Técnicas para realizar surcos de manera artesanal. / Techniques to make handmade grooves


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Saludos amigos de #hive, #aliento quiero compartir con ustedes como pude hacer dos surcos en casa para trasplantar chile y pimentón. Estas técnicas son fáciles de hacer, lo más importante es el interés, las ganas y el amor que se tenga por esta tarea, creo que todos en casa debemos tener nuestras plantas y árboles cuidados, ya que por ellos respiramos aire puro todos los días. Espero que podáis hacer vuestros propios cultivos en casa y disfrutar de la satisfacción que supone ver crecer nuestras plantas y dar frutos amigos.

Greetings friends of #hive, #aliento I want to share with you how I was able to make two furrows at home to transplant chili and paprika. These techniques are easy to do, the most important thing is the interest, willingness and love you have for this task, I think that everyone at home should have our plants and trees cared for, since it is for them that we breathe fresh air every day. I hope you can make your own crops at home and enjoy the satisfaction that comes from seeing our plants grow and bear fruit friends.

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Hey man I have to be honest I do not understand Spanish but I understand compost! Your video came out great and the production value was amazing! I saw your compost was full of earthworms and surly will make the garden beds you are building very fruitful and fertile! Love the love you have for gardening and @threespeak!


Thanks my friend, honestly I really like gardening, yesterday I planted some Chile and paprika plants. I'm so glad you enjoyed it, every time I do farming stuff I'm pleased to see how my little projects are progressing. I do it as all interest and willingness. Thanks my friend.
