What Life do you want ?



Life depends upon the little joys that come along

We all want to live long and healthy don't we ?
Spare a thought and think what kind of life so we want?

Quality of life is also important

Scenario I

Think of a day when you get up late rush through your daily morning routine.

You have a hurried breakfast and rush for work if you still have one.

There are traffic jams if you have your own car or mode of commute.

You reach your office ad punch your attendance.
Next you deal with some co worker who wants to pull you down all the time.

A boss who is not exactly happy by the efforts you are putting in.

At lunch time you are constantly thinking about the presentation you have to make.

You even spill the coffee on your clothes and have to rush to clean up the mess.

In the evening you have to negotiate the rush hour traffic to reach home.

When the new month starts you pay all the bills and start afresh waiting for the next day.

You do this over and over again or alternatively.

Scenario 2

You live in a suburb with lesser traffic less workload and probably less pay.
You pay all the bills but there is less stress.

Which life style would you choose ?

Those in the big cities want to move out and those outside in smaller places want to move to bigger cities for better opportunities.
Is that not ironical?

Lets stalk sports

Compete with yourself everyday and keep getting better.
