LA VOZ CANTANTE SEMANA #64_Cover of Don Moen"Sing For Joy" by @Ovey10_ENG/ESP
LA VOZ CANTANTE SEMANA #64_Cover of Don Moen"Sing For Joy" by @Ovey10_ENG/ESP
This is La Voz Cantante week 64 and I am glad to partake in this week's singing voice event.
"Shout for Joy" is a song of celebration for the goodness and mercy of God over our lives. In several ways God has been providing for me and He is still providing. He use men around me to bless me and I am grateful for that.
Being alive is enough to shout-out for joy because many are in the hospital and cannot do what I am doing but here I am healthy and sound, I think is enough for me to lift up my voice in adoration unto God.
God is ever ready to recieve us, He is just waiting for us to ask, knock or to seek Him and we shall find Him. A lot of times we are left blank over what is disturbing us and cannot find a fitting solution for those problems, the Bible made me to understand that there is nothing too hard for God to do and therefore all of our burdens should be cast on Him whom nothing is impossible for Him to handle. I will leave us to enjoy my cover which I made with my guitar.
Thank You 🙏✌️
Hola amigos y familia de Hive, es un gran privilegio compartir con nosotros otro increíble cover de Don Moen"Shout for Joy".
Esta es la semana 64 de La Voz Cantante y me complace participar en el evento de voz cantante de esta semana.
"Shout for Joy" es un canto de celebración por la bondad y misericordia de Dios sobre nuestras vidas. De varias maneras, Dios me ha estado proveyendo y todavía lo está haciendo. Él usa hombres a mi alrededor para bendecirme y estoy agradecido por eso.
Estar vivo es suficiente para gritar de alegría porque muchos están en el hospital y no pueden hacer lo que estoy haciendo pero aquí estoy sano y salvo, creo que es suficiente para levantar mi voz en adoración a Dios.
Dios está siempre listo para recibirnos, solo está esperando que le pidamos, llamemos o le busquemos y le encontraremos. Muchas veces nos quedamos en blanco sobre lo que nos perturba y no podemos encontrar una solución adecuada para esos problemas, la Biblia me hizo entender que no hay nada demasiado difícil de hacer para Dios y, por lo tanto, todas nuestras cargas deben ser puestas sobre Él. quien nada le es imposible de manejar. Los dejo para que disfruten de mi cover que hice con mi guitarra. Gracias
Song Lyrics".

Sing for joy to God our strength
Sing for joy to God our strength, our strength
If we call to Him, He will answer us
If we run to Him, He will run to us
If we lift our hands, He will lift us up
Come now praise his name, all you saints of God.
Draw near to Him, he is here with us
Give Him your love, He's in love with us
He will heal our hearts, He will cleanse our hands
If we rend our hearts He will heal our land.
Check Here For Full Lyrics
Canto de alegría a Dios nuestra fortaleza
Cantemos de gozo a Dios nuestra fuerza, nuestra fortaleza
Si le clamamos, Él nos responderá
Si corremos hacia Él, Él correrá hacia nosotros.
Si levantamos nuestras manos, Él nos levantará
Venid ahora, alabad su nombre, todos vosotros, santos de Dios.
Acérquense a Él, Él está aquí con nosotros
Dale tu amor, el esta enamorado de nosotros
sanará nuestro corazón, limpiará nuestras manos
Si rasgamos nuestros corazones Él sanará nuestra tierra.
So excited to Click on the play button when I found out you were singing, o sing for joy.. From the song title.
I love this song and I like how you interpreted it..
It suits your voice so well..
Good one friend ❤️
Benii dear...
Thanks allot for always sticking around. Your comment encourages me to do more..
You are welcome my love 😊❤️❤️
This is amazing sir
It's like i'w come and learn guitar from u oh
I love how you played it, it's just perfect
Thanks for sharing 🙏
haha... Thanks boss
Will come for the drums some day🤪🤪
God is always there to listen to us, I liked the strumming of the guitar in your version, your voice very accurate and with a personal touch that stands out in each of your presentations. A hug brother!
Thanks allot Dina...
Your comment pleases my heart and encourages me to do more..🙌🙏
What a nice song cover,I do much love this
Thanks allot dear friend..
Thanks man for reminding me of this song. I had forgotten about it. I used to enjoy this song when it was recently released!
Great job man. The melody is one to easily catch on the listener.
Great job!
Hahah... Thanks my man..
Am glad you came around Boss..