[Eng+Spa] Day 892: World Folklore Day + Día 892: Día Mundial del Folklore

World #Folklore Day. Image's Source #WorldFolkloreDayDía Mundial del #Folklore. Fuente de la Imagen #DiaMundialDelFolklore

Source - https://pro-chislo.ru/892
Image's Source - Fuente de la Imagen

Today is World Folklore Day, a date established since 1960 by the General Assembly of the United Nations Organization #UN. The purpose of the commemoration is to value the #cultural memory and the ancestral rites of the different peoples that make up the world. It is a detail to highlight that the word has in its origin the old German word to refer to "people", #Folk, although in a sense of referring to the peasant class or those with lower incomes and social or economic characteristics, together with a word that has retained its meaning to this day, the word "Lore" that denotes telling a story, for #Videogames players this #Lore surely sounds familiar to them, as it is used as a game term to refer to the #story, the biography and mythology of a #game.

When reviewing, it is noted that the emergence of folklore studies focused on preserving records of traditions of the lower classes as a way to achieve their preservation, in addition to indirectly serving to give a floor to the idea of ​​identity of a human group. After all, the tradition shared by a human group is an inseparable part of its #Culture, which is to say, its Identity. Already later, in the 19th century, the studies of these traditions focused on the contrast between modernity and the traditional, so that the folkloric became what is tied to the past and served as a reference anchor for the culture of a country. , a town or a community. From the middle of the 20th century, the idea of ​​folklore has expanded and now allows us to understand much more, tending to three main aspects: Oral tradition, material culture, and rites&customs.

For me, it is a date of particular interest, because, initially, my university degree was in Anthropology, although I opted for Physical #Anthropology and that applied to sport, to later dedicate myself more to the formal aspects of research methodology, but despite this, during the initial years of my university career, I had to study the subject and try to understand it, that brings back peculiar memories, on the one hand, they seem like very good memories and make me nostalgic, but a part of me remembers how stressed I was back then from exams and trying to understand ideas and concepts that were completely unfamiliar to me, so that part of me asks skeptically if I really miss that time of my #life (ha ha ha), I suppose that over time one tends to remember only the beautiful parts of those memories.

Now going on to tell things about my current day, well, it's Monday, day 892 of the #quarantine in #Venezuela, due to the #COVID-19 #pandemic, from which we have not come out despite spending more than two years in this situation, in short, I guess it may take the same time as the old Spanish Flu of the first decades of the 20th century. At home, we continue with a precarious repair of our electrical installation, we wait for the workers from the electrical company to come, but they have not yet shown up, and tomorrow we will complete a week with the failure of the pole wiring, that worries us.

In other aspects, I have a calm and beautiful day, I wish it to continue like this, I wish you well and that we can read each other another time.
Hoy es el Día Mundial del Folklore, una fecha establecida desde 1960 por la Asamblea General de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas #ONU. La finalidad de la conmemoración es valorar la memoria #cultural y los ritos ancestrales de los diferentes pueblos que conforman al mundo. Es un detalle a resaltar que la palabra tiene en su origen la palabra alemana antigua para referirse a "pueblo" (Folk), aunque en un sentido de referirse a la clase campesina o de menores ingresos y dores social o económico, unido a una palabra que ha conservado su significado hasta nuestros días, la palabra "Lore" que denota el contar una historia, para los jugadores de #Videojuegos de seguro que les suena esto del #Lore, pues se usa como término de juegos para referirse a la historia, la biografía y la mitología propia de un juego.

Al revisar, se nota que el surgimiento de los estudios de folklore se enfocaban en conservar registros de tradiciones de las clases bajas como una manera de lograr su preservación, además de que servían indirectamente para dar un piso a la idea de identidad de un grupo humano, a fin de cuentas, la tradición compartida por un grupo humano es parte inseparable de su #Cultura, lo que equivale a decir, su Identidad. Ya luego, en el Siglo XIX, los estudios de estas tradiciones se enfocó en el contraste entre la modernidad y lo tradicional, así que lo folklórico vino a ser lo que está atado al pasado y servía como ancla de referencia para la cultura de un país, un pueblo o una comunidad. A partir de mediados del Siglo XX, la idea del folklore se ha expandido y permite ahora entender mucho más, tendiendo a tres aspectos primordiales: La tradición oral, la cultura material y los ritos y costumbres.

Para mí, es una fecha de particular interés, pues, en inicio, mi grado universitario fue en Antropología, aunque yo me decanté por la Antropología Física y la aplicada al deporte, para luego dedicarme más a los aspectos formales de metodología de la investigación, pero a pesar de esto, durante los años iniciales de la carrera universitaria, me tocó estudiar del tema y procurar entenderlo, eso me trae peculiares recuerdos, por una parte, me parecen muy buenos recuerdos y me dan nostalgia, pero una parte de mí recuerda lo estresado que estaba en ese entonces por los exámenes y por tratar de entender ideas y conceptos que no me eran para nada familiares, así que esa parte de mí me pregunta con escepticismo si de verdad extraño esa época de mi vida (ja, ja, ja), supongo que uno con el tiempo suele recordar solo las partes bonitas de esas memorias.

Pasando ahora a contar cosas de mi día actual, bueno, es lunes, día 892 de la #Cuarentena en #Venezuela, por la #pandemia de #Covid19, de la que no hemos salido a pesar de ya pasar más de dos años en esta situación, en fin, supongo que puede que tarde lo mismo que la vieja Gripe Española de las primeras décadas del Siglo XX. En casa seguimos con una reparación precaria de nuestra instalación eléctrica, esperamos que vengan los trabajadores de la compañía eléctrica, pero aún no se han presentado, ya mañana cumpliremos una semana con la falla del cableado del poste, eso preocupa.

En los demás aspectos, tengo un día calmado y hermoso, deseo que continúe así, Te deseo que tú estés bien y que nos podamos leer en otra oportunidad.


Esta publicación, en la #blockchain #Hive, está en la comunidad We Are Alive Tribe, es parte del #IAmAliveChallenge

Este desafío es iniciativa de @flaxz
Los 4 puntos para unirte al #IAmAliveChallenge, incluyen el uso de la etiqueta #alive para publicar en We Are Alive Tribe y ganar tokens ALIVE.

This post, on the #blockchain #Hive, is in the We Are Alive Tribe community, it's part of the #IAmAliveChallenge

This challenge is an initiative of @flaxz
The 4 points to join the #IAmAliveChallenge, includes using the hashtag #alive to post to We Are Alive Tribe and earn ALIVE tokens.


Image's Source - Fuente de la Imagen

Visit Community We Are Alive Tribe, click Here


Awesome post my friend i love folk lore you can't beat some stories about myths and legends have a wonderful week ahead mate
I will be including this content on the @heartbeatonhive curation collection

hboh (250 × 250 px).png


I share the opinion that there are very good traditional stories, in addition to the fact that mythologies and traditional ways are something closely intertwined with the cultural identity of each people.



Interesting post about Folklore and I did not know that there is an international day for this.
Thank you for sharing!


You're welcome!

Currently, with this daily record, I have learned that in the calendar there is a day for all kinds of things and events, it is something interesting from my point of view :)



I have learned last year that there is even a 'International Talk Like a Pirate Day' 🤣
!gif Pirate



I really don't know what to say about it, that's new to me.



Well, what do you think how I reacted to this info? That guy told me that today is the talk like a pirate day and added a 'har har' at the end. 🤣


Thanks for sharing this historic day with us and happy celebration.


Thanks for comment.
Certainly it is a date that awakens good memories :) besides that it makes me remember things like the traditional stories that my grandmother told me when I was a child, or the traditional games that I played with my brothers and sisters when we were little, all those sweet memories that become part of what defines us in our own culture.


That's cool.
Beautiful memories are priceless.
Do enjoy the rest of your day.


Wow, thanks for bringing this to our knowledge...the World Folklore Day. I never knew that such a date is set aside for such celebration.


You're Welcome!

Originally, I didn't know about this date either, well, I knew there was a date for it, I must have studied it years ago, but I didn't remember what day it was :) so the record of the day led me to remember that and also a bit of my life as a student several decades ago.

Currently, with this daily record, I have learned that in the calendar there is a day for all kinds of things and events, it is something interesting from my point of view :)



Wow, thanks once again for sharing this history with us.


It's good to know about the history of this world's folklore day. I learned something new here, thanks to you. What I understand about folklore is something rural village area-related things far from modern urban life.

Sorry to hear about the continued electrical issue at your place. Hope that it will be fixed soon.



Certainly the term folklore was understood for many years as the study of cultural traits, oral tradition and customs of rural human groups less favored by modern development, but for decades this definition has been updated, now understanding folklore as one of the necessary roots for the establishment of the identity of a human group, one of the living sources for its culture and social cohesion.

The electrical problem seems that they are not going to solve it yet, hopefully the company will send the personnel soon to be able to get out of it.

