Vivir en Modo Fácil es difícil // Living in Easy Mode is difficult


Hola, amigos de Holos&Lotus.

La propuesta de esta semana sobre la vida en modo fácil me resulta de lo más estimulante para escribir. Te dejo aquí el enlace al post de la iniciativa publicado por @damarysvibra y te animo a participar.

En este post iré respondiendo a las preguntas propuestas en la iniciativa. ¡Espero que os guste!

Fuente de la imagen

¿En la actualidad, vives en Modo fácil?

Procuro hacerlo. La propia vida ya se encarga de traernos problemas y conflictos. No hace falta que andemos buscándolos y desgastando así unas fuerzas que bien empleadas lograrían un mundo mejor.

Antes de continuar quiero dejar claro que no es fácil conseguir vivir en este estado. Sé que puede parecer una incongruencia, y leyendo objetivamente así lo es, pero es la realidad. Se requiere fuerza de voluntad y capacidad de ir contra corriente.

Por ejemplo, me di cuenta de que la mayoría de mis preocupaciones provenían de situaciones que quedaban fuera de lo que puedo controlar. ¿Sabes cuánta energía he desperdiciado dándole vueltas a asuntos que en realidad ni siquiera me importaban? Ay, ¡si me hubieran dado un Hive por cada vez que me preocupaba sin motivo! Bueno puestos a pedir, que me dieran un HBD, jajaja.

¿Qué significa para ti vivir en Modo Fácil?

Para mí, vivir en modo fácil significa dar importancia a los detalles pequeños que acumulados en el tiempo marcan las grandes diferencias.

Como cada persona tenemos nuestra propia idiosincrasia, somos cada uno quienes debemos diseñar nuestro plan de viaje en el camino hacia una vida más fácil.

Respondiendo a la pregunta, para mí vivir en modo fácil significa:

  • Darme un tiempo para procesar las informaciones que me llegan, evitando responder rápido. Esto evita múltiples errores y malentendidos.
  • Hablando de malentendidos, en mi modo fácil parto de la presunción de que hay buena voluntad de primeras por parte de los demás. Vivir pensando que todo el mundo conspira contra ti es agotador y completamente ineficaz.
  • Dar y hacer todo con mis mejor intención. Y no fustigarme si el resultado no es el esperado. Tomo nota de cómo lo puedo mejorar la próxima vez.
  • Decir no. Muchas veces. Digo no a cualquier propuesta que no me apetece o que me hace sentir incómoda. El tiempo es limitado, no pierdo ni un minuto por cumplir deseos ajenos.
  • Pensar en mí y darme prioridad. En especial, teniendo presente que para cuidar de mis seres queridos debo cuidarme y mantenerme en las condiciones más óptimas posible.
  • Potenciar mis pasiones, dedicándoles el máximo de tiempo posible.
  • Agradecer cada segundo que el universo me concede. Con una sonrisa en los labios a pesar de las dificultades que sobrevienen.
  • Vivir en el aquí y ahora. Es lo único que tenemos.

¿Crees que es posible integrar esta visión con tu realidad?

Es lo que hago. Unos días lo consigo y otros lo intento. Pero no me dejo vencer y sé que la constancia es la llave que abre la puerta.

Me considero muy afortunada porque mi marido tiene una visión de la vida similar a la mía. Somos gente sencilla, sin grandes pretensiones más allá de vivir tranquilos. Esto ahorra numerosas complicaciones, lo puedo asegurar.

¿Qué estrategias recomendarías para vivir en Modo Fácil?

Al explicar qué significa para mí vivir en Modo Fácil ya he desvelado algunas de mis estrategias. Escribiré en este apartado las que considero más importantes:

  • No tomar decisiones precipitadas. Meditarlas bien.
  • Favorecer las buenas intenciones, suponiéndolas en los demás y ofreciéndolas por nuestra parte.
  • Pensar en nosotros, darnos prioridad.
  • Ser agradecidos.
  • Vivir el momento presente.

¿Qué estrategias aplicas tú? ¿Consideras que vives en Modo Fácil? Te espero en los comentarios para conversar.

Aviso: Todo lo publicado en este post es de mi autoría, excepto los elementos en los que doy crédito a su/s autor/es. Por tanto, en caso de plagio o difusión sin mi permiso, ejerceré mis derechos de autor si así lo estimo oportuno.


Hello, friends of Holos&Lotus.

I find this week's proposal about living in easy mode most stimulating to write about. I leave you here the link to the post of the initiative published by @damarysvibra and I encourage you to participate.

In this post I will be answering the questions proposed in the initiative, I hope you like it!

Image Source

Do you currently live in Easy Mode?

I try to. Life itself already brings us problems and conflicts. We don't need to go looking for them and thus waste forces that, if well used, would make a better world.

Before I continue, I want to make it clear that it is not easy to live in this state. I know it may seem incongruous, and reading objectively it is, but it is the reality. It requires willpower and the ability to go against the tide.

For example, I realised that most of my worries came from situations that were outside of my control. Do you know how much energy I wasted thinking about things that I didn't even really care about? Oh, if only I had been given a Hive for every time I worried for no reason! Well, if I had to ask for a HBD, hahaha!

What does living in Easy Mode mean to you?

For me, living in easy mode means giving importance to the small details that accumulated over time make a big difference.

As each of us has our own idiosyncrasies, it is up to each of us to design our own travel plan on the road to an easier life.

To answer the question, for me living in easy mode means:

  • Giving myself time to process the information that comes to me, avoiding responding quickly. This avoids multiple mistakes and misunderstandings.
  • Speaking of misunderstandings, in my easy mode I start from the assumption that there is goodwill in the first place on the part of others. To live thinking that everyone is conspiring against you is exhausting and completely ineffective.
  • Give and do everything with my best intentions. And not to beat myself up if the result is not what I expected. I take note of how I can do better next time.
  • Saying no. Many times. I say no to any proposal that I don't feel like or that makes me feel uncomfortable. Time is limited, I don't waste a minute fulfilling other people's wishes.
  • I think of myself and give myself priority. In particular, bearing in mind that in order to take care of my loved ones I must look after myself and keep myself in the best possible condition.
  • To promote my passions, dedicating as much time as possible to them.
  • To be grateful for every second that the universe grants me. With a smile on my lips despite the difficulties that come my way.
  • Living in the here and now. It is the only thing we have.

Do you think it is possible to integrate this vision with your reality?

That's what I do. Some days I succeed and some days I try. But I don't give up and I know that perseverance is the key that opens the door.

I consider myself very lucky because my husband has a similar vision of life to mine. We are simple people, with no great pretensions beyond living quietly. This saves a lot of complications, I can assure you.

What strategies would you recommend for living in Easy Mode?

In explaining what Easy Mode living means to me, I have already revealed some of my strategies. I will write down in this section the ones I consider most important:

  • Don't make rash decisions. Think them through.
  • Favour good intentions, assuming them in others and offering them on our part.
  • To think of ourselves, to give ourselves priority.
  • Be grateful.
  • Live in the present moment.

What strategies do you apply and do you think you live in Easy Mode? I look forward to chatting with you in the comments.

Notice: Everything published in this post is of my authorship, except for the elements in which I give credit to its author/s. Therefore, in case of plagiarism or dissemination without my permission, I will exercise my copyright if I deem it appropriate.
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Wow, I'm happy for achieve so much engagement. That's Hive's essence and I love it.
Thank you for your work, much appreciated. 🤗


You said it all, it is important that we consider ourselves first and don't waste too much time or energy on things that we don't have control over.

I would add to it, that would be taking every action and decision in life with caution.

Staying at peace with myself, not too much expectations from life won't make me feel disappointed as well.


Ohhh you have a great maturity for how young you are, I'm glad for that!
It took me half my life to realise what is worthwhile and what is better to let go. The change for the better has been remarkable.
Exactly, less expectation brings less disappointment!
Thanks for your visit and for your comment. It complements the text perfectly, I love it. 🤗


Hola @palomap3 gracias por unirte a la iniciativa y compartir todo ese aprendizaje de vida. Como bien señalas hacer la vida fácil implica un trabajo consciente, trabajar los enfoque y decidir anotarse del lado positivo.
Saludos 😊.


Los años y las experiencias acumuladas pueden servir para que otros estén precavidos.
El lado positivo está ahí siempre, otro tema es que seamos capaces de verlo. Podemos adiestrar nuestra vista para favorecerlo. 😃🤗


I love these answers from you especially this;

That's what I do. Some days I succeed and some days I try. But I don't give up and I know that perseverance is the key that opens the door.

Perseverance is very important and the key to unlocking those closed doors.
One strategy for me also is to be grateful. I enjoyed reading this post as I was directed by Dreemport here.


At first I was confused as to what easy mode was all about but as I read through, I came to understand that it is simply accepting life as it is and taking things as they come. I hope I am not wrong. I worry a lot like you and if I get 1 hive for every penny I would prolly have enough hive power to vote like @appreciator 😄😄😄.

Worrying never solves any problems and life has taught me indeed to favour good times and appreciate the little I have. Life has also taught me that doing good is the best way to get good in return. I like that you mentioned not making rash decision as a way to living an easy mode life. I will have to learn and practice that the more. The decisions one make can make or mar their future so it is very important to always take a moment before making a decision.

Thank you for this ♥️


Thank you for reading and commenting.
Indeed, you have understood it perfectly and I am very glad that you are already so clear on how to live in easy mode. It has taken me time and trouble, but it doesn't cost me anything. I have the rest of my life to enjoy it.
A kiss. 😘


Thank you so much 🤩🤩. You indeed have the rest of your life to enjoy it.


I believe strongly in living in the moment, just like the animals do:)
Popped in from dreemport today:)


Yeah, animals are more intelligent than humans in many ways. 🐶🐕😁
