The Big Score with OBVIOUS Approach - 2.


I'd never know escaping from the police would be this challenging after the heist if I hadn't try it OBVIOUS Approach. Stealing the metals from the bank and send them away was easy enough but loosing the polices no the ground was a tough job.

There were Michael, Franklin and a hired gunman who got into the car and I had to ride it to escape from the police as Michael though I wished it'd be Franklin on the wheel as it gets easier to ride as him. Well, we got the highest police case and I tried real hard to loose them but they were in air as well.

I rode through the off road and hid there by the gallery and it looked like I'd loose the police from our tail soon so I kept waiting there.

But suddenly I noticed the polices got in the gallery and started shooting us so I started riding the car towards the mountain and I was actually climbing the mountain riding this car which was not fit for this route.

I rode up to the mountain and stopped there just below the Vinewood sign and I believed I'd be out of police cases soon though I noticed that chopper that was flying a far and it looked like a news channel's chopper.

Suddenly there came polices climbing the mountain which is so unusual as I've never seen them doing it. It felt like that chopper was giving polices news about my location so I tried to take it down but I failed.

I decided to change my location as the polices kept coming for me there no matter how many of them I was shooting down but when I reached the road, it looked more dangerous as there were police cars everywhere.

I decided to ride off road again so I reached this mountain this time which looked safe but suddenly a police came on foot and was shooting us from a far.

I changed my location and stopped on the mountain groove there and this time I was confident that they police will stop looking for us, but do you see anyone coming from us from behind?

Now I kept riding and I tried to look for the remotest mountain around so they won't find me there and I found the right one. The sunset fell at the perfect time when we were waiting there on the mountain.

Now that Michael and Franklin saved themselves up, Lester said they got company which looks like Merryweather. Now I had to fly the chopper and keep it stealth so Lester could shot down the enemy choppers

We had to put the boxes of the metals on the running train car. We had someone on the train who confirmed that he was on the train and approved us to set down the metal and he'd warehouse it.

As the job is done, I had to fly the chopper to the hanger that Trevor himself own and the other team reached the spot before us. Everyone looked happy about the job and Michael was going to Trevor for a hug but Trevor didn't seem okay with it.

Lester asked Trevor and Michael to go with him as he'd need some help getting the metal in storage for a few days before they can sell it. So they left the hanger completing the mission.

You're welcome to see more of my GTA V moments later if there's something later. If you wish me to talk about specific parts or places of this game then you may ask me and I'll try to talk about it.

0.091 PAL


Man what an epic moment, especially seeing how one of the cops was standing in the van shooting at you with his gun, what an epic moment.

Written by lionsaturbix

0.000 PAL

Those are the special police forces like SWAT or something like that and they also jump off the police choppers in such situations to take me down. Thanks for stopping by.

0.000 PAL