Wise quotes


That quote that says
"What you have in you will make you".
Goes a long way in bringing out one's talent or skill/

  • you cannot give what you don't have .
    that you are a product of what you have acquired, and the farther you wish to go in life.

These are one of the major reasons people get themselves prepared to face what ever challenges they might face too

  • the more information you get,amounts to the more information you will need to function:
    information is the reason for every transformation and that's the reality too.

Well i just want to hint about learning..

Exercise your entire God's given and natural talents.
Nobody know it all but all we can do is learn and relearn in different ways too.
You cannot tell which of your skill or talent will boost your life

/ The used of learning new things and skills couple with your talent is the secret behind every life's announcement/.

Always strive to Be a positive channel, so it can lead you to discover more better channels.

  • When you seek for blessings, render help to people both those of your class and people you feel you can assist ,
    the world needs solution solvers and if you give place for charity, you are likely to explore in all your endeavours*.

/Always note that life is deep and big..
People make mistakes and quote only monitory aspect as help rendered.
Life is not all about money but the impacts that you

If you want to know wise people,
They are actually those ones that will make the money and also make impacts.

When you touch peoples lifes you change narratives and it helps in growing people too.
The good fact about life is that, life is more about impact and income.when you want to do anything always consider the positive impacts of what it will bring at the long run, In that, your impact in life will give birth to your kind of income or reward

  • People that seek for big, huge and life changing transformative Treasures are the people that discovered the secret of risk-taking

When you belong to the comfort zone people that doesnt take risks.
You limit your Treasures, achievements and even blessings too ..
never-taking risk people are the never-going no where people ,
Like they just believe life happens to people so they chose to be comfortable without seeking for higher growth..
When you start taking risks, you will discover your ideas,your lessons and more of your place in the plan of God and humanity at large , because risk is a bench mark of seeking better treasure that moves one from a lower destination to the true destination of your life

  • When you complain or cry it just wastes your time especially when you see your self in those situations..it cant help you.

*Crying never solves any problem;

it only delays your time and it never gets anything done.
All you need do in such situation is to stay strong and look for a better way to direct your emotions into positive thinking in a right direction*.

Just note that if you are able to first discover his point, make them your target, and you will see positive results in both your learning life and achievement lifestyle too/.
