A limited Amount to Earn


Hello Everyone in this Great community
Hope this post met you all well



One interesting things about life is how every minute you live is an opportunity for you to be a better version of what you are before. This means that as far as you are alive you have hope of becoming rich, wise, productive and successful.

We can all agree with me that there are just three categories of riches
First off the Rich people, the second ones are Averagely rich and then the poor people. Alright this is actually my own theory though but am sure everyone falls into this categories.

But today's topic comes in an intriguing side, which I will give the topic as "A limited amount to earn for every citizens.


A capped or a limited amount of citizens' earnings or wages,can also be known as the "maximum wage" or you can still call it 'income cap'. This process or method can be defined as a proposed policy which is aimed at reducing or stopping income inequality and also to promote economic fairness.
In other context means there won't be any person earning more than another person, everyone would be in the same level of finance.
No rich man, no poor man.

But is this really possible?
My answer is yes but it would take like a United Authority worldwide in order to make this effective.
What I meant was that there would be only one government managing all the continents and the world as a whole.
Hehe just like you are thinking right now😂,
Is that even anywhere near possible?
I don't think so, even some continents have diverse amount in of people, culture and our tribes.

I believe this idea involves setting a maximum limit on the amount of money an individual can earn,
Majorly the main aim of this practice is to:

  1. Reduce the wealth differences between the poor people and the rich people
  2. Encourage fairness or fair pay practices within the society
  3. Reduce the excessive spending and also promoting responsible consumption

Even with this goals at hand no Matter how sweet it looks its not possible to achieve this on a global scales or level.
It sounds too good to be true, even in the olden days we read in the Bible that there are rich people of the old and also poor people.
I think that's just how the universe rolls.

In all fairness I love the present Wealth structure. Where you have opportunities and you take them and you keep pressing towards being better and brighter.
I so much believe in hardworking and smart People, the reason the poor remains poor is because of lack of opportunity, poor hustling mentality, praying more than taking actions, laziness, not ready to get connection or relationship with men that are of high calibre and virtues.

So if ask me if I prefer this current where people can get rich than another person wallowing in poverty?

My answer is yes, all men are given the same opportunity, we are using the same time, which is 24hours a day. Let every man utilize their opportunities.

I hope you enjoy reading and have a great day 😘

