cooking purple eggplant recipe with red chili sauce for daily menu

Recipe for cooking purple eggplant with red chili sauce a delicious and tasty daily menu

Hello everyone, good afternoon, how are you today? I hope you are well my dear.

Today I want to make purple eggplant Red chili sauce , maybe you have heard of purple eggplant very often, we often encounter this eggplant vegetable in every market, because there are quite a lot of purple eggplant lovers Very much mate.

With various preparations, we can serve it with the basic ingredients of purple eggplant, with a soft and very delicious eggplant taste.

This time I combined purple eggplant with red chili sauce which is very easy and fast for us to cook. For eggplant lovers, there are really many variations of recipes that we can serve

Let's immediately take a peek at some of the ways I cook today's menu "purple eggplant with red chili sauce"

Necessary cooking ingredients

3 purple eggplants, 10 red chilies, 6 red onions, 2 white onions, 1 tomato, 1 tablespoon salt, 2 tablespoons sugar, Cooking oil Enough



Purple eggplant

First cut the eggplant into cubes lengthwise or according to taste, then provide water then add the purple eggplant and add half a tablespoon of salt, then stir and let sit for 3 minutes.


Then blend the red chili spices and other ingredients until smooth,While we are waiting for the eggplant, let's soak it in salt

step 3

Heat the oil in a frying pan according to what is needed when frying, then add the purple eggplant and fry until the color turns slightly reddish yellow, then set aside


Then we put on the red chili sauce, I used the remaining eggplant fried yak noodle,and add the ground spices and stir again

Step 5

add salt and sugar and stir again, don't forget to correct the taste of the dish, wait until it's cooked then add the purple eggplant and stir again, and who's serving

Today's dishes are ready

That's a simple menu but it doesn't lack in taste, plus it's extraordinarily delicious with warm white rice, for eggplant lovers I highly recommend trying this simple recipe for the family You.

See you in other food recipes, friend....
