IAAC_//Why Impacting The Younger Generation is a Core Value

IAAC_//Why Impacting The Younger Generation is a Core Value
Good day friends and family of Hive, it's another great day to celebrate life and to live life to the fullest.


I had the best of my sleep and decided to start the day with words of Thanksgiving to the giver of Life which Is God.

Knowing that I have so much to cover for the day, I hurriedly swing into business so I won't have to rush anything at the end point. I was able to establish my video for the pukumundo music community on Hive which takes allot of my days actually. Making video is a whole lot of task because of the numerous challenges associated with that. I was able to achieve that goal and I was very please with the results after all.

I went to church to train my boys as I have earlier on discussed with them. I was there band leader but not any longer because the new ones are elected to takeover and continue from where we've stop. But that didn't stopped me from hopping in whenever my attention it's needed. I was seriously tired because of the stress I went through the day but I had to go and perform that right so that the children will learn and become great kids tomorrow.

Teaching the young ones has been one among my top priorities because I believe I've learned and it's time to pass down the knowledge to the younger ones. A tree is better on bent when it is small than when it has fully matured, so I took it as an obligation and not just a point of duty but also part of life to impact the younger generation with knowledge that will help them tomorrow.


Teaching itself has several techniques, I had to go down to their level of understanding to bring them to the light of what I am teaching them.
We started playing the drums actually but I noticed that they needed more attention and explanation of what to play on the drums. We played the bench and I showed them what to play when we come to play the main drums. I am so excited they got what I was teaching them and that is exactly the joy of every teacher.


I couldn't make those engagements I wanted to do on Hive but I was able to do some today.
Today is a great day, I am happy that I am aliveandthriving.

All images are taken with my phone

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