My car was hitted by the dog... Accident of my #TheLongestTrip



I don't believe in coincidences. Sometimes accidents happen... I believe: everything is subject to the law of cause and effect... But I don't always know the answer... I would like to know the reason: why it happened... Do you also analyze the events and reasons for what happens in your life?

Я не вірю в випадковість. Іноді стаються нещасні випадки... Я вірю: все підпорядковується закону причини і наслідку... Але я не завжди знаю відповідь... Я б хотіла знати причину: чому це відбулося... Чи аналізуєте ви події та причини того, що відбувається в вашому житті?


I was driving at 150 km/h and hit a dog on the highway 😢
Where did this dog come from all of a sudden? Did he appear to turn me back?

Я їхала зі швидкістю 150 км на годину і
збила собаку на трасі 😢
Звідки цей пес взявся раптово? Він з'явився, щоб розвернути мене назад?

Maybe I lost my vigilance? My son said: you couldn't do anything, mom. It happened suddenly! Maybe this situation saved me from something worse? Thank God, I and my daughters are healthy and unharmed...
For me, this situation ended in stress, increased pressure and thoughts: why did this happen?

Можливо я втратив пильність? Мій син сказав: ти нічого не могла зробити, мамо. Це сталось раптово! Можливо ця ситуація уберегла мене від чогось страшнішого? Слова Богу, я і мої доньки є здорові і неушкоджені...
Для мене ця ситуація завершилась стресом, підняттям тиску і роздумами: чому це сталось?


On January 22, we left Kemer, where we live permanently, on another beautiful journey towards another part of Turkey that I have never seen before! This is Trabzon - a beautiful mountainous region near the Black Sea. I have seen two seas in Turkey: the Mediterranean and the Aegean. But I have not seen the Black Sea yet.
At the beginning of the journey, for some reason, an orange key appeared - a warning about the need to undergo MOT. I underwent MOT in October last year. My car had only driven 24,000 km.
I had just left the service, and this sign turned on... Like a bad sign!

22 січня ми вирушили з Кемеру, де ми живемо постійно, в наступну красиву подорож в напрямку іншої частини Туреччини, яку я ще ніколи не бачив! Це Трабзон - прекрасний гірський край біля Чорного моря. Я бачив два моря в Туреччині: Середземне та Егейське. Але Чорного моря я ще не бачив.
На початку подорожі чомусь з'явився оранжевий ключ - попередження про необхідність пройти ТО. Я проходив ТО в жовтні минулого року. Моя машина проїхала всього 24 000 км.
Я щойно виїхав з сервісу, і цей знак увімкнувся... Наче недобрий знак!


We spent the night in Konya and headed towards Kayseri. While passing through the city of Aksaray, we took a photo of a monument to a mother dog with a little dog on her back. It's so cute! There are many dogs in Turkey. They are very respected here. Dogs can be seen in shopping malls sleeping under clothes, or sleeping on benches. Sometimes I see a cute fluffy dog ​​sleeping peacefully and calmly on the street by the side of the road, and I take a photo, enjoying this picture!

Ми переночували в Конья і вирушили в напрямку Кейсері. Проїжджаючи місто Aksaray, ми зробили фото пам'ятника собаки мами з маленьким песиком на спині. Це так мило! В Туреччині є багато собак. Вони тут мають велику повагу. Собак можна побачити а торгових центрах, які сплять під одягом, або тих, хто спить на лавках. Іноді я бачу милого пухнастого собаку, який мирно і спокійно спить на вулиці біля краю дороги, і я роблю фото, отримуючи задоволення від цієї картини!


I was driving, enjoying the road, not expecting anything like this. In Turkey, dogs and cats or other animals often run on the roads, but I always saw them from afar and calmly passed them.
This dog looked like a suicide. It was standing on the side of the road, and when I approached, it suddenly jumped under the wheels. I managed to brake to 140 km per hour. It almost managed to run over, but hit the right side of the car. We were in shock. There was some incomprehensible knock under the car. The red damage signal came on. Also the signal for the lack of windshield washer fluid. We were afraid to stop and see what was there...

Я їхала, отримуючи задоволення від дороги, не очікуючи нічого подібного. В Туреччині часто собаки та коти, або інші тварини бігають на дорогах, але я завжди бачила їх здалеку і спокійно їх обминала.
Ця собака була схожа на самогубця. Вона стояла на обочині, і коли я наблизилась, вона раптом стрибнула під колеса. Я встиг загальмувати до 140 км за годину. Вона майже встигла перебігти, але ударилась об правий бік машини. Ми були в шоці. Відчувався якийсь незрозумілий стукіт під машиною. Загорілись червоний сигнал пошкоджень. Також сигнал відсутності рідини для вмивання скла. Ми боялись зупинитись і поглянути що там...


Having reached the nearest Petrol station, we got out of the car. We saw a terrible picture. The right part of the bumper was missing. The headlight was damaged. The windshield washer fluid tank was broken. Sharp pieces of plastic were sticking out of the car, which touched our wheel and we could not turn normally. The turn signal was broken, the Parktronic was missing....
So, it looked like this: we did not hit the dog, but the dog hit our car, causing enormous damage to the car!
Until this terrible moment, I always believed that dogs have a better instinct for self-preservation...
The guys from the Petrol station were sympathetic to our situation. They cut off the sharp pieces of plastic that touched the wheel so that we could drive on. As parting words, they told us: this is Turkey. There are a lot of dogs on the roads here 😢
My @darine.darine was very worried about the dog getting hurt. We watched our dash cam footage with hope, and we are hopeful that the dog was thrown onto the field and miraculously survived, because we don't see a dead dog behind our car!

Доїхавши до найближчої Petrol станції, ми вийшли з машини. Ми побачили жахливу картину. Права частина бампера була відсутня. Пошкоджена фара. Розбитий бак для рідини обмивання скла. З машини стирчали гострі частини пластмаси, які зачіпали наше колесо і ми не могли нормально повертати. Поворотний був зламаний, Парктронік відсутній....
Отож, так виглядало: це не ми збили собаку, а собака збила нашу машину, завдавши машині величезної шкоди!
До цього страшного моменту я завжди вважав, що собаки краще володіють інстинктом самозбереження...
Хлопці зі станції Petrol із співчуттям віднеслись до нашої ситуації. Вони відрізали гострі частини пластмаси , які доторкались до колеса, щоб ми могли їхати далі. На прощання сказали нам: це Туреччина. Тут багато собак на дорогах 😢


And we slowly, turning on the emergency light, drove 400 km to Antalya.
The next day, we were assessed for damages.

І ми поволі, ввімкнувши аварійку, поїхали 400 км до Анталії.
На наступний день нам порахували суму збитків.



This is the amount I need to find! This is an incredibly large amount that I don't have!
Therefore, I will look for another service where I can fix my car cheaper.
I will be grateful to each of you for your voluntary help to fix our car 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

Ось сума, яку я повинен знайти! Це неймовірно велика сума, якої я не маю!
Тому я буду шукати інший сервіс, де можна полагодити мою машину більш дешево.
Буду вдячний кожному з вас за добровільну допомогу, щоб полагодити нашу машину 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

Everyone is very humane towards dogs... And I wonder: is there an insurance policy that protects people from such situations. After all, a person can always become a victim of such a suicidal dog. And by braking, we create an emergency situation for our lives, for the lives of people who are driving behind us... 🤔🤔

0.005 PAL


Sorry about the incident you just had but have you even checked up on the dog that you hit? All I can see here is the rant about the damage to your car but you probably killed or injured an innocent animal and it seems that you didn´t even bother to see if it survived...

0.000 PAL

I'm very sad that the dog was hurt...
But if you watched the video carefully, the dog threw itself under the wheels unexpectedly 😔
I was under a lot of stress.
I think in this situation I'm more of a victim than a perpetrator...
Thank you for your opinion 🙏🏻

0.000 PAL

Wow Olga, the truth is that it made me sad to read this story but at the same time it gave me peace of mind because despite the bad moment and the probable outcome with the dog, at least it was not a fatal accident, at least for you all. It is a shame for the dog but it is evident in the images from the camera that it was all an accident and there was very little to be done. It's good that you lost control and it was only material damage and that you and your daughters are safe. Now the material damage can be solved. Keep up the good work and move forward on your adventure.


0.000 PAL

Thank you, friend, for your support. We are all in God's will. Whenever something like this happens, I try to analyze and first of all ask myself: what could I have done to avoid this... I will believe that this situation was a warning to always be even more grateful to God for our lives!

0.000 PAL

It is clearly seen in the video that it is an accident and nothing can be done, the most important thing is that all human lives were preserved, and that you are fine, the dog's life is also important but it is an accident that was very difficult to avoid but there are people who do not understand it, material things can be fixed, human lives are safe and that is what matters, greetings

0.000 PAL

You have had a serious accident. In Turkey, a dog may suddenly appear in your path and put you in a difficult situation.

Service fees are quite high in Turkey. However, the repair is guaranteed.
There are repairmen who do it cheaper. However, it is difficult to find an honest one.

@passenger777 lives in Antalya. He can recommend you a reliable repairman.

0.000 PAL

Thank you very much for your sympathy and recommendation.

0.000 PAL

We all drive the car carefully and try to avoid such accidents but still they happen, so the good thing is that no human is harmed and then we make the car human. should not be harmed.

0.000 PAL

Thank you very much for your condolences 🙏🏻

0.000 PAL

You might do better to trade the car in for a different one.
You know what the repair costs may be, subtract that from the value of the car and see what kind of deal you can get on one that hasn't been repaired.

Many don't like the idea, but the dog wouldn't have gotten it if he didn't have it coming.
Few people like getting what they got coming, they then transfer that to their pets.
Which, while logical, doesn't change the fact.

0.000 PAL

Unfortunately, I don't quite understand the translation of your thought. But if I understood correctly: you are giving opinion that this had to happen for certain reasons that are incomprehensible to us...
Thank you for your support 🙏🏻

0.000 PAL

Yes, if the universe wanted the dog not to run in front of your car, it wouldn't have.
There was nothing you could do, or you would have done it.

People need other people to look down upon, it gives them a sense of superiority.
But, a truly superior person has nothing to prove to anybody and diminishes their superiority by having to prove it.
Were they truly superior, they wouldn't need to prove it by looking down upon others.
They would seek to help the less fortunate, not denigrate them for their misfortune.

0.000 PAL

It happens, my friend, when you drive you have to be very attentive, but there are also inevitable unforeseen events. Preserving your life and the lives of those you carry with you is important, very important. Too bad about the dog. The car will be fixed. Take care of yourselves. A hug.🥰🤗

0.000 PAL

Thank you for the kind words and for your condolences 🙏🏻

0.000 PAL

Sorry, but whoever has the money for holiday trips and cars (or renting cars), should has also some left for such incidences.
And driving at 150 in Turkey?
And not even being sorry about the dog?

0.000 PAL

I am very sad because this dog threw himself under the car. It is really scary. I have often seen animal corpses on the highway before. And I tried to drive carefully. You can watch the video, how suddenly the dog threw himself under the wheels. At such moments in our lives it is difficult to understand what to do...

Thank you for your opinion 🙏🏻
Compared to the Turks, I drive very slowly.
but I guess I really didn't take into account the situation in this region. Although experienced drivers said: such cases happen often in Turkey.

0.000 PAL

Dogs don´t commit suicide. Please stop using this phrase!
For sure he did not choose to get hit by you.

0.000 PAL

Exactly my thoughts. And she even has no scruples to ask the Hive community to help her pay for the damage.

When I was a kid, I saw a similar accident. It was in my hometown, close to the house where we lived back then. A beautiful large dog (I think it was a Great Dane) got lost and was confusedly running around the street and unfortunately, one of the passing cars hit him. The owner of the car got out of the car only to check if there was any damage to the car and didn´t even look at the dog that was lying nearby, injured and crying in pain. The whole scene felt just so incredibly callous and inhumane. I was a little kid so to me, seeing all of this also felt quite traumatizing actually. It was decades ago but I still remember it...

0.000 PAL

You described a sad situation from your childhood. It is truly a terrible situation if a person heartlessly left an animal to die, having the opportunity to help it. You transferred the projection onto me. My situation is somewhat different. I will not justify myself to you, or prove to you that I am not a heartless person. I see my situation differently. And I am not ashamed to ask for help. It is your right to see it in a different light. Thank you again for your opinion.

0.000 PAL

First of all, I am sorry to hear that you are very sorry. In such cases, it is very important to have traffic insurance. I would like to refer you to a body shop or a mechanic I know, but unfortunately I don't. You can also search the internet and get a price
Get well soon again.

0.000 PAL

Thank you for your condolences 🙏🏻 Do you know of an insurance company in Turkey that covers such cases?

0.000 PAL

Car insurance must be in place before the accident. Therefore, even if you get insurance now, no insurance company will help with the damages of the current accident.

0.000 PAL

Geçmiş olsun. The offer seems high to me, they might have said so as you are foreigners. You should take some offers at somewhere else.

0.000 PAL

We are looking for alternatives. Thank you for your concern 🙏🏻

0.000 PAL

Coincidence or hoax


2 Accidents and the same car?


0.000 PAL

They are from the same family. Mother and daughter.

0.000 PAL