I'm back with Midjourney 🙋


Hello everyone,

I have not been here for a long time. As you know, there was a very big earthquake that affected 10 provinces in #Turkey. More than 100 thousand people lost their lives, although official figures are not available. This #earthquake took place on February 6. Before that, I could not share content here because I had a busy schedule at work and school. After the earthquake, I did not want to post for a long time.

These days, I am in the process of making an important decision about my school. Let me give a brief summary of my school life for those who don't know. I am currently working on my master's thesis. If I finish my thesis, I will graduate. However, everything is not always as we want. I would like to give positive news about my thesis, but I still haven't finished it. I have very little time left and I haven't decided which direction to decide yet.

Anyway, let's talk about something cheerful. The topic of today's article is a very cheerful topic. I like to follow new developments in artificial intelligence and technology and one of them is #midjourney. I was seeing posts on the internet, but I didn't know how to use it. A friend taught me and the images you see below appeared.

To summarize #midjourney; you give a command by typing something that is very difficult to happen in reality and the system responds to your request with a picture. For example, you have a dream. You give the command by typing and it draws it for you. I use this application through the #discord channel. I would like to learn if there is another way to use it.

Now I want to show you my drawings in order.
I made the first drawing today. As you know, we are in the holy month of #Ramadan, which is sacred for Muslims. I wanted a drawing for this and Midjourney gave me this;

And this was the first drawing I asked Midjourney for. I asked him to draw me a house in the middle of the sea.

Here, I imagined myself and said, "Draw a woman traveling around the world in her car.

I've been very stagnant, especially last month, I didn't want to do anything, and I said, draw the power to start something;

I explained this artificial intelligence technology to my brother (@barika) and asked him to dream about it. He said; I want furniture that moves around the house :)

Then I dreamed of a male and a female #professor lecturing at the #university, respectively;

I told my colleague about Midjourney and asked her for a command. She imagined a horse drinking coffee in the world's tallest tower, Burj #Khalifa :)

The last idea is not mine. There are other apps with this artificial intelligence technology. A technologist whose work I value very much imagined #Batman on the streets of #Istanbul. I tried the same dream in Midjourney and the result was:

I hope you enjoy it when you read my post.
See you again friends.


Sorry to hear about the trauma surrounding the Earthquake. This combined with your biographical statement of "There is no Planet B" is a reminder that we should cherish what we have.

Your experimentations with MidJourney appear to have been therapeutic for your in some way. Art is such a healing process, in my experience.


Thank you so much dear @holoz0r there was a big disaster for us these earthquakes😔 We are still reeling from the earthquake. Yes we have only one earth and we have to protect it. And I agree with you, art help me to look the world via another way✌🏼🌸
