Hive Openmic Week #199_Black or White We're One"by @Ovey10 (Original)


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Hive Openmic Week #199_Black or White We're One"by @Ovey10 (Original)



Good day friends and family of Hive and welcome to my entry for Hive Openmic Week 199.

The theme for the week is "Brazil" and This theme was chosen by our recent Spotlight artist @boeltermc a good skater and a musician I met of recent on Hive, Sending my warm greetings to you brother..🙏🙏

The theme for this week wasn't so easy for me to get a song for it but earlier on today some important ideas just came to my mind and I decided to put everything together for my hiveopenmic entry.

There is strength in unity and it is important for us to note that the essence of humanity isn't for us to be divided among ourselves or to be indifferent to one another, we are all built in the image and likeness of God which makes us all one. Showing racism is one of those things that brings disunity among people in our world today, a lot of people find it okay to show differences between each other because of skin color and to me life is prescious and worth more than that. We didn't create ourselves, South America, North America, Africa, Europe, Asia, Antarctica and Oceania, God created all of us one.

Brazil is found in the continent South America and that's why in my song I mentioned Brazil to cover up for South America since it is the main purpose of my song. I mentioned some continents of the world among the seven we have, in the seven continents there are people with different skin color but that doesn't mean we aren't all humans, black or white we are one. We can love each other despite the distance just as Christ loved us and gave his life just to save us.

Shout out to my Brazilian friends on Hive, I want to say I love you all despite the distance and remember we are all one, black or white.



Buenos días amigos y familiares de Hive y bienvenidos a mi entrada para Hive Openmic Week 199.

El tema de la semana es "Brasil" y este tema fue elegido por nuestro reciente artista de Spotlight @boeltermc, un buen patinador y músico que conocí recientemente en Hive. Te envío mis más cálidos saludos hermano..🙏🙏

El tema de esta semana no fue tan fácil para mí como para conseguir una canción, pero hoy me vinieron a la mente algunas ideas importantes y decidí juntar todo para mi entrada en Hiveopenmic.

Hay fuerza en la unidad y es importante para nosotros notar que la esencia de la humanidad no es que estemos divididos entre nosotros o que seamos indiferentes unos a otros, todos estamos construidos a imagen y semejanza de Dios que nos hace todo uno. Mostrar racismo es una de esas cosas que genera desunión entre las personas en nuestro mundo actual, muchas personas encuentran bien mostrar diferencias entre sí debido al color de la piel y para mí la vida es preciosa y vale más que eso. No nos creamos nosotros mismos, Sudamérica, Norteamérica, África, Europa, Asia, Antártida y Oceanía, Dios nos creó a todos uno solo.

Brasil se encuentra en el continente Sudamérica y por eso en mi canción mencioné a Brasil para cubrir a Sudamérica ya que es el propósito principal de mi canción. Mencioné algunos continentes del mundo entre los siete que tenemos, en los siete continentes hay personas con diferente color de piel pero eso no quiere decir que no seamos todos humanos, blancos o negros somos uno. Podemos amarnos unos a otros a pesar de la distancia así como Cristo nos amó y dio su vida sólo para salvarnos.

Un saludo a mis amigos brasileños en Hive, quiero decirles que los amo a todos a pesar de la distancia y recuerden que todos somos uno, blancos o negros.





*Black or White We're One*

Let's Love each other despite the distance
Just as Christ loved us He gave His Life just to save us
We are one Brazil, Europe, Africa and America.
Black or white we are one.


You're my brother and I love you like myself
You're my sister and I love you like myself


*Blanco o negro somos uno*

Amémonos a pesar de la distancia.
Así como Cristo nos amó, dio su vida solo para salvarnos.
Somos un Brasil, Europa, África y América.
Blancos o negros somos uno.


Eres mi hermano y te amo como a mí.
Eres mi hermana y te amo como a mí


Lyrics Handwritten

Thank you for visiting my Post

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0.096 PAL


Yes dear. Black or white we are one. We did not create ourselves so we need to embrace ourselves the way we are.

0.000 PAL

That is the point ma, we didn't create ourselves and it's best for us to think good of ourselves as such..
Thank you for chipping in🙏🙏

0.000 PAL

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0.000 PAL

Hmmm respect man, I love the composed song, it's so beautiful and talking about unity
Bravo 👏, you be boss 👍

0.000 PAL

Thanks allot bro for sticking around
I appreciate your kind words🙌🙏

0.000 PAL

Wow, that's a good one there. Indeed we're one!

0.000 PAL

Yes.. we are one regardless of skin color 🙏🫶

0.000 PAL

You are really trying with original songs. When you don't know which song to sing you just compose. That's a great virtue. More grace.

0.000 PAL

Yeah... Sometimes we know songs to sing actually but composing a song makes your entry more original than going for covers always..

0.000 PAL

Maravillosa canción e interpretación estimado @ovey10 con un tremendo mensaje de unidad y hermandad muy bueno para esta época de tanta desunión. Bendiciones y Felicidades 🤗👏👏👏😔🎶🎶🎤❤️💙💛💕

Wonderful song and performance dear @ovey10 with a tremendous message of unity and brotherhood, very good for this time of so much disunity. Blessings and Congratulations 🤗👏👏👏😔🎶🎶🎤❤️💙💛💕

0.000 PAL

Thank You dear mum, we hope for unity in the land..
I appreciate your valuable presence dear mum🙏🙏

0.000 PAL

Whoa, i respect the fact you came up with this song, its meaningful and you had yourself a beautiful rendition. Kudos boss.

0.000 PAL

Thanks allot bro...
Glad to hear that from you 🙏🎉

0.000 PAL