Kitchen chicken ☺️


Incase you missed previous post,
Here is the link too🤭

Preparing for Christmas was on another level due to the fact that it was almost skipped in my house,
First my Dad was against it,
Then my mum joined ,
My uncle's that were around were complaining about people wasting their time to think that christmas is still celebrated due to the harsh economic situation of the country,
So i told them everyone can't be having financial issues at the same time ,
No matter how bad the economy is ,
People will always celebrate Christmas day.

Well with all their negative mindset my mum refuse to cook our Christmas rice as usual .and she said , since the people that she was trying to please were against Christmas she won't bother cooking anything again.

That was how i took the chicken that was giving to me on my previous post above..
And i bagged my bro to help me kill it and skin it for me.

He was actually happy so he did all that ,

Well after all was set i prepared the cooking ingredients myself and i had to cook the chicken..

Steam it a little and add all the necessary spices to it too.

Well it was until after i was done cooking, both my dad and uncles decided to come taste it and it was war..
I didnt agree oo .
They had to give me money as support, before i finally allowed them taste it .. since they were busy complaining about how celebrating the Christmas should be skipped .

Anyways at the end it was actually fun though enjoyin the meal with my family on another Christmas day..
