[Eng+Spa] Day 914: 37 years of Super Mario Bros + Día 914: 37 años de Super Mario Bros

September 13 (1985), the #videogame Super Mario Bros was released
13 de Septiembre (1985), se lanzó el #videojuego Super Mario Bros

Evolutión of #SuperMarioBros
Image's Source - Fuente de la Imagen

I am amazed at the time that has passed, for me it feels like it was recently that I was learning to play on the NES (Nintendo Entertainment System) #console, I remember that the first one we had at home was for a gift to my little cousin, and brought with it several #cartridge #games, it was the bet of the #Nintendo company in the home console market, after having achieved success in #Arcade game machines.

The #game was simple in its #history, we had to go through different scenarios, overcome riddles, collect coins and other support elements in the adventure, all this in order to get to where Princess Peach was kidnapped, having as an enemy the fearsome Bowser (King Koopa ), a monstrosity that I never understood if it was a mutated turtle, a dragon with a shell or a strange mix between a turtle and a dragon... well, I never knew.

However, time has passed. That little cousin now lives in another country and is the father of a family, I have a very white beard and hair that is more gray than anything else. Time has passed, but Mario has aged in a good way, the old game is still fun and I have heard that they have made the Port to play it on cell phones, in addition, all the later versions that were released, expanded the game universe and various of them marked very funny novelties.

By the way, this is my record for day 914 since the #Quarantine was announced in #Venezuela due to #Covid19, it's Tuesday, I'm at dawn before dawn and it seems that if I don't hurry to finish what I'm doing, well , it will happen to me again that I will be "dawned" and I will sleep during the morning to recover a little lost sleep.

It happens that here one has to take advantage of taking out everything that is behind when there is an opportunity, which is to say, when the conditions of having electricity, a data signal for the Internet and enough coffee to clear the mind and work coincide. Anyway, what better way to not complain, after all, in a country with 75% extreme poverty, whoever I may be publishing, has a roof over my head and enough food for day to day, and all of that makes me better off than several million of my countrymen. I wish you well and that we can read each other another time.
Me asombra el tiempo que ha pasado, para mí se siente que fue hace poco que estaba aprendiendo a jugar en la #consola NES (Nintendo Entertainment System), recuerdo que la primera que tuvimos en casa era por un regalo a mi primo pequeño, y trajo consigo varios #juegos de cartuchos, era la apuesta de la empresa #Nintendo en el mercado de las consolas domésticas, luego de haber cosechado éxitos en las máquinas de juego #Arcade.

El juego era simple en su historia, teníamos que recorrer distintos escenarios, superar acertijos, reunir monedas y otros elementos de apoyo en la aventura, todo esto para poder llegar a donde estaba secuestrada la Princesa Peach, teniendo como enemigo el temible Bowser (King Koopa), un engendro que yo nunca entendí si era una tortuga mutada, un dragón con caparazón o una mezcla rara entre tortuga y dragón... en fin, que nunca lo he sabido.

Sin embargo, el tiempo sí que ha pasado. Ese primo pequeño vive ahora en otro país y es padre de familia, yo tengo la barba muy blanca y el cabello más canoso que otra cosa. El tiempo ha pasado, pero Mario ha envejecido de buena manera, el viejo juego aún es divertido y he escuchado que le han hecho el Port para jugarlo en celulares, además, todas las versiones posteriores que le sacaron, ampliaron el universo de juego y varios de ellos marcaron novedades muy divertidas.

Por cierto, este es mi registro del día 914 desde que se anunció la #Cuarentena en #Venezuela por el #Covid19, es martes, estoy en la madrugada antes del amanecer y parece que si no me apuro a terminar lo que estoy haciendo, pues, me volverá a pasar que estaré "amanecido" y dormiré durante la mañana para recuperar un poco el sueño perdido.

Sucede que acá uno tiene que aprovechar de sacar todo lo que tenga atrasado en lo que hay oportunidad, lo que equivale a decir, cuando coinciden las condiciones de tener electricidad, señal de datos para Internet y suficiente café como para despejar la mente y trabajar. En fin, que mejor no me quejó, después de todo, en un país con 75% de pobreza extrema, el que yo pueda estar publicando, tenga un techo sobre mi cabeza y suficiente comida para el día a día, ya todo eso me coloca en mejor situación que varios millones de mis compatriotas. Te deseo que tú estés bien y que nos podamos leer en otra oportunidad.


Esta publicación, en la #blockchain #Hive, está en la comunidad We Are Alive Tribe, es parte del #IAmAliveChallenge

Este desafío es iniciativa de @flaxz
Los 4 puntos para unirte al #IAmAliveChallenge, incluyen el uso de la etiqueta #alive para publicar en We Are Alive Tribe y ganar tokens ALIVE.

This post, on the #blockchain #Hive, is in the We Are Alive Tribe community, it's part of the #IAmAliveChallenge

This challenge is an initiative of @flaxz
The 4 points to join the #IAmAliveChallenge, includes using the hashtag #alive to post to We Are Alive Tribe and earn ALIVE tokens.


Image's Source - Fuente de la Imagen

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Brilliant my friend i also have fond memories of this console, my first console was from before Nintendo even the Atari 2600 have a blessed day my friend @pedrobrito2004
I will be including this content on the @heartbeatonhive curation collection

hboh (250 × 250 px).png


Thanks for comment. I'm also from the Atari era :)

But my little cousin was born in the early 80's, so for one of his birthday, when he was about to start kindergarten, they bought him a console that was new on the market :)

I share memories of the Atari with my brothers and sisters, it was quite a novelty at the time. That and the Odyssey Console that we also had at home, all these are good memories now.



Some video games we played when we were little reminds us of how time is rapidly passing.
Good that the game is still there, though with some upgrade to remind you of those sweet and funny memories.


I feel that, in the long run, it is these moments of memory, that take me back to a pleasant past, that give me the courage to go forward solving current problems, while I think that in the end everything will pass and it will become a memory, even this current situation that I don't like, will be just a memory in the end.


Every phase is temporary and will pass.
Soon it will be something to be remembered.


God, 37 years... It wasn't that long ago that I saw fans going through levels in minutes, finding passages and jumping through levels three to six figuratively. I mean, the creators were already leaving the passages in the games back then...


Yes, I've seen videos of them finishing the entire game in less than 5 minutes.

A whole Speedrun style.



Thanks for sharing this amazing history with us. How time really fly. It is also quite sad that our government are not doing enough to better the lots of the citizens and the best way to survive is to put up a good heart and spirit.


Thanks for comment.

Hopefully things get better in the near future, for all of us.

