Today's Daily Nature Walk
A Gorgeous Day
A lot of people in southern California really hate the cold. Especially @afturner and pretty much all of my friends here. I, on the other hand, really enjoy the cool brisk air, especially on a sunny afternoon. For me, this is ideal weather to go out for a walk through nature.
Today we took a nice long walk through the woods. When I say we I am referring to me and my 2 year old, @little-ricky. Every time we go for a walk on the trails, Ricky stops at this stream and pretty much doesn't want to go any further.
His favorite thing to do is pick flower petals and throw them into the pond. He will quite literally do this activity until I physically pick him up and walk a bit further down the path. If I don't go far enough, he will run immediately back to the water. There seems to be a margin of error when it comes to how far I need to get away from the stream before he gives up on the idea of running back.
Speaking of him putting things in water, lately he is obsessed with putting any object he can find into any container of liquid that he can find. For instance, I can't seem to have a cup of tea in his presence without a matchbox car ending up at the bottom of my mug.
A very funny bunch of cement creatures are dotted around the pond area. Well, I call them funny. I think they are meant to be cute, but to me they look hilariously creepy. For all I know, this could be the intention of the original artist.
One thing that I keep meaning to do is bring @aftuner and the little one here to have a picnic. There are a lot of open areas and ideal places to kick back, relax and have some sandwiches. Umm... Amanda doesn't really eat sandwiches because she's not doing bread at the moment. Oh, well. You get the idea!
So what you see in the above picture is an assortment of white globes attached to a bunch of trees. They appear to be hanging from black wire. I have no idea what the purpose of these things could even be, or if someone is in the middle of some kind of art exhibit. Who knows?!
I think that the best thing to do is to come back later and see if anything has changed. Generally in the past when I come through this area and find odd things, it means that some kind of exhibit is coming soon. It will be interesting to find out what it is!
It was a lovely afternoon with the sun shining and not a cloud in the sky! And of course my favorite kind of weather for going on a stroll. Cool, with a crisp window blowing with a fairly constant, steady flow. Much needed, and much appreciated!
Sounds pretty perfect to me as well. I love it when we go camping and it hits maybe the mid to upper 70's during the day and then drops down to the high 40's at night. Must be a midwest thing! That's pretty funny about him putting his cars in your beverages. Did it look like those things light up? It's possible they are lights maybe. Might be worth coming back at night.
Yeah, he is obsessed with the toys in liquid thing. I can see his brain light up when he is holding an object and he sees a cup full of drink.
Yeah, I think they may be lights of some kind. They must be solar or battery powered though because there are no power connectors that I could see. Good call, I will go over there later this afternoon when the sun is going down to see if that is the case. There is a bunch of other stuff there as well that seems to be in various stages of construction.
Like you said, it could be an exhibit. Remember those capsules you put in water and then they became like a foam dinosaur? If you could trust him not to eat them, he might have a blast with those. Of course you may not want to encourage that habit! ;)
Oh yeah, I bet he would love those! Good call.
I really like cold weather. I got up early in the morning and going for walk and enjoying natural beauty alot. First picture is my favorite in your photography.
Thanks! Living in the city I really enjoy the opportunity to go out and get a bit of sunshine and nature. It really relaxes the eyes!
Thank you so much for your support of my @v4vapp proposals in the past, my previous one expired this week.
I'd be really happy if you would continue supporting my work by voting on this proposal for the next 6 months:
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If you have used I'd really like to hear your feedback, and if you haven't I'd be happy to hear why or whether there are other things you want it to do.
I supported the proposal! I haven't used v4v, but I certainly support anyone who is making an effort to develop on Hive. Thanks for your efforts!
The news showed that you had snow, probably in the north. Great nature.
No snow here in Los Angeles, but maybe further north. The nice thing about living here, though, is that if you want snow you can take a drive up to Big Bear and go snowboarding/skiing and it is not really that far away! I wish I had the time to do that right now.
Walking in greenery and nature gives peace of mind.
Absolutely. That is really the main reason that I do it! It's a nice break from the concrete and view of buildings.
I love nature very much, although everyone loves nature. As seen in your post. Very nice place. If there are places like this around you, everyone will be willing to go there. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for reading! And yes, I agree. Most people love nature. I am always amazed when I meet someone who hates going outside. Makes no sense to me!
😉😎🤙🌈 yea, i agree with Ricky that that stream is just too cool!
That from has quite the set of smackers on it! :P
You can tell from the photos that it was a beautiful afternoon.
A dog would do that too 🤣🤣
defff a pretty place for a picnic!!
Nature is A beautiful sight to behold.😍