[Eng+Spa] Day 898: Nightmares + Día 898: Pesadillas

Having nightmares is unpleasant, for many reasons. Not being able to rest while sleeping and waking up with a start and discomfort is something that is not good for your health in general.
Tener pesadillas es desagradable, por muchos motivos. El no poder descansar mientras se duerme y despertar con sobresalto y malestar es algo que no es bueno para la salud en general.

Image's Source - Fuente de la Imagen

Source - https://pro-chislo.ru/898
Image's Source - Fuente de la Imagen

Well, today I woke up with nightmares, after spending almost until dawn finishing a couple of things, I slept in the morning hours, but I was woken up shortly after noon by a series of convulsive and agitated dreams that left me with a very bad feeling, in short, they were nightmares.

Sometimes I wonder what nightmares really are, they remind me of a series of #movies from years ago, which became a horror saga very identifiable by its villain, it was "A Nightmare on Elm Street" with its ineffable Freddy Kruger.
Bueno, hoy desperté con pesadillas, luego de estar casi hasta el amanecer terminando un par de cosas, dormí en las horas de la mañana, pero me despertó poco después del mediodía una serie de sueños convulsos y agitados que me dejaron muy mala sensación, en resumen, eran pesadillas.

En ocasiones me pregunto que son en realidad las pesadillas, me hacen recordar una serie de #peliculas de hace años, que se convirtieron en una saga de terror muy identificable por su villano, era "Pesadilla en la Calle del Infierno" con su inefable Freddy Krueger.

Image's Source - Fuente de la Imagen

Although in my case, it is not that I have a #nightmare due to #supernatural causes, I simply think that it is an inevitable result of the mental tensions to which one is subjected, which causes a disturbance, that although I can alleviate it by being conscious, when sleeping, is projected in my dreams, it is an escape from the subconscious, where the download of information of the day is mixed with the emotions that I am restricting with my rationality, there fear, anguish, worry and other similar things run amok and give as result these unpleasant dreams.

I clarify, that I am in a life condition that leaves me much better off than several million inhabitants of #Venezuela, I must also say that I have managed to cope with things much better at home for some time now, an issue that reminds me that already We are on day 898 since the #quarantine began due to the #COVID-19 #pandemic, and I have to deal with the matter of vaccination, you know, they have put that thing about vaccines not lasting long enough and reinforcements have to be used, in short, I must add that to my concerns.

Going back to the subject, I think that what triggered the triggering of negative mental states was the collapse of my national currency with respect to the dollar, which leads us to an economic situation in which everything they had in Bolivares (our money) from last week to this, lost more than 27% of its value. If compared to the beginning of the year, the loss of the currency is more than 40% I think. As you can see, that's enough to scare me.
Aunque en mi caso, no es que tenga una #pesadilla por causas #sobrenaturales, simplemente pienso que es un resultado inevitable de las tensiones mentales a las que uno está sometido, lo que ocasiona una perturbación, que si bien puedo paliarla estando consiente, al dormir, se proyecta en mis sueños, es un escape del subconsciente, en donde la descarga de información del día se mezcla con las emociones que estoy restringiendo con mi racionalidad, allí el miedo, la angustia, la preocupación y otras cosas semejantes se desbocan y dan como resultado estos sueños desagradables.

Aclaro, que yo estoy en una condición de vida que me deja mucho mejor que varios millones de habitantes de #Venezuela, también debo decir que he logrado sobrellevar las cosas bastante mejor en casa desde hace un tiempo para acá, cuestión que me recuerda que ya estamos en el día 898 desde que se inició la #cuarentena por la #pandemia de #Covid19 y yo debo atender el asunto de la vacunación, ya sabes, han puesto eso de que las vacunas no duran lo suficiente y hay que usar refuerzos, en fin, debo sumar eso a mis preocupaciones.

Retomando el tema, creo que lo que me desató el disparo de estados mentales negativos fue el desplome de mi moneda nacional con respecto al dólar, lo que nos lleva a una situación económica en la que todo lo que tuvieran en Bolívares de la semana pasada a esta, perdiera más de un 27% de su valor. Si se compara con el inicio del año, la perdida de la moneda es de más del 40% según creo. Como puedes ver, eso es suficiente para asustarme.

Image's Source - Fuente de la Imagen

This graph shows the unofficial (but quite real) exchange values ​​that we have between our currency and the dollar, as you can see, the jump has been remarkable in recent days. If I look at the reference page, I find other things that are scary, such as the statement that the country's International Reserves continue to fall hopelessly and that #Inflation is calculated at: 10899%...

It really is easy to understand why my subconscious is so scared, I fear the future that is upon us. I do what I can to keep my mind fresh and relax, accepting what I cannot change and preparing to survive the economic meltdown, which was exacerbated by the pandemic and this year intensified by the Russian #War against Ukraine. I do what I can, but it's really hard not to think about this disaster and tremble a little.

Anyway, I hope that you are better and that your life is full, I also hope that we can read each other again in another publication in the near future.
Este gráfico muestra los valores de cambio no oficiales (pero bastante reales) que tenemos entre nuestra moneda y el dólar, como puedes ver, los últimos días el salto es notable. Si veo en la página de referencia, me encuentro con otras cosas que meten miedo, como el señalamiento de que las Reservas Internaciones del país siguen bajando sin remedio y que la #Inflacion se calcula en: 10899%...

De verdad que es fácil entender por qué mi subconsciente está tan atemorizado, temo el futuro que se nos viene encima. Hago lo que puedo para mantener la mente fresca y relajarme, aceptando lo que no puedo cambiar y haciendo los preparativos para sobrevivir a la debacle económica, que se agravó con la pandemia y este año recrudeció con la #Guerra de Rusia contra Ucrania. Hago lo que puedo, pero de verdad que cuesta trabajo no pensar en este desastre y temblar un poco.

En fin, espero que tú estés mejor y que tu vida sea plena, también espero que nos podamos leer de nuevo en otra publicación en un futuro cercano.


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This post, on the #blockchain #Hive, is in the We Are Alive Tribe community, it's part of the #IAmAliveChallenge

This challenge is an initiative of @flaxz
The 4 points to join the #IAmAliveChallenge, includes using the hashtag #alive to post to We Are Alive Tribe and earn ALIVE tokens.


Image's Source - Fuente de la Imagen

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Very true my friend nightmares can be very real too,based off our fears and worries i hope the situation improves there my friend have the best day possible.
I will be including this content on the @heartbeatonhive curation collection

hboh (250 × 250 px).png


Yes, so true nightmares are scary.
And they are combination of our over exaggerated fears.
It creates a bigger scarier picture of our fears.
Same with dreams, sometimes dreams are a picture of what we recently encounter or what we are curious about.

I hope you will be fine friend.
Is well.


I once read about dreams, among the explanations and theories that I liked was one that said that it was a way for the brain to download information, so recent images and thoughts were present in dreams. Sometimes, due to this characteristic of being a download of the brain, it could be the case that a result or an analysis of reality that was very precise was shown in our dream, which gave rise to the idea of ​​prophetic dreams.

It was not that the future was guessed without any clue, it is that the mind could analyze and deduce a highly probable future scenario, even when we did not want to see it when we were awake.

Now, in the case of nightmares, I liked the idea that they are an extreme manifestation of our recent fears, a way for the brain to release them, as if it were a catharsis, while also resulting in a warning to ourselves (of our unconscious to our conscience of when we are awake).



Very informative.
If only it can become less scary though.
Well we can control our mind, which applies to dreams and nightmares.


There are real anxieties in the fragility of our economies. Things seem to be going well, but there's a sense behind the scenes that something is very wrong. I can see how these can get into our subconscious mind and cause nightmares. !ALIVE


I share your point of view. I guess even though I try to keep my mind on other things, worrying about the economy and its effects on my life, are things that I can't completely abstract from.



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Yes, these are not the nicest of times. But we have to keep going! And stay !ALIVE


Nightmares are really scary friend. It's quite unfortunate how most economies have suffered serious knocks after the outbreak of COVID-19. One prays for better days ahead. Keep living


Certainly, each day has its joys and worries, in recent times there are things that have complicated the world scene much more, it remains to be done as you say: pray and work with what each of us has to move forward.



Almost similar situation in my homeland, from the perspective of inflation and dropping in currency value. We all are in nightmares in a wakeful state also. So, having a really troublesome nightmare during our sleep is something inevitable!!



Yeah, I guess it's unavoidable. My mind needed to give it an outlet, like a catharsis, in the end repressing this so much inside my mind would not be a healthy thing either, it is better to find some way to express it and get it out of my head.

Part of it makes me think that it's a pity that I don't know how to paint, although it's good that I don't paint my nightmares, it could be a disturbing art (awkward laughs)

It's time to write, work and move on with what we have to do. I wish you well and that all things get better for all of us.



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