Ask Leo: On Low Crypto Energy days(such as now), What Other Opportunities Can I Take Advantage Of In The Financial Market?


If there’s one thing I've learned over time, it's that capital markets have a tremendous capacity to enhance our financial position. Again and again, we’ve been told that the best way to generate money as a business person, is to buy and sell at the right time. My aunt, for example, deals in palm oil in Nigeria, and she has studied the industry and understands how it operates.

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ps: Image designed by me with CANVA

It's usually somewhat cheaper around March/April, but it's twice or three times the price near the end of the year. You see, she buys in bulk and sells at the end of each year. As always, she makes a handsome profit. The keyword here is TIME.

Although, when it comes to cryptocurrency, it’s not always the case because of the unpredictability and volatility of the market. So, there’s always going to be confusion as regards whether to buy the dip or not. There’s always going to be uncertainty as regards whether to invest in a particular currency in the hopes that there’d be a boost in value in the long run.

Markets are as flippant and volatile as they've ever been on the back of greater access to consumer financial products and the rise of social media platforms as mediums for information sharing. GameStop, AMC, Dogecoin, and Shiba Inu are great examples of how market sentiment isn't something to underestimate and, in most cases, shows that you might be better off doing as they say and not as they do. Time in the market may be "king," but timing the market (within reason) is equally important.

Below are 3 key points to help us navigate the financial market

1. Broaden Your Horizon

There are so many opportunities out here for you and me. It doesn’t have to always be about Bitcoin and Ethereum. Heck, it doesn’t even have to be about crypto. There are countless options in the financial market like bonds, stocks, shares, and ETFs, to name a few.

For instance, to invest in cryptocurrency, you don't necessarily have to purchase individual tokens. You could get crypto exposure through the stock market by investing in Coinbase or one of the other companies that IPOs. Or you could invest in any number of ETFs that allow you to diversify your holdings automatically.

You must realize that there are several alternative tokens/altcoins into which you may invest your money besides the regular. But, only do so after you must have done your research of course. I, for one, will not be making recommendations in this regard, so you don’t start to blame me if things go south(just kidding!). Simply put, try not to put all your eggs in one basket. This way, you deal with fewer investment risks.

2. Timing is key; Know when to buy, and when to sell

My aunt's experience in the palm oil industry exemplifies this idea. Knowing what measures to take and when to take them is the essential component of making a substantial profit. Like the Wolf of Wall Street, J. Belfort advises, do not always be in a hurry to sell, and try not to panic over every slight tremor in the markets.

Panic is detrimental to business. When panic sets in, you begin to sell under duress and in haste because you are terrified of losing money. Panic, to me, is like bad news, and it spreads like wildfire. When one individual begins to panic sell or withdraw, a slew of others follows suit.

The market can sometimes be like a rubberband where things swing from overvalued to undervalued in an instant. Taking advantage of these swings can set you up to capture even more value than before.

Now, you’re not just any investor, you are the smart one, and so it is entirely up to you to figure out where to channel your funds, especially when a golden opportunity arises for you to make money. Again, always DYOR.

3. Personal Research cannot be overemphasized.

I’ve mentioned DYOR quite a good number of times in this article, just so that you realize the importance of personal research. As an investor, a smart one at that, you know not to jump on the next available bandwagon. To start with, how well do you even understand cryptocurrency and how the blockchain works?

To this day, the average person still can't explain how a blockchain works or how an economy running on cryptocurrency will lead to ultimate financial inclusion. Instead, narratives about how blockchain and crypto enable money laundering and financial exploitation saturate the internet. What's more, the remarks of regulators around the globe often discourage the average person from diving into the technology, indirectly forcing them out of the market because they don't understand it, and things that we don't understand are scary.

I bet most of us do not even take a second glance every time we’re directed to read “terms and conditions” online, we just go right ahead to click on the “accept” button, without knowing exactly what we’re getting into.

My friend lost about $500 dollars this past week because he decided to pump money into an investment scheme another friend told him about with no prior personal research. According to him, he trusts his friend’s judgment when investment is concerned.

Take me for instance, my very first crypto article took up to three days to complete, but still, it wasn’t exactly near good enough. Cryptocurrency and investment matters were like Spanish and Arabic to my ears and eyes. But, look how much research has broadened my horizon!

Thank you for reading!!!

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