DIY contest : learn to draw a teapot


hello community friends!!!

how are you doing today?
I hope you are healthy and fine wherever you are. and have a nice weekend to all

today the weather is very hot, because today I am off work and don't go out, I want to draw a simple teapot, for myself drawing is not a skill me and very untidy in this regard.

But still I want to learn to take part in the monthly contest created by @diyhub this month.

For the teapot model itself, there are so many, in each region it may also be different .


  1. Pencil
  2. Paper 1 sheet
  3. Colorful markers
  4. Roller

Step 1

First draw a line using a roller with a length of 3 cm.

After drawing a straight line 3 cm, then we will make the ends of the lines sideways, here I marked with fine lines to align left and right,

If it's according to what we want, directly in the picture

and the top we draw slightly curved

The top of the cover here I draw like this Example below

Now I will draw a place to hold the teapot or handle

Like the veins before I draw, I first draw a smooth line first, then I draw a guess line

Draw the part of the funnel out of the water

Then draw a straight line down the center of the teapot

In the middle I will draw a little flower

For the lines I will use a black marker to make the drawing clearer.

Finally I will color the teapot, here I use green and pink markers, green is more dominant.

Hope my friends at home like it.

See you in the next post.

0.000 PAL


Greetings @nurul-uli, you got a very nice drawing of the teapot, success in the contest.


0.000 PAL

Waalaikumsalam,,, thank you very much friends

0.000 PAL

You have shown the teapot drawing very nicely and step by step. I think anybody now can draw a teapot seeing your post. Have a good week.

0.000 PAL

Thank you very much for giving positive comments, thank you for visiting my blog, friend

0.000 PAL