Bárbaros, locos, estúpidos y hasta homosexuales (como si fuera un insulto) son llamados aquellos que cuestionan a un fanático de cualquier tema, no voy a especificar pero pueden ser religiosos, políticos, deportivos, fílmicos, musicales, artísticos, etc. Meterse con un fanático es una muerte moral segura, o eso piensan ellos dentro de su irracionalidad, porque no hay quien los haga pensar más allá de su realidad, de su mundo maravilloso dónde sólo ellos tienen la razón y los demás somos unas bestias desnudas corriendo libres por la selva, bueno en algo tienen razón, somos libres, libres del fanatismo.
Podemos encontrar a un fanático casi de cualquier cosa, pero casi es imposible hallar alguno que renuncie a su fanatismo por concordar con un comentario que se acerque a la verdad o a los hechos. Hay un orgullo místico que pareciera infundarlos de pies a cabeza, y cuando les llega un comentario que les haga sufrir por su ignorancia tienen dos opciones, ignorar la situación o violentar a los involucrados. Hoy casualmente me topé con dos fanáticos en redes sociales (Por eso estoy escribiendo sobre esto) que reaccionaron distinto, uno político y otro religioso. El político reaccionó pasivo, me pareció extraño, simplemente me ignoró cuando le di razones contrarias a su pensamiento fanático. El religioso me maltrató verbalmente (Obviamente lo ataqué con sarcasmo para no caer en un campo de insultos y ofensas) cuando le di razones contrarias a su pensamiento religioso. Realmente esperaba un resultado inverso porque usualmente los hombres se maltratan más por política que por religión, en teoría las religiones buscan espiritualidad y encuentro con lo divino del acto, por eso creo que son menos violentos los religiosos que los políticos, pero resultó ser al contrario.
Lo mas recomendable sería evitar a estos sujetos a toda costa para no pasar momentos de estrés por leer sandeces, ni por tener discusiones que no van a llegar a ningún fin beneficioso para el conocimiento, porque el fanatismo no es conocimiento realmente, sino que es una extensión de las convicciones de un individuo, sean erradas o correctas, que buscan transformar todo lo que se oponga a ellas, es decir busca transformar la contradicción porque le aterra que su verdad y su convicción de ella sea contradicha con argumentos superiores a los suyos. Pero sinceramente aveces disfruto ser esa contradicción infeliz de todos esos fanáticos que buscan transformar mi pensamiento.
Barbarians, crazy, stupid and even homosexuals (as if it were an insult) are called those who question a fanatic on any subject, I will not specify but they can be religious, political, sports, film, musical, artistic, etc. To mess with a fanatic is a sure moral death, or so they think within their irrationality, because there is no one to make them think beyond their reality, their wonderful world where only they are right and the rest of us are naked beasts running free in the jungle, well, they are right about something, we are free, free from fanaticism.
We can find a fanatic of almost anything, but it is almost impossible to find one that renounces his fanaticism by agreeing with a comment that is close to the truth or the facts. There is a mystical pride that seems to infuse them from head to toe, and when they get a comment that makes them suffer for their ignorance they have two options, ignore the situation or do violence to those involved. Today I happened to run into two fanatics on social networks (That's why I'm writing about this) who reacted differently, one political and the other religious. The politician reacted passively, I found it strange, he simply ignored me when I gave him reasons contrary to his fanatical thinking. The religious one verbally abused me (Obviously I attacked him with sarcasm so as not to fall into a field of insults and offenses) when I gave him reasons contrary to his religious thinking. I really expected an inverse result because usually men mistreat each other more for politics than for religion, in theory religions seek spirituality and encounter with the divine of the act, that is why I believe that religious people are less violent than politicians, but it turned out to be the opposite.
The most advisable thing would be to avoid these subjects at all costs so as not to spend stressful moments reading nonsense, or having discussions that will not reach any beneficial end for knowledge, because fanaticism is not really knowledge, but it is an extension of the convictions of an individual, whether wrong or right, seeking to transform everything that opposes them, ie seeks to transform the contradiction because he is terrified that his truth and his conviction of it is contradicted with arguments superior to his own. But sincerely sometimes I enjoy being that unhappy contradiction of all those fanatics who seek to transform my thinking.
The decline in intolerance is the reason. No one wants to be pointed as wrong as they believe they are lord of their actions.
You are right about the fact that fanaticism is the first stage before getting barbarism.
It's true;
Many times I felt we humans are morally dead.
That's right, we are morally dead. Thanks for reading me