How And Why I Failed Biochemistry

How And Why I Failed Biochemistry


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There is a lot of task associated with being a student and I think students in Nigeria are facing double of those tasks compared to some other countries. Imagine yourselve halting your studies at the middle of the semester coming back after one year to continue from where you stopped at the same level. You might be asking what on earth should make a student stop his or her studies on the way for almost a year before coming back, this is where the educational system of Nigeria has brought us to, this is what the educational system of Nigeria has turned in to. Students spent almost a complete year at home because of the industrial action of university lecturers over unpaid salaries by government. This alone can cause brain stress to students because it doesn't make sense learning and stopping on the way for a long time before coming to continue, there will be more bridges than there should. The question here now is What are you supposed to do as a student to scale through your exams and the additional problems associated with education in Nigeria that can possibly make one fail.

The Possible Ways to Scale through Examination Disaster.


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I was a victim of set back during that time because I failed to understand some important principles of learning. The basic route to passing examinations is study.
Students will for sure have a bad record in their exams if they don't study very well what their lecturers taught them in school, so the problem is very much how to study and study effectively as a student.
I have been doing very well during my first year in high school but differences began to show up when I got into the second year second semester in school, my results were very poor, I thought about the reason behind my failure and I got a lot of solutions and good strategies that will help me study and study effectively as a biochemistry student.
My results was bad because of my poor performances in the examinations and the person marking scripts wouldn't consider that any thing weigh me down to read my books.
Biochemistry is never an easy course to study in high school because of its complexity and high demands. Thou the course is complex, some still pass it so why should I have this bad results when I know I can do better. I tried to identify what the problem is and possible ways of solving them, I found out that my reading strategies is very poor and I don't have to wait till exams before I start preparing, this was why I failed after the long break and it shouldn't repeat itself if I should learn how to study my books better.

1 It is improper not to study a day even if it means reading just a page. This is for the reason of not having to rush your studies when exam period approaches. I have been a victim of rushing my books to meet up with what was taught in the class and when I do that, I use to get confuse at any slightest chance. Studying what I was taught in the class immediately, helped me to understand more what was taught in the classroom and when it gets to examinations period, I just but need a recap of what I've learned so far and thats all, no confusion, no panic.


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2 I found out there are questions that we were not even taught the topic in class but yet questions like that comes out of exam. The remedy I developed was to go wild in my studies because I use to majorly focus on what was taught in the class and then become overwhelmed with questions in the exam hall. I tried to expand my cycle of study and to read even ahead of the teacher. This two points are basically the new strategy that changed my results for good, it made exam hall a hall to me and not the hell it use to be for me. I am so excited I don't have to fail Biochemistry again thou it's a tough course to study, I make sure I become tougher than the course. It's has not been easy maintaining this routines I mentioned, in other to follow them strictly, I made a time table to help guide me. I have time for outdoor activities too in my timetable because "All work without play makes Jack a dull boy". I squeeze out time to exercise myself so I can be both physically and mentally fit. These are the strategies that are guiding me so far and I have seen great improvement in my results.

Thank You

0.001 PAL


I feel being new in a system makes you want to work so hard and do your best, getting acquainted makes us relax some and I can relate to what happened to you with biochemistry. Especially with the circumstances surrounding study in this awesome Nigeria we are, we need to be more intentional with studying and prayers of course. I've written a course before that I didn't know half of what they set in exams, situations like that require divine intervention 😂. I wish you success in your studies 🤗

0.000 PAL

Yeah... Acquaintancy brings relaxation and less stress thou for biochemistry it requires continues burning of the midnight candle. I really agree with you some of the questions has to be divine intervention of God if not eh...😃😃

0.000 PAL

It is difficult and frustrating if we have to continue a subject after a long pause, especially the most hateful subject.
It is the problem of most students pending their studies for exams and just before exams, the mind blames us that I could absorb all topics if you gave me the proper time.

0.000 PAL

Yes dear... It's more challenging when the right time to study isn't the time we do it, halting to come and continue makes it difficult

0.000 PAL