An offer you can't Excuse | Mafia: Definitive Edition.


I've heard a lot of good words of his game and I had this in my to play list for a long time but as I was covering up both GTA V and some Assassin's Creed at the same time, I was not getting enough time to try this. Now that I finished the GTA V's story, I got all three installments of definite edition of this timeless epic.

It was more of an prologue or maybe just a glimpse of USA in the 90's and I already started surprised seeing such a beautiful graphics of this game. I don't know how the original game was but the remake is just so cool that I can't say the original one is a 2002 video game.

This cinematic glimpse showed me a lot of good scenes already and showed some credits as well till Detective Normal met my character Tommy in a café. Tommy requested the detective to meet him as he was in a big problem.

The first chapter "An offer you can't Excuse" started from there when Tommy started saying his side of the story and its a flashback of 1930 when Tommy used to ride a taxi and he was fixing his taxi wheel one night.

Tommy said he mostly drove nights cause the money was better and it was at the end of one of those shifts when he met Paulie and Sam. Though it was not a pleasure meet. Dudes were chased by some goons and they had an accident with their car so they got into Tommy's taxi having him on the gunpoint.

Sam threatened Tommy in way that he'd be dead if the goons catch them as he had his gun pointed at Tommy. So in that case, I was not saving them, I was saving my character, lol. I was just running around the city when the goons came behind us so Sam was just shooting and slowing them.

Tommy started asking them what was happening but Sam said he don't need answers and asked him to get over the river taking the Giuliani Bridge so I was going there but I found three enemy cars blocked our way and I just rammed them up.

Then Tommy said he knows some shortcuts that would slow the enemies down and Sam said just shake them off anyhow so I started running through some under-constructed roads to slow them down.

We started getting it that made Sam understand that they'd not last long unless they get back to their own turf so he asked Tommy to get them to their neighborhood through the West Harbor Bridge that was getting separated from the middle and I had to take a jump there that saved all of us.

Paulie asked Tommy to pull over in front of Salieris Bar and the they got off asking Tommy to wait to get some rewards from the Don. So yes, Salieris is the Don of that area and Tommy knew the name as well.

Sam came back with an envelope of money as a compensation of Tommy's help and asked him to keep this between them. Sam also suggested Tommy to come to them if he needs any help as the Don don't forget about his friends.

Tommy got enough cash on that envelope to even buy a new taxi which made him think about what Sam said about going for them if needs anything but he forgot about it as he didn't want to get in with criminals and the chapter was completed after that.

You're welcome to see more of my Mafia moments later if there's something later. If you wish me to talk about specific parts or places of this game then you may ask me and I'll try to talk about it.

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0.005 PAL


Is this a new Mafia or what? It does look fairly beautifull in terms of graphics.

0.000 PAL

It is a remake of the 2002 original Mafia. They did great with the graphics in the remake. A new one is on its way though that may get released at anytime in 2025.

0.000 PAL

No wayyyyyy dude.... that's an '02 game???? Hectic stuff dude! HECTIC!!!

0.000 PAL

Yeah unbelieve stuffs. I just tried a free ride around the map and its just awesome.

0.000 PAL