Hive Learners @1_//My Adventure in The Community


Hive Learners @1_//My Adventure in The Community.


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I choose to invest my time and energy only in places that will promote my well-being because time is money and money is sweet like honey I don’t have any to lavish.

Promoting my well-being isn’t only financial wise but whatever that will contribute to my mental health and knowledge about life and the world am living in is also part of my well-being as a person.

Over the years, I struggled to make my way to where I can feel comfortable and make my life better for myself and the people around me, it hasn’t been easy because of the lots of pressure man is facing from friends and the entire environment. Because of this quest for financial freedom, I engaged myself in allot of Ponzi schemes that added up to my problems. I involved myself into betting also known as gambling, these whole activities didn’t promote me in any way but rather drag me deeper into the mud.

One thing I realize with the whole drama is that unless you are ready to follow process else you will keep on repeating the same level until due procedures are followed to achieve the next level in life. I found hive not quite long and the journey was never an easy one exploring into a new universe without knowing which way to go or even a safest place to land. I am so happy with the persevering aspect of my life, I don’t give up easily in whatever I put my hands and mind to do. I kept exploring other niches in this space until I came across this niche where breeding and nurturing of newbies is their top-most priority.


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Hive learners made it easier for me and thought me allot how to even use the discord server which is the supported social network for interaction on Hive. Apart from making hive an easy adventure for me, I have improved exceedingly well in my writings and most of all vocabularies. I personally know what it means for me to construct a good article, it is very difficult for me to write fluently but Hive Learners came through for me in this aspect and this brings me to my five favourite posts so far in the community.


Just A Day Soothsayer


Image by Dhivakaran S & Touched with my phone editor


I was happy to interrupt a conversation intelligently in my area where I go to take a haircut. A young man was trying to explain how an event happened in his eyes and it was as if the event ever occurred to him exactly somewhere he cannot recall. I immediately said to them that was a Déjà vu!. It’s a feeling that makes you see what is happening right now as an imitation of what has happened somewhere that you've somehow witnessed but the whole idea is basically our human imaginations I said to them.

How else would I have known this if not because of hive learners. This is a practical demonstration of the impact of hive learners to me because I felt very happy after living that place that apart from gifting me tokens for writing about “My Déjà vu experience”, Hive Learners have academically impacted me to know what a Déjà vu means.

I remember when I stumbled across the topic in the Hive Learners discord server, I don’t have a single idea about what the phrase Déjà vu meant. I had to go on thorough research before I got to know the word wasn’t even an English word but A French word. I mean, I find it hard to just wake up and start researching stuffs on the internet to learn but Hive Learners simultaneously came through for me.
As far as am concerned this topic stands to be among my best in the community so far so good since I literally felt the practical impact in my life.


Beans Addict (Read Up)


In Hive Learners community, we comprise of over a thousand subscribers and we were able to celebrate that achievement not quite long. Before we get to reach that number of subscribers, we once wrote on a topic about our favorite dish and how to prepare it. I remembered how I had to cook my favorite meal that day so I can take pictures of the step by step procedure I take in cooking it.

I purposely decided to do that so I could pour down my heart completely to us about my favorite food and how I do prepare it. I remembered my entry was selected among the featured entry for the first time that year which turned out to be a point of achievement to me. I was so happy that among hundreds of individuals and many who made an entry about this topic, my entry was selected. I felt very happy just like how a primary school student takes the first position in class and celebrates.

Since that was my first time of achieving such great result, I fell in love with that entry and read it over and over again with joy. I knew I invested allot of effort to make that entry, going to the market to even buy ingredients that I hardly use to cook just to make sure my entry is presentable and beautiful was actually a befitting attempt.

Upon all the effort to make that entry a good one, I never knew my entry could be featured among the selected entries because of the large number of us in Hive-Learners Community thou we weren’t up to one thousand. Honestly telling people about my favorite food was so interesting to me since I am obsessed about it. I don’t know if there are actually people that love beans like I do because if care is not taken some of it will one day grow and shoot out on my head because of how much I consume that particular food every time.


####### Zodiac Influence to Life Is Not for A Scientist Read Up!


Like I said whatever that increases me and promotes my life is what I run after, the past months that I spent at home after my industrial training (I.T) has been productive because of hive. I got to earn some money to buy a new and better cell phone and to also make preparation to pay for my house rent in school.

While my financial journey is getting better with hive, Hive Learners has been contributing immensely to my educational standard. There things we write about here that my school did not teach me and will not even teach me because most of the things I learn are outside my course of study. How was I supposed to know what Zodiac signs meant if not for Hive and hive-learners, I got to know about zodiac signs after writing about the topic for an entry.

I was able to relate it to what I've learned so far in school about superstitious believes and everything became simple and very understandable to me. I was able to link the knowledge I got from school and the one from the little research about Zodiac signs.

What you believe works for you but as for me Zodiac signs are no different interpretation from a person who hits his right leg on a stone and assume something good is ahead of him and vice versa. All of them fall under the superstitious believe stuff which can not or does not have a scientific backings. Some people believe it does work while I am very far away from taking that to be true.

I love the fact that I could explore and add up to the knowledge I have and earn a very better understanding of what I was thought back then in school about superstitious believes. This entry also stands as one among my best since I can practically feel it's impact in my life, all thanks to Hive Learners community the sole reason behind this great achievement. It is the utmost desire of every individual to make increase in whatever he or she does in life.


On My Way Towards Being A Proficient Trumpeter



It is very good to always check your growth as individual or collectively as a group so as to identify those areas that needs attention and amendments. Just like going to the market to sell your items with the sole aim of making your profits, when you are back it is important to check your balance and your profit or lost as the case maybe. When you find out there is a problem you then go ahead to proffer solution for it.

Hive Learners gave me the ample opportunity to go through my musical journey from unset till now. I was able to weigh my growth and to also check where I need to pay more concentration to. I was very happy to write about my journey towards being a professional trumpeter because it gave me the opportunity to travel down the lane to how I started my trumpet journey till this very point I am. I practically saw how much growth I've made so far and how much effort I need to install to attain the next level of height in my journey towards being a proficient trumpeter.

I really attest to the fact that Hive Learners have been very supportive to her members even the heavens knows about that, Hive Learners is a school and I am happy that I'm attending it already. This very entry stands as one of my prior entries too because of how it helped me to weigh my progress in my musical journey.


How Music Ease My Stress

I think humans really love where they can express themselves and be given listening ears, a lot of things are happening around us and the heart is conceiving a lot of events and situations that we might have come accross or is even happening at the moment and it's worth sharing. I believe that's why we have gisting partners we refer to has friends or besties.

We love to surround ourselves to our friends because of that freedom of speech and self expression which eases us from the a lot our heart is conceiving. Wherever you find yourself and you're not able to express your heart to anyone, specially those little conversations that looks like it doesn't really matter but can rekindle a pleasant feeling between you and your listener, you will not feel comfortable to stay there.
Hive Learners really provided those great opportunities for us and for me in person because a lot of topics that are highlighted for our weekly activities are topics that gives us the opportunity to really express from our heart.

When I had to write about what music meant to me, I really travel down deep into my heart to bring out the right words that suits my feeling about music and what it has done to my life so far so good. My life comprises almost three quarter of music and so a lot of topics highlighted in the community gives me that opportunity to express this great part of my life to my audience.

I have written plenty post that has to do with me and music in this platform and in this community on different occasions and I am still having more to say. I am very excited that I can tell people my story and whatever thats bordering me or the obstacles I am encountering or have encountered in the cause of my musical journey. It's very difficult for people to give listening ears to whatever you want to say about yourself but Hive Learners are readily ready to read our minds and heart felt adventures.
I am so glad to be part of this great community that are centered on taking amateur hivers to the next level.
I am also excited that the community is celebrating her one year anniversary on Hive with lots and lots of achievements already. I am just wondering if we can come this far is just a year how much more in the subsequent years to come. It's an honor and a privilege to be part of this great minds that are in this community.. Thank You and

Happy Anniversary to Us🌟💫🎉


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0.004 PAL


These are all interesting selection, I've noticed your engagement in thus community and I must say you are one if the steady authors. Keep the work on.

0.000 PAL

Thank You so much dear...
Glad to have you around 🙏✌️

0.000 PAL