[Eng+Spa] Day 9:11 14th anniversary of the Large Hadron Collider - LHC + Día 911: 14 años del Gran Colisionador de Hadrones

I am at dawn before the sun rises on day 611 since #Venezuela declared #quarantine due to the #COVID-19 #pandemic, all these days I have had several failures in the service, that's why I prefer to publish the log of the day while I have chance.
Es de madrugada en el día 611 desde que en #Venezuela se declaró la #Cuarentena por la #pandemia de #Covid19, todos estos días he tenido diversas fallas de servicios, así que prefiero publicar el registro del día mientras tengo oportunidad.

Image of Large Hadron Collider - LHC + Imagen del Gran Colisionador de Hadrones
Image's Source - Fuente de la Imagen

Today marks 14 years since the largest particle accelerator in the world, #LHC, was successfully launched at the European Laboratory for Particle Physics of the European Center for Nuclear Research, #CERN, without a doubt that September 10 (2008) was a memorable date for the history of #Particle #Science and cutting-edge #Physics #research. The greatest gadget that #Technology could put into operation to address the subatomic world and test existing theories, such as String Theories, the Theory of Everything and many others, had been put into operation.
Hoy se cumplen 14 años desde que el mayor acelerador de partículas del mundo, #LHC, se puso en marcha con éxito en el Laboratorio Europeo de Física de Partículas del Centro Europeo para la Investigación Nuclear, #CERN, sin dudas ese 10 de septiembre de 2008 es una fecha memorable para la historia de la #Ciencia de partículas y la investigación en #Fisica de vanguardia. Se había puesto en funcionamiento el mayor artilugio que la #Tecnologia podía poner en funcionamiento para abordar el mundo subatómico y poner a prueba las teorías existentes, como las Teorías de Cuerdas, la Teoría del Todo y otras muchas más.

A view of the LHC area + Una vista del área del LHC
Image's Source - Fuente de la Imagen

I feel great admiration for the achievement of its construction, and there is a multitude of data online about the facility, including that it is 26,659 meters long, contains 9,300 magnets inside (which collectively generate magnetic fields 100,000 times more powerful than the gravitational force of the Earth), it has been possible to achieve in its interior the acceleration of particles to 99.9999991% of the speed of light, it's cooling by liquid Nitrogen and Helium leads the magnets to maintain an operating temperature of -271, 3 °C (Too Cold!), among many other things, a good part of them is very widely distributed, it is enough to look for one on the web, and you can find it, in addition, the same people at CERN are the ones who created the Web, so it's not uncommon for their official site to have a lot of data and be a reference point on this topic, you can visit it at https://home.cern/science/accelerators/large-hadron-collider

It should also be noted among its historical milestones the observation of a particle that was likely to be the #HiggsBoson, called by the press as the God Particle, because it supported a possible explanation to understand the origin of mass, time, space... well, if it was what was expected, it could be said that it was a study window for the Big Bang and that would be extraordinary.
Siento una buena admiración por el logro de su construcción, y se tienen en línea multitud de datos sobre la instalación, entre ellos que tiene una longitud de 26.659 metros, contiene 9.300 imanes en su interior (que generan en conjunto campos magnéticos 100.000 veces más potentes que la fuerza gravitacional de la Tierra), se ha logrado alcanzar en su interior la aceleración de partículas al 99.9999991% de la velocidad de la luz, su refrigeración por Nitrógeno líquido y Helio lleva los imanes a mantener una temperatura de funcionamiento de -271,3 °C (¡Demasiado Frío!), entre muchas otras cosas, buena parte de ellos es de muy amplia difusión y basta con buscar un por en la web y se consigue, además, la misma gente del CERN es la que creo la Web, así que no es raro que su sitio oficial tenga bastantes datos y sea un punto de referencia en este tema, puedes visitarlo en https://home.cern/science/accelerators/large-hadron-collider

También debe señalarse entre sus hitos históricos el haber observado una partícula que era susceptible de ser el Bosón de Higgs, llamada por la prensa como la Partícula de Dios, debido a que fundamentaba una posible explicación para entender el origen de la masa, el tiempo, el espacio... en fin, si era lo que se esperaba, se podría decir que era una ventana de estudio para el Big Bang y eso sería extraordinario.

Higgs' Boson + Bosón de Higgs
Image's Source - Fuente de la Imagen

I can even say that I feel some envy for this type of facilities and their use for research in #scientific fields... Also, that the contrast with the reality that surrounds me is something that hits me a little. Here, I have to be happy if the electricity works for a few hours without fail... Our university professors and scientific professionals in various areas are among those who receive the worst salaries in the American continent... Due to violations of working conditions and benefits in recent time by the government, there have been multiple protests by academics and public university authorities, but the government's response is to refuse to negotiate, try to fine those who protested, and finally announce that they would seek to bring professors from other countries to teach classes at #Universities... I wonder if those professionals from other parts of the world would come to work for a salary that would be less than 20% of their salary in their country of origin... The idea is that It sounds absurd to me, but anything can be expected from the crazy people I have in the government, as long as those things are bad for the population, for the economy and for the development of the country, without a doubt, if it is a bad thing, then it is very possible that they will do it... That is a little scary.

Hopefully, in a future publication, I can tell you something better about my country. I wish you well and that we read each other again another time
Incluso puedo decir que siento algo de envidia por este tipo de instalaciones y su uso para la investigación en campos #científicos... Además, que el contraste con la realidad que me rodea es algo que me golpea un poco. Acá tengo que alegrarme si es que la electricidad funciona algunas horas sin fallar... Nuestros profesores universitarios y profesionales científicos en diversas áreas son de los que reciben los peores salarios del continente americano... Debido a violaciones en las condiciones y beneficios laborales en tiempo reciente por parte del gobierno, se han dado múltiples protestas de los académicos y las autoridades de las universidades públicas, pero la respuesta del gobierno es negarse a negociar, intentar multar a los que protestaron, y a lo último, anunciar que buscarían traer profesores de otros países para dictar clases en las #Universidades... me pregunto si esos profesionales de otras partes del mundo vendrían para trabajar por un salario que sería menor a un 20% de su salario en su país de origen... Es que la idea me suena absurda, pero de los locos que tengo en el gobierno se puede esperar cualquier cosa, mientras que esas cosas sean malas para la población, para la economía y para el desarrollo del país, sin lugar a dudas, si es algo malo, entonces es muy posible que lo hagan... Eso da un poco de miedo.

Ojalá en una próxima publicación pueda contarte algo mejor de mi país. Te deseo que estés bien y que nos volvamos a leer en otra oportunidad


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Image's Source - Fuente de la Imagen

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This is truthful and thoughtful as it is. I hope to hear more of it as you promise.


Thanks for comment.

Usually, I post at least once a day, my record of what has happened and a bit to share what I think is interesting about the ephemeris of the date.

I really wish I could share more pleasant things about my daily life, but I have to stick to reality, for example, today, I have spent more time without electricity than with it... and I am in an urban settlement a few kilometers from the capital of the republic, imagine that if this is being in the area of the capital of a country, then the most remote populations are much, much worse.



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Very interesting i will be honest i know very little about Hadron Collider not even going to pretend i understand it yet.😉
I will have to look into it at some point not sure how smart messing with all this stuff is hopefully nothing goes wrong sounds pretty powerful.
Have the best weekend hope things improve in your country soon bro
I will be including this content on the @heartbeatonhive curation collection

hboh (250 × 250 px).png


Thank you for commenting and for including my post in your curation collection.

I'm not an expert on the subject of the LHC either :)

I'm just a guy with some free time to go through the ephemeris and try to write something interesting in the daily log that we're still alive.

I also want things to get better in my country, just as I want things to get better for the whole world. That would be a very good thing.



You are welcome my friend @pedrobrito2004 have an amazing one😎


This is interesting and a lot.
Though I still don't understand a lot about this.
You are really a good historic person.


Thanks for comment.

Certainly I usually have calm days, except for the problems of poor quality of public services, so my day-to-day record would be terribly boring if I didn't look for things from the ephemeris to be able to complement the publication :)



That's thoughtful and creative.
Good one.
Do enjoy your day.


Pretty wild stuff, I see it as a merging of science and occultism.


Thanks for comment.

Religions are based on faith, which asks for belief without reason or proof. Science calls for reasoning first and foremost and refusal to accept things without evidence. So their positions are usually quite antagonistic on fundamental points.

Certainly there are (and have been) quite a few very religious scientists, but as much as they have tried to reconcile these two things, they have been simply unable to fully achieve it. In the end they have to decide and develop their science in only one aspect of their life, while they embrace their faith in all the rest, it is like a surgeon who has to perform an operation and makes some religious gesture before operating and at the end does a prayer. This doctor has done the work according to the knowledge derived from science, and leaves the rest in the hands of gods. At least in this way they do not fall into the contradictions of a mental patient, where they criticize science and try to perform an open-heart operation only by praying and ignoring the necessary scientific medical training.

I think that humans need faith to be able to withstand the uncertainty of things in the world, but I like science, because it allows for continuous greater control and knowledge, allowing us to do more things as a human species.



I wonder if those professionals from other parts of the world would come to work for a salary that would be less than 20% of their salary in their country of origin...

So you get paid a lot less than the newcomers? This is absurd...
Hang in there, buddy!


Actually, I can explain it to you with an anecdote that a university professor in Caracas, the capital of Venezuela, told on his Twitter account:

He was walking to go to an avenue and take a bus, a policeman stopped him and began to pressure him with requests for documents and other things, the professor noticed that something was strange and said something like "Dude, I think you're exaggerating", well instead of 'dude' he used a word that here is synonymous with 'pana'. That was enough for the policeman to take out his handcuffs and threaten to arrest him for disrespecting authority... Anyway, he took the professor's wallet and checked, what he found was a $20 USD bill and he kept it, then told him to go away.

At the end of the story, the teacher was furious, complaining that the policeman had stolen the fortnight he had just withdrawn.

Beyond the fact that the police here can rob you in broad daylight and with witnesses, the detail of the story is that a professor, hired part-time at a university, barely earned $20 in a fortnight!

In a store, an unskilled worker is paid that much per week, in the case of kitchen helpers, I have known of some who are paid as little as $25 a week.

In Venezuela, with the cost of living a disaster due to hyperinflation that lasted more than 6 years, being the highest inflation in the world in all those years, it is calculated that the Basic Basket (minimum resources necessary for food, health, transportation, lodging, etc) reaches an amount that exceeds $300 USD for a family of 5 members. So the legal and real salaries are not enough, hence everyone is carrying out various activities, the most 'healthy' of us manage as best we can with online jobs, consultancies and other things within legal limits. Others go down the path of the dark side and end up in shady and illegal businesses.

We have a record of having the worst salaries for professionals on the continent, one of the worst basic salaries in the world and very poor working conditions in general, which lead to the possibility of filing a complaint against the Venezuelan State before the World Labor Organization. .

That's how bad things are in the economy on this side of the world. Stay !ALIVE


Shit, it's even worse than I thought it would be... It's worse than my country unequivocally. But I was attracted to the attitude toward professors because we have the same thing going on with our children's teachers. And the good teachers are replaced by bad teachers on those salaries. What can they teach? Yes, something definitely needs to be done about that! Hold on!


On this side, there are good professors who hang on as long as they can to earn income to survive and in the meantime continue to teach classes, but reduce their load at the University so that they have time to generate money for their households to survive.

It is said that these people feel teaching as a life mission, a true magisterium. But not everyone can make such a sacrifice, especially when the same government has declared an open war against the national universities that depend on the State and has strangled their budget for more than a decade, achieving the greatest brain drain (loss of national talent) of the entire current century.

I can swear that I do not understand what the plan of the government leaders is, nor do I understand how it is that they still have a base of followers that allows them to win elections... It is a mystery, or maybe a good part of my compatriots really have a masochistic tendency, and they like to be mistreated.



I think it's the corruption that keeps the extra dollar out of their hands...
And yes, teaching is a vocation. But teachers need to eat too!


If corruption is a problem, it is serious here, the Confidence index and the Administrative Transparency index place us as the one with the worst performance on the continent.

It is very true that it is necessary to be able to satisfy basic needs, in order to achieve living conditions that allow us to seek higher goals in research, in teaching, in science in general. I don't remember which philosopher was the one who said something about it being very difficult for people who are impoverished, to the point of being on the verge of starvation, to have a way of dedicating themselves to thinking about philosophy... I don't remember the name of who He said it, but he was right.

If minimal biological subsistence needs are not met, it is too difficult (maybe impossible) to devote effort to achieving abstract goals, no matter how admirable the goals are.


That's very true! I agree with every word!


Thanks for sharing this wonderful history with us and I do hope the quarantine end soon too. !ALIVE


Thanks for comment. I also wish this quarantine situation ends soon.



Yeah, hopefully. Wishing you a happy new week
