Text is best - I hate lock in


I saw this post from Derek Sivers Write plain text files and was reminded why I connect so well with what he writes about.

I have been moving more and more to text files over the last few years, and after discovering RestructuredText (the big brother of MarkDown) I am in love. Between just writing in RST for all my notes, and the python app called rst2pdf, I can keep all my work notes, and life notes in a VERY readable text format and if a client wants a copy I can send them a PDF.

There are other great apps out there that use RST for the input, like sphinx, which is focused on technical documentation, but I think that it is a great alternative to WORD for writing reports. RST2PDF supports sphinx too.

So, what do you think?

Are you ready to ditch the OneNote, Evernote, WORD, etc of the world and go 100% UTF-8? Let me know what is holding you back.

There is nothing more OPEN than text, just simple text.
