One Little Victory.

We're going deep with the concept of Shay and this time I had to take care of one of the associate of Lawrence Washington who goes by the name of Samuel Smith and retrieve a strange box from him.

It was May 1754 and I was sailing Morrigan on North Atlantic when I had to sail to St. John's. I fought some Templars and sunk some of their ship on my way and then I Chevalier who recently lost his ship.

There was Le Chasseur along with Chevalier who gave me news about Samuel Smith returning from Europe and looking for answers on how to make the box work.

Le Chasseur had an engineer build this marvelous weapon for my ship. Master Puckle's gun fires more shots than an artillery brigade and twice as fast.

After attaching the puckle guns on my ship, I got the objective to locate the Equitas. Shay was excited of having the new weapons and that he'll get a chance to use them soon.

I located the schooner easily using the spy glass but they started escaping right after that and I had to get to them. Templars are usually well guarded but Smith didn't have any other ships for his guards which made me surprise and when I was following his ship, I faced 4 enemy ships as they were waiting for an ambush.

There I had to destroy three gunboats with the Puckle gun as optional objectives which would give me 100% memory sync but I don't notice these things when I fight the enemies so I started fighting them on my way and I destroyed all the enemy ships.

Then I had to chase Smith's ship again when he started releasing flames on the ocean, on my path which is another Templar tactic and they can cover whole stretches of ocean with their flames. I had to be careful on not to run over the flames.

Samuel Smith dragged us to his island and left guards on the dock so I'd not attack him easily. I was suggested not to fire the ship's weapons near the precious box.

This place was named Terra Nova where Smith had his encampment. I used an alternative way and assassinated the guard on the tower and then I noticed how all others were waiting for me on the dock and they didn't have any idea that I was already inside their territory.

Now I had to assassinate Smith which was my main objective there that I could do after killing all other guards or I had the option to get to him directly and I chose the second one which was the easiest.

I jumped on him from a height and I assassinated him when his guards couldn't do anything about it. Smith couldn't accept his fate and was asking Shay if he even knows what's there in the box.

An ancient artifact, a treasure from those who came before, Shay replied. When Smith was saying some of the greatest scientific minds couldn't make it work, Shay said all he need is the Manuscript now and all should be revealed.

The mission was completed with 90% memory sync where I failed to destroy three enemy gunboats with the Puckle gun. I'd have to be carful with these optional objectives from the next time to get 100% memory sync.

I could just leave the island quietly but I don't get away from the enemies. I decided to assassinate those Templar guards first who were tasked to take me down.

Then I returned to my ship and I found that I can upgrade the ship going inside the captain's room in the ship and I tried some good upgrades with tall the money I had.

You're welcome to see more of my AC Rogue moments later. If you wish me to talk about specific parts or places of this game then you may ask me and I'll try to talk about it.



WTF bro, that's a Bazuka in like early 18th Century? So cool.

What was inside the box again? Some kind of a map?


Thanks for stopping by bro.
Yes an old school Bazuka and it works good. And I didn't get a chance to see what's inside the box yet. They just mentioned its an ancient artifact. I'm hoping it'd be something powerful like the apple of eden or the one that I found in Black Flag (I forgot the name). Or can be a special map showing where I can find something more special.


This guy dressed like assasin creed very optimistic game
