"Cook Tofu Tempeh Tauco"

Recipes for making simple dishes that taste extraordinarily delicious as part of your lunch menu.


Hello fellow vegan lovers!!
Meet me again @nurul-uli in the vegan community, today the weather here is quite hot,May our lives also be as bright as the sunrise today.
Hopefully you are always in good and healthy condition.

It is common for tempeh and tofu to be a savior for mothers in cooking our lunch menu, with benefits that are good for the body and also have a very delicious taste.

Tempeh and tofu can also be processed into various kinds of dishes, and many people also make tempeh chips and fried tofu.

I want to make slightly spicy Tauco tofu tempeh with the addition of cayenne pepper, because I myself like spicy dishes.

I suggest you try this recipe, because it is really delicious, friends.

I will share several methods and ingredients needed to make tofu and tauco tempe dishes


  1. 1 tempeh
  2. know 1 piece
  3. green chilies 6
  4. red chili 4
  5. cayenne pepper 15
  6. taico 2 tablespoons
  7. 2 curry leaves
  8. Lemongrass 1
  9. 1 tomato
  10. ginger 2 cm
  11. Red onion 3 cm
  12. Garlic 1
  13. oil
  14. Water

Cooking instructions

1.I cut the tofu and tempeh into small squares.

2.Just chop the chilies, tomatoes and onions finely

3.Fry the tofu and tempeh first until slightly yelow.

4.Heat the oil then add the stir-fry ingredients, such as onions and chilies and others

5.Add the tauco, and stir until evenly mixed.

6.Add a little water to taste.

7.After boiling, add tempeh and tauco, then stir until evenly mixed, wait 2 minutes then serve.


Good luck, friend, this menu is very suitable for us to enjoy with our beloved family, see you in the next post
