How I Keep My 1Year Old Baby Entertained These days While I Work
Hello moms and dads of hive! So yesterday just like every other day in the last 1 year, baby and I was alone. We had just woken from our nap and I had to do some assignments on my phone. Like always, I kept her busy with her toy basket while I quickly do my stuff.
I was happy it kept her busy for sometime but after a while she got tired of playing all by herself and realized she has not watched her favorite cartoon - cocomelon all day. And that meant giving her my phone since I'm yet to get her a kid educational tablet. Luckily for me, I was almost done with what I was doing and so it was not a problem to let her have it for a while too.
Almost an hour later she began to get fussy and I naturally took that to mean she was hungry. I tried feeding her but she was not interested. She wanted to be carried and rocked back and forth on my arms and around the house like I always do. Or so I thought.
Because this time it didn't work. She just kept crying. So I did the next best thing which was to take her out in the balcony where the plants are.
Did it make any difference? Oh yeah! Her mood switched immediately.
She wanted to hold and probably shred the plant like she did her Cinderella and the Diamond Castle story book. I loved that she was able to get entertained even of it was for a little while because some little insects wont let us enjoy out time at the balcony. We had to go back inside but still, she got her refreshing time and even she was cool with going back inside.
Back inside, it was almost time to start making dinner and there was no two ways around this than to have her on my back. So I got out favorite wrapper and strapped her to my back African style. Oh how well she loves to be in this position! It could be the warmth of my back or the fact that I practically carried along while making dinner. She just doesn't not complain and would normally remain there quietly while I cook or sometimes doze off. There were also time when she would stretch her little hand and grab anything close to her reach. Dear lord! This was always trouble for me because it always mean having something spilled all over the floor. It didn't matter what it was. It could be sliced pepper, water or even palm oil. Just anything she managed to reach! These were times I'd feel like crying out of frustration when I look at what I'm yet to do and the new one just added by her royal cuteness. Her little hands are ever so fast and exploring. The funny thing here is that she doesn't stop until I tuck her hands inside the wrapper. I guess babies would always be babies!
When I do the laundry is always a whole noda gist and the story of my life. Since I do my laundry manually, I.e without a washing machine, it very tough to have her strapped on my back African style. So I normally make her sit where she can watch me wash while I play her favorite cartoon. That also mean I have to sing along one or two times to keep her interest on the song.
Well, so far so good. My coping mechanism has been working and I'm managing without a help. She's growing so fast that in no time, I'll not have to keep carrying her on my back when I work because she will be walking. Some people said it will be more tasking when she start walking, I guess we'll see.