrollado por un auto frente a la casa de tu abuela y que tu primo te amenazo si volvías a delatarlo y nunca mas visitasteis la casa de tu tía, por temor a él.

Eva: ¡Pero… pero… no entiendo! ¿Quién te ha contado todo esto? Le dije: Has sido tú, en el otro universo, allá estuvimos casados por varios años, también se cosas muy íntimas tuyas, información propia que conoce un esposo, pero prefiero reservarlas para evitar incomodarte, ese no es el objetivo.

También me contestes: que, al perforarte la oreja, y salió mal; le dijisteis a tus padres que te habías caído de la bicicleta y te lastimasteis la oreja. Ellos nunca se enteraron de la verdad, y por eso tienes esa cicatriz en tu antihelix de la oreja derecha. Tampoco saben, quien rompió el jarrón persa de la sala fuiste tu y no Marianna como creyeron.

Eva: pero no consigo explicación de como sabéis esas cosas, ocurrieron hace mucho tiempo, ni mi mejor amiga Cristina sabe de eso. Y lo del jarrón, ¡nunca, nunca lo he contado a alguien! ¿Como puedes saberlo?.

La cara de mi padre, su seño se fruncia y se inclinaba hacia adelante, le pregunto a Eva: ¿Eso es cierto? ¿Está diciendo la verdad? Y volteo a mirarme a mí.

Eva: Pues es cierto, yo misma no sé cómo sabe: sobre mi primo, es algo que tengo muy reservado, y lo de la oreja en mi adolescencia, y lo del jarrón, de verdad no es posible que conozcas esos detalles, estoy intrigada y sorprendida.

Le dije: Eva, en ese universo fuimos novios desde el 3 semestre de la carrera, nos casamos antes de graduarnos, y luego del grado vivimos 3 años, luego nos separamos. Es por eso que se tanto sobre ti. Y te repito no te quiero incomodar con intimidades.

Voltee a mirar a mi padre y le pregunte: ¿ahora si me crees? Tenemos un trato y quiero cumplirlo.

Eva nos interrumpió: Es increíble todo esto, estoy conmovida por eso que cuentas. De verdad siempre te he sentido como alguien muy cercano y te aprecio muchísimo, a pesar de no compartir contigo, como me hubiera gustado, siempre has estado con Eva, y naturalmente no has dado espacio para nadie más. Mientras hablabas, sentía una energía diferente, es como si percibiera que dices la verdad, como si, la sinceridad fuera perceptible. Te puedo decir que me habría acercado a ti, de no estar Martha presente en tu vida. Me siento extrañamente correspondida, al saber que existe una vida en la que estuvimos juntos. Gracias por contarlo, y el sentido viene de todo lo que sabes de mi…

Mi padre dijo: Realmente no sabia a donde querías llegar Enrique, pero puedes continuar tu relación con Martha, no me interpondré. Dejo sin efecto lo que conversamos antes sobre lo acordado. Ya vere como realizo una alianza que me beneficie.

Eva y por favor disculpe por haber llegado de improviso y con un tema tan complicado, ya nos retiramos para que usted continue en lo que estaba. Comprendo que estudiaba para algunos exámenes.

Eva: No tiene por que disculparse, ha sido algo muy interesante, me he quedado con la curiosidad por saber más, pero siento temor de preguntar y obtener respuestas. Creo que mejor dejo transcurrir el tiempo. Mis disculpas que no les ofrecí nada, ni un café.

Le dije: no era necesario, gracias por recibirnos y gracias por tu sinceridad, el cariño es mutuo, nos retiramos y gracias nuevamente. Salimos del apartamento y subimos al auto, regresamos al despacho de papá en la universidad, él continúo atendiendo unas llamadas y yo me retire a buscar a Martha, la halle y ella no paraba de hablar sobre una clase de la que terminaba de salir y el trabajo que debía elaborar para aprobarla.

Yo permanecía en silencio con un gozo y una plenitud de haber ganado, de haber conseguido cambiar algo en ese universo, y de pronto me pregunte: y ahora ¿cómo regreso a mi universo? ¿Qué hago para regresar? ¿Me tender que quedar aquí?

Mi mente se abrumaba de ver que todo era tan real, tan vivido, no podía conseguir explicación de mi llegada, ni de como salir y volver a mi universo. Continue observando, pero ahora tenia una mirada de intriga, por tantas interrogantes.

De pronto las imágenes que miraba se distorsionaban, mi vista se nublo y todo se puso oscuro, de pronto hice un movimiento para levantar la mirada y desperté en el estudio.

Me dije: Estaba soñando, que sueño tan fantástico, se sintió muy real. Me dirigí a la habitación a dormir, Martha estaba sumergida en un profundo sueño, ni se movió mientras me metía en la cama y me dormí rápidamente.

Esta mañana cuando me levantes, el contratista llego temprano para afinar unos detalles sobre las remodelaciones y todo lo que Martha ordenaba hacer era lo que yo quería hacer, sus ideas ni las menciono, yo me quedé en silencio y asentí con la cabeza. Me pregunte en silencio: ¿y que paso aquí? ¿y lo que ella quería hacer? Teníamos días discutiendo, sin posibilidad de ponernos de acuerdo. Y ahora estaba dando las instrucciones que yo quería dar. Incrédulo, y sin decir palabra, me preguntaba para mis adentros: ¿Esta es mi Martha verdad?

Te explico Carlos, un universo resuena a sus universos próximos, y resolver la posible separación que hubiera ocurrido en ese universo, resonó en este. Incluso mi papá siempre aspiro a cargos de elección, pero nunca los gano, Eva no gano la beca merito, y allá si, aquí el tío murió y allá no.

Son posibilidades que se crearon, pero cada una en su universo. Como el experimento de El gato de Schrödinger, creando paradojas donde si y donde no, ambas posibilidades existen, pero no están en el mismo lugar, pero si al mismo tiempo.

Le dije: Enrique, todo suena fascinante, tendremos que venir por otro café mañana, ya que me tengo que ir. Me voy muy entretenido por tu relato, deberías escribirlo.

Enrique dijo: Búrlate, por tu cara veo que no me crees, pero seguiremos hablando otro día, mañana estoy ocupado, podemos reunirnos el jueves a las 4pm. Saludos a Tatiana y a los niños.

Le dije: Saludos a Martha, nos veremos el próximo jueves querido hermano. ¡Hasta pronto!

Esta Historia continuara...

English Version

El Multiverso....jpg

Enrique, is an assiduous reader of quantum physics and science articles, despite not having completed his engineering degree, he is generally considered very intelligent and cultured. Whenever we meet for coffee, he always tells me about scientific advances in this field, but this afternoon was different.

He arrived at the café very calmly, I had arrived a couple of minutes before him and he said to me: Something has happened to me.

I answered: Tell me, what happened?

I have traveled to another universe, now I understand many things!

I said, "Are you okay? Have you taken anything?

He answered me: Carlos, I am serious, you must listen to me, if the multiverse exists!

I remained silent and nodded my head that I had my full attention.

You know that Martha my wife was a little upset with me, she wants to make some changes and remodeling at home, we could not agree, and the friction grew and we were really very distant, each one kept his position firm and several days passed. I could not see a solution.

I fell asleep in the study, while reading: Astronomy Nova.

Then, at first, I thought I was dreaming. I was younger and in college and Martha was my girlfriend. When I was in college I was married to Eva and after I graduated we separated and that's when I got together with Martha.

My father, Alexis, was the rector of the university, and he had been reelected, he had a lot of money and influence, as much or more than he ever dreamed of being and having in this life.

In that universe - and it is true that he was - he did not agree with my relationship with Martha. And he would tell me that he wanted to arrange a marriage with the daughter of a businessman, so that both families would benefit and have economic growth.

To which I replied: Father, you have never got involved in my sentimental affairs, I am fine with Martha, why do you despise me so much?

He pounded on the desk in his office and with a firm voice, he said: You will marry who I say!

I was stunned, my father is a peaceful, respectful, kind man, what happened to him? I don't know him...

It was when I realized that I was in another universe, one where my father had achieved many or more of his political aspirations and power ran through his veins, he exercised control over everything.

I remained next to my father, without answering him anything, my silence gave him the reason, and I plotted how I got there, and how I can make my father desist from this idea.

He motioned for me to come with him, we walked outside the office, then the driver arrived with the car and we both got in, he was talking on the phone and I was fascinated in the observation of that universe, and why did I get here? and how do I get back to mine?

Wait a minute Enrique, but it was just a dream, you told me you fell asleep!

He replied: I will show you that it was not! let me continue.... I rode with him in the car, and we arrived at a building, we got on the elevator and reached the top floor, we entered a very spectacular office, all the walls were glass, there were several people there, a man stood up from the main office and greeted my father effusively, there was a young girl, very pretty, who I presume was the one my father intended me to marry, I did not utter a sound or a word. I was literally just in observation mode. The reality of the events, the people, the place was incredible, I thought: but how did I get here?

My internal dialogues during that observation, attenuated the words they exchanged, I can't remember or know what they said. Anyway, I didn't have much to say.

On the way back to the lobby, I could see how the driver hurried to open the car door for us to get in. Once there, I thought: It's my father, he has a good heart, I'm going to persuade him to give up.

Father, I come from another timeline, at this moment, I am not the same son you have known and I can prove it to you... He laughed and asked: What are you talking about?

I told him: If I prove to you that I come from another timeline in another universe, you will let me marry Martha.

-Amidst laughter and with the certainty of being something impossible, he said: "Yes, it's fine, and how are you going to prove it?

I told the driver to take us to an address.

-When I get there, I ask myself: what are we doing here?

I answered: you remember the student who applied for the scholarship last year, Eva Montes.

He replied: Sure, I not only applied, I won a merit scholarship, I signed the authorization myself.

-I remembered without saying a word, that in my universe Eva applied for the merit scholarship, but did not win it. I hope she lives here in the same place. We knocked on the door and Eva opened it.

Hello Eva, I said, we want to talk to you, can you receive us right now?

She answered: But what an honor, to receive the rector, please come in, I was not expecting you. Come in, to what do I owe the honor of your visit?

Eva, I have to ask you some questions, very personal ones, and I want you to answer them for me, please, I am going to prove something to my father. She nodded her head, but her expression of doubt was a true poem of interrogation.

Eva, have we been close friends during our college career?

Eva: Well, close, NO! Classmates, the occasional academic group activity, the camaraderie that develops during study time. Why do you ask me that?

I have very, very personal information from you, and I want to show my father that I have brought that information from another universe or timeline.

Eva laughs... and asks: "Am I serious?

Yes Eva, I am very serious. I know you have a mother named Aurelia, and two younger sisters, Mariana and Fatima and your father Marcos. Tell me how are they all?

Eva: they are quite well, my mother and sisters at home. My father has died when I was little. But all that is not hard to get.

- in my universe Eva's father was alive, and her uncle Manuel got in the way during a robbery and took a bullet, aimed at Marcos, and that caused Manuel's death.

And your uncle Manuel?

Eva: He is quite well, I recently talked to him, he is the one who has been supporting me financially since my father's death.

I told him: In another universe, your father did not die, and it was your uncle Manuel who stepped in and took the bullet aimed at your father during the robbery, and Manuel died.

Eva: Very interesting Carlos, but your father's expression shows that he is not very convinced. Everything you have said is easily available family information and speculations that could have happened, but didn't happen.

I said: It's true Eva, but I also know: your favorite food is hamburger, your favorite drink is Pepsi, your favorite color is blue, your favorite dessert is chesse cake, your favorite singer is Ricardo Arjona and when you were 12 years old your cousin tried to rape you and your parents didn't believe you...

Eva: My preferences would be easy to find out, but how do you know about my cousin, who told you?

I told him: I also know, you developed when you were 11 years old in class, you had a little dog that was run over by a car in front of your grandmother's house and that your cousin threatened you if you ever told on him again and you never visited your aunt's house again, for fear of him.

Eva: But... but... but... I don't understand! Who told you all this? I told her: It was you, in the other universe, there we were married for several years, I also know very intimate things about you, information that a husband knows, but I prefer to reserve them to avoid making you uncomfortable, that is not the objective.

Also answer me: you pierced your ear, and it went wrong; you told your parents that you fell off your bike and hurt your ear. They never found out the truth, and that's why you have that scar on your right ear antihelix. They also don't know, who broke the Persian vase in the living room was you and not Marianna as they thought.

Eva: but I can't explain how you know these things, they happened a long time ago, not even my best friend Cristina knows about it. And about the vase, I've never, never told anyone! How could you know that?

My father's face, his brow furrowed and he leaned forward, I ask Eva: Is that true? Is he telling the truth? And she turned to look at me.

Eva: Well, it's true, I myself don't know how you know: about my cousin, it's something I keep to myself, and about the ear in my adolescence, and about the vase, it's really not possible for you to know those details, I'm intrigued and surprised.

I told her: Eva, in that universe we were boyfriend and girlfriend since the 3rd semester of college, we got married before graduating, and after graduation we lived for 3 years, then we separated. That's why I know so much about you. And I repeat I don't want to bother you with intimacies.

I turned to look at my father and asked: "Now do you believe me? We have a deal and I want to keep it.

Eva interrupted us: It's incredible, I'm touched by what you're telling us. I really have always felt you as someone very close to me and I appreciate you very much, despite not sharing with you, as I would have liked, you have always been with Eva, and naturally you have not given space for anyone else. While you were talking, I felt a different energy, it is as if I perceived that you were telling the truth, as if sincerity was perceptible. I can tell you that I would have approached you, had Martha not been present in your life. I feel strangely reciprocated, knowing that there is a life in which we were together. Thank you for telling it, and the meaning comes from all that you know about me....

My father said: I really didn't know what you were getting at Enrique, but you can continue your relationship with Martha, I won't stand in the way. I leave without effect what we discussed before about what we agreed. I will see how I can make an alliance that will benefit me.

Eva and please excuse us for having arrived unexpectedly and with such a complicated subject, we are leaving so that you can continue with what you were doing. I understand that you were studying for some exams.

Eva: You don't have to apologize, it has been very interesting, I've been curious to know more, but I'm afraid to ask and get answers. I think I'd better let the time pass. My apologies that I didn't offer you anything, not even a coffee.

I told him: it was not necessary, thank you for receiving us and thank you for your sincerity, the affection is mutual, we left and thank you again. We left the apartment and got into the car, we went back to dad's office at the university, he continued attending some calls and I left to look for Martha, I found her and she did not stop talking about a class she had just left and the work she had to do to pass it.

I remained silent with a joy and fullness of having won, of having managed to change something in that universe, and suddenly I asked myself: and now how do I return to my universe? What do I do to return? Do I have to stay here?

My mind was overwhelmed to see that everything was so real, so lived, I could not get an explanation of my arrival, nor how to leave and return to my universe. I continued observing, but now I had a look of intrigue, because of so many questions.

Suddenly the images I was looking at were distorted, my vision blurred and everything went dark, suddenly I made a movement to look up and I woke up in the studio.

I said to myself: I was dreaming, what a fantastic dream, it felt very real. I went to the bedroom to go to sleep, Martha was immersed in a deep sleep, she didn't even move as I got into bed and fell asleep quickly.

This morning when I woke up, the contractor arrived early to fine tune some details about the remodeling and everything Martha ordered to be done was what I wanted to do, her ideas were not even mentioned, I remained silent and nodded my head. I silently asked myself: what happened here, and what she wanted to do? We had been arguing for days, with no way to agree. And now she was giving the instructions I wanted to give. Incredulous, and without saying a word, I wondered to myself: This is my Martha, isn't it?

Let me explain Carlos, a universe resonates to its neighboring universes, and resolving the possible separation that would have occurred in that universe, resonated in this one. Even my dad always aspired to elected positions, but he never won them, Eva did not win the merit scholarship, and there he did, here the uncle died and there he did not.

They are possibilities that were created, but each one in its own universe. Like the experiment of Schrödinger's cat, creating paradoxes where yes and no, both possibilities exist, but they are not in the same place, but at the same time.

I said: Enrique, it all sounds fascinating, we will have to come for another coffee tomorrow, as I have to go. I leave very entertained by your story, you should write it down.

Enrique said: Make fun, I can see by your face that you don't believe me, but we will continue talking another day, tomorrow I am busy, we can meet on Thursday at 4pm. Greetings to Tatiana and the children.

I said: Greetings to Martha, see you next Thursday dear brother, see you soon!

This story will continue...

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)


Watch out for the human traffickers at hivefest. You wont know it until its too late. STAY AWAY! Beware, traffickers can be women or men! They will act nice until they dont. There is human trafficking going on around this type of crypto. I have witnessed it. They literally have attempted my murder and are trying to kill me with V2K and RNM. Five years this has been happening to me, it started here, around people that are still here. Homeland security has done nothing at all, they are not here to protect us. Dont we pay them to stop shit like this? The NSA, CIA, FBI, DHS, Police and our Government has done nothing. Just like they did with the Havana Syndrome, nothing. Patriot Act my ass. The American government is completely incompetent. The NSA should be taken over by the military and contained Immediately for investigation. I bet we can get to the sources of V2K and RNM then. https://ecency.com/fyrstikken/@fairandbalanced/i-am-the-only-motherfucker-on-the-internet-pointing-to-a-direct-source-for-voice-to-skull-electronic-terrorism ..... https://ecency.com/gangstalking/@acousticpulses/electronic-terrorism-and-gaslighting--if-you-downvote-this-post-you-are-part-of-the-problem if you run into one of them you may want to immediately shoot them in the face. 187, annihilate, asphyxiate, assassinate, behead, bleed, bludgeon, boil, bomb, bone, burn, bury, butcher, cap, casket, choke, chop, club, crucify, crush, curb, decapitate, decimate, deflesh, demolish, destroy, devein, disembowel, dismember, drown, electrocute, eliminate, end, euthanize, eviscerate, execute, explode, exterminate, extinguish, finish, fry, grind, guillotine, gut, hack, hang, hit, ice, implode, incinerate, kill, liquidate, lynch, massacre, maul, microwave, mutilate, neutralize, obliterate, off, pop, poison, punnish, quarter, ruin, shank, shock, shoot, shred, skin, slay, slaughter, smoke, smother, snipe, snuff, squish, stab, strangle, stone, suffocate, suicide, SWAT, swing, terminate, torture, terrorize, whack, waste, wreck. You better fucking kill me.


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