

I killed someone important in this mission and I also lost someone important in this mission. We sailed to Fort Rodrick where Kesegowaase attacked Colonel Monro and the Templars. I helped Monro clearing the fort and went after Kesegowaase. Then I had to try saving Monro but I failed.

We're at Sequence 04 where I had to sail the ship towards Fort Rodrick and when we were closed-by, we found ship wreckages on the sea and Shay understood it was Kesegowaase.

Shay had belief that Colonel Monro could hold it as Fort Fredrick was nearby so I sailed towards the dock. The optional objective was to reach Monro staying out of combat though I was not so sure about it.

After reaching the dock, I fond the whole place was burning down and I found dead bodies of both the Templars and the French troops around.

I had to reach Monro so I was going ahead but suddenly I noticed some French soldiers were laughing out when the city was getting burned down so I forgot about the optional objective and I jumped on them.

Now I had to run towards the fort where Monro was fighting the British soldiers taking his troops and it looked like I had to help Monro clearing the fort by takin down 12 British soldiers there.

I started fighting the British troops but most of them had rifles so when I was fighting one, the others were shooting me that sent me to desynchronization. Then I tried again and I did it right this time. I killed all 12 targets.

Then Shay had a conversation with Monro where the colonel said he believes its Kesegowaase's work but he hasn't seen the devil yet. Monro was giving the manuscript to Shay but Shay asked him to keep it safe and ordered to bring it to the Morrigan.

When Shay sent Monro towards the Morrigan saying he'd take care of the defenses till the colonel gets back, Shay noticed Kesegowaase who was killing Templars around.

Now I had to kill Kesegowaase and killing him with a puckle gun was an optional objective that seemed the easiest way as well so I went for the puckle gun but a British soldier pushed me out of the tower. When I was returning, I was stuck in a glitch and the Templars died in the meantime so I got desynchronized.

I didn't miss the second time. Kesegowaase was also coming towards me this time unlike the first time when he was trying to escape from me. I used the puckle gun to take him down and then they had a conversation in the animus.

Right before breathing the last breath, Kesegowaase said Monro is dead. Shay asked what he meant and he said its Liam.

Now I got exact 3 minutes to save Monro so I started moving fast without stopping anywhere. There were British troops on my way to stop me but I used alternative ways to move ahead and I found this house was burning having Monro inside.

Some Templars on the way was saying the Colonel was heading for the docks when a huge man with an axe was chasing him.

I ran inside the burning house as a templar was saying the colonel was trapped inside and was asking me to save him. I found Monro was still breathing so I carried him out to safety.

After escaping the burning house, Monro was still breathing and he said an assassin took the manuscript. Shay understood it was Liam and he swore he'll get it back.

Then Monro put out his ring and was about to give it to Shay but he died before he could do it.

Shay took the ring and kept it. I guess this makes Shay a powerful Templar (having the ring). And the mission was completed with 90% memory sync where I failed to stay out of combat.

You're welcome to see more of my AC Rogue moments later. If you wish me to talk about specific parts or places of this game then you may ask me and I'll try to talk about it.

0.001 PAL


'Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens' - Jimi Hendrix | Deep wisdom 🎸

0.000 PAL

Brings us back to world war 11. I love how you confidently slay each one without giving up even when you dont get it right at first

0.000 PAL

I was reading 'eleven-11' for 'two-II'. Thanks for stopping by.

0.000 PAL

That's a lot of fire man. Careful, don't burn the whole world😅

0.000 PAL

I didn't set the fire. I'm the savior 😎

0.000 PAL

Bro, you are still slaying the French troops? xD

Careful going to France after these posts.

0.000 PAL

I will never go to France after what I've been doing with them. There should bounty posters with my face in France.

0.000 PAL