Business & Technology: Two Reasons To Incorporate Technology Into Your Business in 2022
POV: It’s 2022 and you still haven't incorporated technology into your business. The KEY question is WHY?
Why would you disregard something that may be used to your advantage?
Why keep your business crawling when technology can enable it to run without any constraints?
While some individuals assume that technology is only sometimes necessary because their firm is doing so well. Still, I respectfully disagree!
We know technology can be intimidating. It also can be complex, and there are seemingly endless options. So, is it worth the cost, integration headaches, and question if you are picking the right ones? Yes!
1. Iron Sharpeneth Iron
As a business owner, it is imperative that you train the individuals that manage your business—— your team.
This reminds me of the time I worked for an e-commerce platform and had to attend a mandatory two-hour training session every Monday. I worked in the customer service department and had to learn how to browse the website properly as well as how to utilize the CRM software that was installed on the website (Customer Relationship Management Software).
I also worked as a content writer for the in-house digital marketing team at the same eCommerce company. When the firm was finally able to afford the services of digital specialists, the team was not disbanded; instead, the MD made sure we collaborated with them to strengthen our job knowledge.
There is a significant difference between working smarter and working harder.
The world is rapidly getting digitalized, and you, your business, and your workers should follow suit. Stop running a business in 2022 using a template/model from 2009.
In addition, I once overheard an employer state that it was pointless to waste his money, time, and resources on employees who would inevitably leave. "Durrrh, are they expected to work there forever?" was my initial thinking.
If your business is your first priority, train the individuals that keep it running and see how much it changes in the end.
Do not expect your warriors to win the battle if you haven’t equipped them with the right weapons.
2. Impossibility is nothing. There is no limit to how far your organization can go with technology.
When you read the word technology in my topic, I'm sure the first thing that came to mind was social media. There's a lot more to using technology in your business than merely using social media platforms to improve brand awareness.
For a person who deals with a large quantity of data on a daily basis, writing and piling paperwork atop paperwork can be very inconvenient, especially when you have to refer to something you wrote down several months before. You're human and not a robot. Besides, why go through all of that when Excel or appropriate software will suffice?
While change may be tiresome and unpleasant, it is important to do all possible to provide your business with the modifications it requires. All you have to do is begin with the basics—Social media. If you are unable to handle it, get professional assistance.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
One man businesses in the field of technology have been been rocking the charts with max profits. Just using this machination in a business would definitely speak volumes.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
My thoughts exactly.
Lmaooo...leave here!
😭😭 no nau😂😂💔