Making this beautiful bracelet and earrings for myself as my birthday gift which is today.


Good day wonderful people in this community @ jewelry,how is everyone doing? I hope we all are doing great. Happy Sunday to each and everyone of you, I hope you all had a great time with your almighty father.
Today am here to share with you on the steps I use in making this beautiful bracelet and earrings as my birthday gift.

Join me in celebrating this long awaited day which it has finally come,the day I was introduced to this world for the first time, and also the day which I will always celebrate till the end.

So today I want to thank the almighty God for taking me this far, for keeping me alive to witness this day,and for adding another beautiful year to my life and also for the blessings upon my life, am so grateful to him, I say may his name alone be praised.
And have decided to gift myself this lovely bracelet and earrings as my birthday gift,I use white crystal bead, because am so much in love with white color.
To get started with this lovely bracelet and earrings, I went to the market, I bought this beautiful bead,and other stuff .
Materials include:

White crystal bead,
Fishing line,
Jump ring,
Scissors ✂️,
Earrings finding
To get started with the steps I use in making this beautiful bracelet,

Firstly, I cut one long fishing line,with the help of my scissors ✂️,with the long fishing line,I pick up eight (8) white crystal bead and then tightened it up properly.

I pass through two white crystal bead ,i pick one (1) white crystal bead and went through another two(2) crystal white bead.

I pick up another one white crystal bead,and I went through another two (2) white crystal bead, and tightened it properly.

Again, I pick up another one white crystal bead,and I went through another two(2) white crystal bead and tightened it properly.

Lastly, I pick another one(1) crystal bead and I went through two(2) white crystal bead and tightened it properly.

I went up through one (1) white crystal bead and I pick up my hook and I went back through the previous white crystal bead .

I went through two white crystal bead and another two white crystal bead ,I went up through one(1) white crystal bead.

I pick up eight (8) white crystal bead and went back through the previous white crystal bead and another two (2) white crystal bead.and tightened it

I pick up one white crystal bead and went to two(2) white crystal bead.

I pick up another one (1) white crystal and went through two white crystal bead

Lastly,I pick up one white crystal bead,and went through two(2) white crystal bead and tightened it properly.

I went up through two white crystal bead,up through another two white crystal bead and up through one white crystal bead.

I continue the process till I got to the length of my hand.

At the end I pick up my jump ring and tightened it properly.

Here is my bracelet

For my earrings,

I continue the same process for my bracelet till I got to this point , I inserted my earrings finding and then I tightened it properly.

Here is earrings
Here are my precious birthday gift.

I made this with all my heart ❤️, and I so much love the outcome of it. It's really look beautiful and sparkling.
Am sure you all love this beautiful gift of mine.
You all should join me in celebrating my birthday
Thanks all for stopping by my blog and also for always supporting me.
Happy Sunday once again.


Lovely. That is so nice to make something special for your birthday. Keep it up
