Smoking Bush


Smoking Bush
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The bush smoked! Not once, twice. Not only that, about ten minutes later, it did it again, as I stood closer and faced it full on. The first time, I’d just finished shooting photos in an area about fifteen metres from this large yew shrub. I was standing almost facing it, holding my camera, deciding where to go next when it happened. It was a sunny day. It was early afternoon. I thought I was imagining it. I was certain I was seeing things that weren’t there.

I walked closer until I was eight meters away and facing it. I thought, if this isn’t my imagination, do it again. I defied the yew shrub to smoke again. I was staring at it. I waited. I wasn’t going anywhere. It smoked again, same pattern of twice in a row with a slight pause between each puff of smoke. I just stood there for a few minutes trying to digest what I’d seen.
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No one else was around nearby in the cemetery. The yew was not far from the entrance gates and a main street. Thick pale grey smoke enveloped the shrub about three quarters from the top as it headed skyward. There were no cremations that day, no smoke from any source. I checked around and under the bush, plus all areas nearby for a smoke source. Not a thing, nothing. There was no fire, only the smoke.

This is far from the first time I’ve seen something really strange. It’s the first time I’ve seen a smoking shrub. I had no idea what it meant, but I knew it meant something. It was some kind of message. Like I’ve said, this isn’t new to me; only the type of delivery was different.
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As it goes when I have no idea what is being conveyed exactly, I let it rest in the back of my mind while I focused on other things. I wait until information comes to the surface. Sometimes I’ll share an experience like this with a close friend, someone familiar with this sort of weirdness. I don’t want to have to explain anything to those not walking this path.

I’m here on a contract, or so I figured out a while ago. I have a mission to complete. Stay true to the course, ignore all distractions. I know the deal. I know the arrangement I made.

Ever play a role you didn’t want to? How about a whole lifetime of enough roles to make your head spin senseless? Ever done that? How about recycled lifetimes of lifetimes of roles that you can’t even count?
Think about that.

Feel tired yet?

Want to take a break in between acts?
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Nope. Back down you go, anchored in again for another go around and ‘round the Ferris wheel chained in for a circus of spinning earthly delights. It is, after all, just another day in “The Garden of Earthly Delights”.
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As I often heard growing up and will say here, “the jig is up”. I see through the illusion. I see the cage, or rather I feel it. I always have felt it actually. I knew when I was a child. This place, earth, was strange to my child’s eyes.

I felt imprisoned somehow. This place was not my home. I would never have been able to form those sentences at the age that I felt that, I was far too young. It’s the sensory experience of it that formed the picture, from which I extracted these words. That picture has been with me all my life. This ‘world’ isn’t home, never will be. Where’s home? I have no idea, it just isn’t here. I can’t deny what I’ve known inside all of my life.
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This time around the roundabout service please thank you now take that, it’s been a heavy haul. I know why. I signed up for it. I agreed to the terms of the contract. I had to do that to be here at this time. I must be here at this time. I’ve been waiting for a very long time. I can’t count how long. I can’t remember much. Always wondered why. Now I know. Memory wipes.
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That smoking shrub? It took me around a month to figure out what it meant. I’d shared with a friend who’s been an incredible teacher. He made a comment a week after I’d told him. Click!

Instant everything falling into place. I started to cry a bit because I knew exactly what that meant, where I was at on my path, and what I’d just accomplished. That was my graduation signal. I’ve fulfilled the terms of my contract. That was October 2020.

I know how many times I’ve been recycled back here only by how tired I am. I don’t mean lack of sleep. I’m weary to the bones beyond what any sleep could ever touch. I can’t explain it exactly, other than to say, I’m in the present looking forward to mission complete. Something new is forming itself inside me and it is nothing like how this 'world' looks or is.
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Now is the waiting while I finish off a few last things that are necessary. Since I’m unpacking, I’m not keen on adding anything more into a mostly unpacked trunk to lug with me. All of it has to remain here. No distractions. Stay true to the course. That’s why Nine. This time I will fly free forever.
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Still some unpacking to do.
Still some loose ends to tie up.
Still some learning to do.
Still to let go what remains.
Still to wait for the call.
Still almost ready.
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The beginning in the end and the end in the beginning.
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All photos taken by Nine with a Pentax digital 35mm camera and 90mm Tamron macro lens.

0.014 PAL


That was a wild trip. Love the photography, especially Red Reflection and Orb.

0.000 PAL

Thanks @brandt! You picked out my two favourites 😂. Taken in the spring, left over holiday ornaments that were decorating two different grave sites.

0.000 PAL

I was wondering what the overlap was there. I don't recall seeing holiday ornaments in graveyards before, but I don't spend much time wandering around graveyards so maybe I just don't know what I'm talking about.

0.000 PAL

LOLOL, it's a very old cemetery. People leave all kinds of things at graves for each of the holidays as well as some unusual things. I find all of it interesting. Been going to this one for years. It's a break away from people, a quiet place. I'm sure you get that one. 😉

0.000 PAL

I do get the part about breaking away from people. I guess I just prefer other destinations :)

0.000 PAL

If I the option were there, so would I. Haven't found that in the eleven years I've been looking, so I make do. 😁

0.000 PAL

You write with an intensity and depth that requires me to read and then reread your words -- after I check out the images that never disappoint!


They are everywhere. Your eyes and mind must be open. Then comes the hard work of interpretation.

Sounds as if you are no stranger to this, my friend! @nineclaws

Upvoted and curated

0.000 PAL

I like the signy idea too, they're informative. Creative one that one is. Don't you just wanna squeeze her new page breaks though they're so cute!!

0.000 PAL

Haha! I've been too busy trying to zoom in and see an unintended selfie from Nine @dandays So upsetting o find that she was incognito -- right down to wearing a hat! The bare trees indicate this was not a recent click. Better luck for my spying next time! @nineclaws🤞

0.000 PAL

🤣🤣🤣 You're hilarious! Taken in late spring this year. I usually do something with my hair to keep it out of the way of more important things, like taking photos.

The selfie was intended. It took several shots and time fiddling to get it all lined up, look through the camera, and hold that quartz sphere at the same time.

0.000 PAL

🤣🤣🤣, I choked when I read this. I could just picture you squeeeeezzzzing those page breaks, kind of like pinching someone's cheeks until they scream in pain.

Signs are the best, thank you for that inspiration. My photo collection of them is growing; off to shoot more this week.

I should say though, in this post, those aren't signs at all. Those are all photos of gravestones. 😜 Have you not thought of cemeteries and the things on gravestones? 😉 I dare you.

0.000 PAL

The coldest I ever got in England was the day I pictured the cemetery. I couldn't feel my feet that day.

So cold the ducks stayed dry.

0.000 PAL

Cold and damp England, no thanks. I can see why the ducks stayed dry. Did you get any good photos though?

0.000 PAL

Thank you @ninahaskin, really beautiful comment to make on my creations.

They are everywhere. Your eyes and mind must be open. Then comes the hard work of interpretation.

Yes, the signs are everywhere. Easiest way to put it is to say I was born with certain gifts, so not something I could get away from. It's been a fair amount of time, work and practice to develop though.

Yes, no stranger to this sort of thing. Always, it causes a sense of the surreal and I feel a bit off balance. I've been going to that cemetery for years and I've never seen a single thing there, nothing weird, not once, so this caught me off guard at time when I was completely focused on doing photography.

I'm wondering if you have any stories yourself?

Again, thank you 😊😊😊

0.000 PAL

Holy grail!! I bet that was a hell of an adventure you went on.

Excellent photograph concept by the way.🙂

Posted via

0.000 PAL

Holy grail indeed! Love your choice of words. 😂 It was an unexpected adventure when I just doing the usual photo taking session. In all the time I've gone to that cemetery, this is the first I've seen anything strange there.

Thank you for checking out my post and really glad you enjoyed my photos too! 😊

0.000 PAL

At some point, it became too philosophical for me :) You write very well, deep images, but I'm a bit stupido pendejo to support a fundamental dialogue on the written topics...

0.000 PAL

This was a hard one to express in words and a heavy topic. I know not everyone will find appeal in it, which is totally okay. I appreciate hearing your perspective. I'm always interested in what others have to say.

stupido pendejo

I love that expression, lol!

Thank you for reading my post and giving me feedback!

0.000 PAL

stupido pendejo

A couple of years ago, when I was in Cyprus, I listened to this expression for two weeks, every day on the beach, when local schoolchildren came there :)

0.000 PAL

Nice thing for the local schoolchildren to be saying, lol. I'm wondering what prompted that to be said so much by them. I'm visualizing a chorus of this all over the beach. 😂

0.000 PAL

You know, it's like a friendly treatment that you can afford while communicating in your company. Something like "Hello, cocksucker!" when you greet your best friend.

0.000 PAL

Ever play a role you didn’t want to? How about a whole lifetime of enough roles to make your head spin senseless? Ever done that? How about recycled lifetimes of lifetimes of roles that you can’t even count?


Feel tired yet?

But this is my good karma year. The cycle has been broken.

Happy Graduation!

What's one more comment thread...



I see you're an old soul. 😁

But this is my good karma year. The cycle has been broken.

That is so sweetly delicious. I feel the tide starting to turn this year. It's going to be one heck of a surf board ride, wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

What's one more comment thread...



I think the first time I read one of your posts I knew you were an old soul, too. I don't know why old souls have to have such rough childhoods/lives. All that damn experience makes us war-ready?

I've never seen a smoking bush but I once saw a little dog that nobody else could see follow a guy out of the laundromat. I only saw it for about a second. I regret not running after him and telling him his dog was still with him.


You can smell an old soul, even over the internet. 😉 It is fair to say that my radar is always on scanning for them though. 😂

All that damn experience makes us war-ready?

That thought came to mind a couple years ago. You know what? I'd say that's very accurate. I've never felt so sane in my life. I'm going to bet that you're on that page as well.

That bush was the weirdest experience because it's so different from all the others I've had the type of thing I'm used to seeing.

I once saw a little dog that nobody else could see follow a guy out of the laundromat. I only saw it for about a second. I regret not running after him and telling him his dog was still with him.

So you have sight too. I know exactly what you're saying here. I've only seen one animal like that very clearly and several times. It drove me a bit crazy because it would run though my legs while I was walking or make it so I'd trip over it, things like that, yet there was no material form that I was trying to avoid hurting. LOL. It was a dark grey cat, no other colours. I was sure it was maybe my cat and I missed seeing him run off. I'd go look for him and he'd be curled up on the bed sound alseep and he was a grey striped tabby with lots of light colour and white, so couldn't have been him. Lived with a partner at that time who saw all kinds of things, etc, etc. I told him and he said that it was a cat of his (another life). I thought nice, can you tell it to stop trying to repeatedly trick trip me please? 😂

Smoking Bush Footnote...
Since we're on this thread, I'll tell you a part of the smoking bush story I haven't included here. About 15 yards from that bush, on the other side of and up from the bush, is a small white wrought iron bench. An old man had been sitting, relaxing, enjoying the sunshine, his cane next to him before this ever happened with the bush. The bush would have been to the left and down from the direction he was sitting and looking in.

After the second smoke series, when I was walking around looking for the source, I saw that he had gotten up from where he was and was standing with his back to the bush, face to face with a medium sized spruce tree, one foot away from it, studying it intently, running his hand over it, all that. He stayed doing that for a while, never turned around. I thought that was very strange and realized he clearly saw nothing when the bush was doing it's smoking thing. That weirded me out even more.


Wow. Are you sure that man was actually there??? I mean, in meat form. Or maybe the spruce was smoking for him... Or maybe you and the smoking bush and the man were all the spruce's dream and it has yet to wake up.

Sorry, my brain is bonkers right now. I had a traumatic experience today which I will share later. I like reading your comments though. I had a ruddy grey tabby who passed about four years ago, but it probably wasn't him.
Here's the lo-fi hawk video btw


Wow. Are you sure that man was actually there??? I mean, in meat form. Or maybe the spruce was smoking for him... Or maybe you and the smoking bush and the man were all the spruce's dream and it has yet to wake up.

You're so funny, 😂, my favourite part of what you said is "in meat form". My friend told me that it was a message meant specifically for me (he's very much out of this world, some mystical creature I think).

I had a traumatic experience today which I will share later.

My eyes are up to watch for this.

Thanks, I thought you might find those two shorter stories a fun add on. Yeah, it was years ago that happened, so it's definitely not your ruddy grey tabby.

Dayuuuum! That's quite the video. I'd be mesmerized in person. I can hear them...
HAWK HAWK HAWK HAWK's just how I imagined it in my mind. Thank you for leaving that for me. Beautiful!


I think I may have half-stolen the meat from L. Frank Baum, when Dorothy refers to Toto as a "meat dog," I think in the second Oz book.

Your mystical friend sounds exciting! It's nice when people can connect fully to those gifts without giving any further fucks. I try, but I still internalize the shame and disbelief of others. Some day...

The experience I had was tragic. I will make a post soon. Thanks for watching my grainy underexposed video. :)


Wow! I don't even remember much about those stories now.

I try, but I still internalize the shame and disbelief of others.

I have these "litmus" tests to weed out those kind of people. I don't waste time talking about this sort of thing to those who are unable to see, if you know what I mean. I think my friend is a dragon in disguise (based on what I saw several years ago, that one is a wild story).

Tragic experience, ugh, that sucks. 🤗 Loved your video. It put me right there. 💖


I'm not trolling super duper long comments.


You make it tough to crack jokes like I wonder if anyone read strange and bush out loud in public.

No, really. By the time I finish reading I'd rather just compliment the way you take us up and down your roller coaster thought process. And none of your photos sucked! Impressive.

0.000 PAL

🤣🤣🤣 As I choke again. What's wrong with a bush? They're useful for so many things.

I like to try and bring people into my world and share the Kaleidoscope Experience because it adds so much living colour to life. 🤪😂 Hopefully some laughs too.

Thanks for your usual deliciousness! I'm so glad none of my photos sucked, but now I'm wondering if other ones did suck and you were kind enough to not mention that factoid?


0.000 PAL

Nah not at all. Quite the opposite.

0.000 PAL

Thank you for the reassurance.

0.000 PAL

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let's scroll @militarynews chronology.

0.000 PAL

Please do not leave comments like this on my posts. Thank you.

0.000 PAL

I hope you will take a good long time in unpacking :) ... There's no rush at all!

0.000 PAL

It's not something that can be rushed, but it's been a top priority for a very long time. Unpacking is near completion as a result.

I hope you liked seeing some of the cemetery photos, there's a mausoleum behind me in the last one. No strange things reached out to grab me though. 😂

0.000 PAL

They were awesome :) Exactly what mission did you complete?

That smoking bush must have been incredible, I so wanted a picture of that!!!

0.000 PAL

My agreement for this life. I've met all the terms and grown to where I need to be. It's a very long story, way too many words. Short of it is, a little bit more to take care of while I wait for mission complete.

You know, it didn't even occur to me to take a picture of it, camera in hand and all. I was somewhat in shock at seeing that and my attention went completely away from photography to what was occurring. Best I could do is a drawing.

0.000 PAL

Mission complete... Why does that sound so final :(...


0.000 PAL

It is and it isn't. Think of it as completing one thing in order to begin something new. 😉

"The beginning in the end and the end in the beginning."

0.000 PAL

True... But you are going to be here on Hive for a good long time :)

0.000 PAL

I certainly would like to be! It'll be a year in December and it's gone fast. 😊😊😊

0.000 PAL

Excellent :) I am curious what sort of transformation there will be???

0.000 PAL

I don't know. I won't know until I need to know. That's how this works. It won't be like here, that's all know.


Well I hope it's a good ways off in the future :) Unless they have Hive!!!



I'd like it to be a ways off and it seems like it will be. 😉 I don't think any form of money system will exist. It won't be that kind of existence. 😉

Thanks for the Pizza and Alive!


Maybe a form of cashless Hive will be there, but yeah, let's hold off for a long time!



Imagine something completely different that what you've known life to be here. Something you've never known and can't conceive of being reality. I have way too much imagination by the way, LOL. I'm holding off until the bell tolls. 😁


It definitely sounds like an adventure!!! I hope it's good :)



It's going to be the adventure of my lifetimes. 😁


It's one we will all be taking one day! Did you see my most recent post about the demons by the way?



I'll check it out tonight, it's on my list! 😊


I look forward to your thoughts :) You might like the most recent Inkwell post too


I'll leave them for you later on, this evening. I was taking a look through last night. I've been focused on getting some real life things attended to and missed several posts in the meantime, not only yours, when I didn't intend to.


We all have those times 😂 I hope all is going well?


Yes, never enough time for everything. It's going okay. Have made a little bit of progress, which is satisfying. It's funny how, even when you know what choices you've made, and begin an accelerated process of doing that, only to encounter unexpected things that you then also have to attend to in order to move forward. That's what's happened in a nutshell. This week is a bit better, since I took the time to attend to those unexpected things. 😂


Unexpected things are all part of the journey :) Enjoy them.



They most certainly are. I embrace it all. Good food for my internal garden. Thank you!


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0.000 PAL