Cover Song Soñé - Dream by @omairita.
My dear children of #hive, today I feel happy to be able to sing a beautiful song by a very unique old woman, with a story full of many stories, the Caraqueñisima Conny Méndez, as always my son @davidcentenor, doing his magic with the guitar, hoping as always that our interpretation is to his liking, kisses, I send you the blessing.
Conny Méndez
Soñé con tu mirar
me dijo una hechicera
que no te debo amar
porque si con tus ojos sueño
me has de traicionar
soñé con tu reír
me dijo la hechicera
que por ti he de sufrir
mi desventura es tal
que no podré vivir
sin tu dulce mirar
ni tu alegre reír
Señora de mis sueños
me condenas a velar
moriré de mi pena
si a otro has de amar
si acaso mi destino
de tu amor me ha de privar
me quedará el consuelo
de poder soñar
Conny Méndez
I dreamed of your look
a sorceress told me
that I should not love you
because if with your eyes I dream
you must betray me
I dreamed of your laugh
the sorceress told me
that for you I will suffer
my misfortune is such
that I will not be able to live
without your sweet look
nor your cheerful laughLady of my dreams
you condemn me to watch
I will die of my sorrow
if you are to love another
if anything my fate
of your love will deprive me
I will have the consolation
of being able to dream.