Man O' War.


I worked no this new sequence at North Atlantic where I had to sail a well equipped ship and fight the French in order to save a Royal Navy Fleet. This was the battle of Louisburg that took place in June 1758. The whole mission had to be done on the ocean, without any blade or sword.

After being a Harbinger of a New World, after joining the Templars, I was sent to the ship and I was sailing on North Atlantic at June 1758. Gist was there with Shay when I had to get to a battleship that was waiting for us somewhere on the ocean.

I didn't know Haytham was around as well and it looked like he made quite an entrance on the battleship and introduced Shay to Captain James Crook who uncovered a rather distressing stratagem which Haytham fear confirms their own intelligence.

James Crook confirmed that a Royal Navy Fleet was on its way to Louisburg when the French have drawn up a preemptive strike against it. Haytham said they can't allow this attack to happen and he added that the Battle of Louisburg could be the turning point which will finally bring this war to a close.

James suggested Shay to take the wheel and said Shay might enjoy piloting a vessel with real firepower and Shay looked happy doing it.

So it was at Louisburg in June 1758 when I had to follow our British Allies, two battleships sailing with us and as we were moving ahead, I noticed there were small ships on fire and I understood there was a big war waiting for me ahead.

When we reached the enemy territory, suddenly they started attacking us and now I had to sink ten French ships with mortars. When I started attacking the enemies with regular firepower, Haytham suggested me use the mortars as they'd prove most advantageous right now so I started using the mortars and I sunk the French fleet.

Suddenly there came Adewale as my opponent sailing his special ship. I'll play his story right after I finish playing this current one btw.

Adewale reached the battlefield but he didn't come close to me, he rather sent some smaller ships that were on fire. He had a good planning it looked like and the ships started damaging our ship so I had to destroy them before they could come closer.

When I was sinking the fireships, someone from our side was saying that Adewale was lucky that we had other priorities though I was not sure why Adewale was not coming to us and fight us directly.

The fireships were too fast and it looked like they were not going away without burning us down. When I noticed about two pairs of fireships were coming towards us, I destroyed them all as soon as I could one after another.

I kept fighting but James Crook was suggesting it could be wiser to fall back as it seemed hopeless to him. Haytham said war and wisdom don't always mix and said this is not over yet.

We got right in their path where we had to sink a fireship or get out of their way. I decided to fight and when I destroyed the last French ship, somehow our ship got damaged too and I got desynchronized.

But as I destroyed the last enemy ship already, it became like our ship didn't get destroyed and when there were more enemy ships coming our way, the Royal Navy joined us in the fight and destroyed all the enemies.

James Crook said they dared the way just in time. When the others were so happy for it, Haytham said its too soon for celebrations as Adewale is still out there. When I thought I'd have to go fight Adewale now, Shay said they get another chance to dance with him and the mission got completed with 80% memory sync.

You're welcome to see more of my AC Rogue moments later. If you wish me to talk about specific parts or places of this game then you may ask me and I'll try to talk about it.



Me alegra que retomaras tus post sobre el AC Rogue.


Gracias por pasar por aquí.
