Ni tan mal, ni tan bien: mi reporte del 'Weekend Ranked' | Not so bad, not so good: my Weekend Ranked report


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Me deja sentimientos encontrados mi desempeño en el Weekend Ranked en esta oportunidad. Aunque el resultado, como tal, fue relativamente bueno, me parece que pude haber tenido un final mucho mejor. Para la faena que finalizó con 12 victorias usaré el término agridulce, pues es la mejor forma de describirle.


Para esta ocasión empecé en Auric Gold, los tiempos, la suerte ni la habilidad me alcanzaron para ascender más entre los rangos, y jugué con Luz aggro con el que tuve resultados aceptables entre semana, aunque hice una pequeña modificación que comentaré más adelante.

Hoy completé dos daily play & earn (uno pocas horas antes de su reinicio) al tiempo que completaba mis partidas del WR. En uno obtuve ocho gratificantes victorias, cayendo solo ante dos arquetipos de control: Mago y Naturaleza (este último es especialmente complicado). Por otra parte, unas horas después todo cambió: cuatro triunfos ante seis derrotas en las siguientes 10 partidas. De esas últimas seis caídas, tres fueron por causa de la rotísima variante de Guerrero olympian aggro, las otras dos por otros Naturaleza control y un control magic que terminó de aguarme la noche.



Aunque el Luz aggro fue mi actor principal, también opté por terminar el daily con otro mazo: Mago midrange; por supuesto, no funcionó. Y para mi mala suerte ese último Guerrero olympian aggro al que enfrenté me anuló cualquier posibilidad de jugar en solo cuatro turnos. Si alguno quiere saber de qué va este midrange mío, puede cliquear acá para ir directo a verlo en gudecks; mientras que acá abajo estará anexo el Luz aggro:


A pesar de cómo terminó, con este mismo Luz aggro gané las 12 (de 16) partidas de este WR. Me dejó la sensación de que, con algunos otros retoques, pueda hacer un deck mucho mejor con lo que tengo a mi disposición. No obstante, temo que el próximo parche de balance (que será el seis de junio) derive en un vuelco completo al meta y tenga que adaptarme a crear otro mazo desde cero.


Si tuviera que elegir una (o más) cartas para reemplazar según impacto en mesa que tuvieron en este WR, por ahora solo estaría seguro de Kadmos. No es mala carta per se, pero para la actualidad tiene un coste de maná muy alto con base a sus stats, y nunca marcó mayor diferencia. En este instante barajo la posibilidad de sustituirle junto al Humble Benefactor y agregar un par de Athenian Archer, Dread Pirate o Encumbered Looter. Mi único problema es que estas últimas tres criaturas son neutrales, y ello podría repercutir en la utilidad de Lysander's Spear, que necesita de cartas de Luz para sacarle el mayor provecho posible.


Siempre insisto en que todo está sujeto a cambios en cualquier mazo que juego; sin embargo algunas cartas tienen una clara importancia superior a otras. En ese orden de ideas Lysander's Spear es la más importante junto a, quizá, las dos copias de Protective Benediction (que vaya que ha funcionado bastante bien llevar dos) y Sern, The Moderator (probablemente la mejor criatura no neutral de todo el juego).

Shalefire Hatchling, el único cambio que hice al mazo con respecto a cómo lo jugué entre semana, algo que mencioné al inicio de este post, terminó por ser una excelente alternativa y mi mayor sorpresa va en torno a Aggressive Superior; una criatura de la que esperaba poco y acabó siendo la que me salvó tres partidas que en cualquier otro contexto habría perdido o, por lo menos, la tendría más cuesta arriba. Es como tener un segundo Asterius, Glittering One para tener un empujón adicional en esas partidas que se extienden más de lo que deberían con un mazo aggro.


Juan Pavón Antúnez

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I have mixed feelings about my performance in the Weekend Ranked this time. Although the result, as such, was relatively good, it seems to me that I could have had a much better ending. For the task that ended with 12 victories I will use the term sweet and sour, as it is the best way to describe it.


For this occasion I started in Auric Gold, the times, the luck neither the skill were enough to ascend more between the ranks, and I played with aggro Light with which I had acceptable results during the week, although I made a small modification that I will comment later.

Today I completed two daily play & earn (one a few hours before its restart) while completing my WR matches. In one I had eight gratifying wins, falling only to two control archetypes: Mage and Nature (the latter is especially tricky). On the other hand, a few hours later everything changed: four wins to six losses in the next 10 matches. Of those last six losses, three were due to the very strong Warrior variant olympian aggro, the other two were due to other Nature control and a magic control that ended up spoiling my night.



Although the aggro Light was my main actor, I also opted to finish the daily with another deck: midrange Magic; of course, it didn't work. And to my bad luck that last War olympian aggro I faced nullified any chance of playing in just four turns. If anyone wants to know what this midrange of mine is about, you can click here to go directly to gudecks; while here below will be attached the aggro light:.


In spite of how it ended, with this same aggro Light I won the 12 (of 16) games of this WR. It left me feeling that, with a few other tweaks, I can make a much better deck with what I have at my disposal. However, I fear that the next balance patch (which will be June six) will result in a complete overturn of the meta and I will have to adapt to creating another deck from scratch.


If I had to choose one (or more) cards to replace based on the table impact they had on this WR, for now I would only be sure of Kadmos. It's not a bad card per se, but for the present it has a very high mana cost based on its stats, and it never made much of a difference. I'm currently considering replacing him with Humble Benefactor and adding a couple of Athenian Archer, Dread Pirate or Encumbered Looter. My only problem is that these last three creatures are neutral, and that could impact the usefulness of Lysander's Spear, which needs Light cards to get the most out of it.


I always insist that everything is subject to change in any deck I play; however, some cards are clearly more important than others. In that order of ideas Lysander's Spear is the most important along with, perhaps, the two copies of Protective Benediction (which has worked quite well to run two) and Sern, The Moderator (probably the best non-neutral creature in the whole game).

Shalefire Hatchling, the only change I made to the deck with respect to how I played it during the week, something I mentioned at the beginning of this post, ended up being an excellent alternative and my biggest surprise goes around Aggressive Superior, a creature I expected little from and ended up being the one that saved me three matches that in any other context I would have lost or, at least, I would have it more uphill. It's like having a second Asterius, Glittering One for an extra push in those matches that go longer than they should with an aggro deck.


Juan Pavón Antúnez


Translated with the help of DeepL

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Congrats, 12/18 is great. What isn't great is that you started in Auric. I started in Auric either this time. :( Hidden Rush Deception with 2 Beguiling Blade and 2 Team Up. 14/18 😎


Congratulations for those 14 wins. Let's hope that for the next WR we start in better ranks. 👐


Hello, I like "Aggressive Superior", it looks like "Asterius".👍👍👍


I always insist that everything is subject to change in any deck I play; however, some cards are clearly more important than others.

Indeed, sometimes I am having a hard time which to use and which to remove.
