Broken car


Photo by @pataty69

Hoje fui obrigado a levar meu carro de trabalho Peugeot 207 para a oficina. A roda traseira do lado esquerdo está caindo e o diagnóstico do mecânico foi o rolamento quebrado.

Today I was forced to take my work car Peugeot 207 to the workshop. The rear wheel on the left side is falling and the mechanic's diagnosis was the broken bearing.
Photo by @pataty69

Eu achei melhor negociar um eixo completo aqui na sucata anexa a oficina e depois de muita conversa consegui pelo valor de 500.00 % já com a mão de obra incluída.

I thought it best to negotiate a complete axle here in the junkyard attached to the workshop and after a lot of talking I got it for the value of 500.00% already with the labor included.
Photo by @pataty69

O passo seguinte foi desmontar o eixo negociado para verificar se está a tudo ok mas duas das quatro buchas estavam danificadas e tive que ir na loja de peças comprar as novas. Gastei 120.00 reais e voltei na oficina para continuar e serviço.

The next step was to disassemble the negotiated axle to check if everything is okay but two of the four bushings were damaged and I had to go to the parts store to buy the new ones. I spent 120.00 reais and went back to the workshop to continue and service.
Photo by @pataty69

O mecânico começou a desmontar o eixo do meu carro tirando as rodas e o sistema de freios, de seguida tirou os 4 parafusos que seguram as buchas, para poder arrear o eixo.

The mechanic started disassembling my car's axle by taking the wheels and the brake system off, then he took the 4 screws that hold the bushings, to be able to tow the axle.
Photo by @pataty69

Depois foram trocadas as buchas e retirados os amortecedores do eixo.

After that, the bushings were replaced and the axle's shock absorbers were removed.
Photo by @pataty69

Chegou a hora do almoço e fui até a avenida de entrada na cidade de Cascavel CE na churrascaria Dom Bettos

Photo by @pataty69escolhi um pratinho simples com almôndegas ao molho e umas verduras acompanhadas de feijão de corda.

Photo by @pataty69

It was time for lunch and I went to the entrance avenue in the city of Cascavel CE at the Dom Bettos grill I chose a simple dish with meatballs in sauce and some vegetables accompanied by string beans.
Photo by @pataty69

E vamos lá montar tudo de novo no canto certo, com troca dos rolamentos e umas duas horas de serviço para poder testar o carro.

![IMG_20230609_142555.jpg] ()

And let's go assemble everything in the right place, with the exchange of bearings and a couple of hours of service to test the car.


Deu certo ficou bem aprumadinho e sem folgas, agora dá para usar tranquilo o carro sem sustos.

It worked out well, it was well-groomed and without play, now you can use the car calmly without surprises.

Translated and formatted with Hive Translator by @noakmilo.

Gif by @aleister


If you would like to delegate to @pataty69 curator you can do so by clicking on the following links: 50HP, 100HP, 250HP, 500HP, 1000HP, 2,000HP, 5000HP. Be sure to leave at least 50HP undelegated on your account.


That's one thing about vehicles; they can break down at any time. Glad the mechanic was able to do something about it.
