It's On!


It's On!

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Flick the switch hit the button head mutton, make room show’s on full throttle almost gone, now what’s on? What script? Who scripted this pre-scripted response binding bonds tainting veins staining black bands in brains rebranding your strand? Superficial minds so inclined to recline without a spine, blind to serpent vine pincer entwined.

Put it on pause for a sec, stop looking at leaves, branches, trees, forget the forest, don’t rest, flash step back ignore flak from jack crack, expand a demand see the whole plan.
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Have you ever been M Kay’d? I know one who was, but forget that, let me smack you back, you’re Naomi Kay’d a million ways these days chained, few brave too many raving behaved. Right? Let’s get tight an’ I’ll show you the blight always in sight sighted with no respite.
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Alphabet gang-stalking it's you they’re mocking with psycho-babble rabble talking non-stop stopping an’ you’re walking, head rocking double trouble bubble-headed hydra vulgar vulgaris. Get behind in line for false divine shot up, mental rot on the spot.
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Trade in your blade be razor filleted for the upgrade, don’t mind those system glitches stick, stick, stick so many stitches up in your britches. Are you feeling those pin prick pinches? Jacked in, plugged in, network enabled registered mac in black goo stack rack receiver ready enable signal steady. Re-animated in Two-Dee operating artificially, for eternity, fully on repeat don’t speak tweak in the dead universe with mind meld verse.
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Carbon margin marginalizing penalizing people push pulled by puppets, not talking muppets here sheep sheer, look out, steer clear, correct your course, am I speaking code morse? Blame game all the same, show me rearrange, don't estrange reframe rage, this at your age? You'd rather lay labels while unstably unable adorned in fable. Self-explanatory not in the lavatory caught by toilet paper rush stemming mind gaga gush.
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Deflect redirect that expect demand on energy freeze stay free from grinding tyrant tires, liars spitting fires. Poke your brain, don’t abstain, don’t train car line up pile up come ride up with wild wind beat your wings above wrought wreckage bought paid for, now soar!
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Coming out in my speech to all you peeps. I don’t do "isms", "ists", schisms, or divisions so burn your derisions and blind decisions. I’m edgy scary razor sharp, no walk in the park, as told by a mega low maniac who forcibly confined me in a house, with spite, malice and might until I made it right, in spite of his spite.
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So say it sashay it slam it ram it berate me hate me for it won’t negate this state I’ll deflate your malice rate with a hard shower raining down from internal power. Stutter stop, flop, you’re lost your loss use brain floss be the boss in mind of your mind enslaved, here’s your graven grave studded with raven cackle crackle call before you fall!
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All photos taken by Nine with a Pentax digital 35mm camera.
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0.136 PAL


Dude! I am telling you these would make some really great metal songs!!!!

0.002 PAL

I need the music for that, so if you can translate the beat in my head into reality, you're ON!

Thanks @unklebonehead!

0.000 PAL

Love it!

0.000 PAL



0.000 PAL

😂My you have a keen eye! Take note of the umbrella shape as well. This is a section of a larger monument. The whole monument clarifies with lightening. 😉

0.004 PAL


And may God Smite Them With Lightning.

0.000 PAL

I can't agree more! ZAP!

0.004 PAL

There are sooooo many goodies in here!

0.000 PAL

Tell me all about the goodies (no boogers?)....

Thank you @corvidae!

0.000 PAL

My favorites are

head rocking double trouble bubble-headed hydra vulgar vulgaris

foamin' at the mouth crazy


sheep sheer, look out, steer clear, correct your course, am I speaking code morse?

Code, morse. Milk, chocolate.


Stutter stop, flop, you’re lost your loss

And of course I love how you end with a raven.

0.000 PAL

foamin' at the mouth crazy

😂 Instant visual, love that!

Code, morse. Milk, chocolate.

I think I want chocolate now.

And of course I love how you end with a raven.

Haha, we talked about ravens and crows, so it stuck in my head to add raven to that, so you inspired the addition. Bet you didn't know that. Those three feathers in the last photo are raven flight feathers found by an old friend and gifted to me.

0.000 PAL

I wondered if maaaaaaaaaaybeeee there was some connection.
I only have one raven feather. I can't remember where I got it. Huge flight feather.

I have probably a hundred crow feathers. One of which is Bo's!

0.000 PAL

LOL! Cool that you have a flight feather too. The only way to get those without harming a raven is if they drop them. Yes, totally huge, love the ones I have. They've been most helpful.

I don't have a hundred crow feathers like you, and so cool you have one of Bo's! I think I only have a dozen crow feathers.

0.000 PAL

I have some underfluffy feathers that belong to Bo and Lorena that I collected last molt. Eventually I want to get some made into earrings. Technically might not be legal though, since crows are a protected bird, so I will have to tell people they are chicken fluffies.

0.000 PAL

Chicken fluffies, cute! LOL I checked for Canada, weirdly enough ravens and crows are not protected here. I don't see an issue with feathers that are dropped. Really protective protection.

0.000 PAL

That makes sense that crows aren't protected. It was a big deal when Canuck the Crow got his federal protection. Now I understand why.

0.000 PAL

LOL! I'll send you some Canada geese, they're protected here but I bet they aren't there.


They might be, actually! The US "protects" a lot of things.
EDIT: just checked, and yes, it is.


It is? So that means that my friend (won't say which state) was incorrect in terms of hunting wild geese. LOLOL!


Well that depends. Even some protected animals are allowed to be hunted during specified hunting seasons in specific regions. This, sadly, includes crows.


What?! People hunt crows in season in specific regions.....why for boggles my brain.


For sport. For stupid fucking sport.

Messed up, isn't it, Nina.


That's what I was hoping you would not say. Sigh, makes my heart cry.


I know. 😕 I don't even approve of sport hunting for cats...


I don't approve of any sport hunting, or fishing for that matter. Food, survival, yes, but for the fun (not fun) of it, yuckkers.


I used to go fishing. It was really fun, but sometimes I would catch things that had swallowed the hook, or little baby fish or baby sharks... I haven't fished in a long time, in part because I don't do freshwater and saltwater fishing is far away. I ate most of what I caught, but it's easier for me to eat things that I did not have to see the souls of. So I no longer fish. Cheating, I know. Can't eat birds anymore. ↙️Period.


A baby shark...never caught one of those, but that's due to it being the Atlantic. I appreciate where you're coming from. I don't think that's cheating, you're aware and sensitive, which is far the better place to be, imo. My father was a hunter and trapper, plus we all fished growing up, just the way it is where I'm from. I've been desensitized from a young age. At the same time, I was taught in ways that align more with natives, so a balance. Nonetheless, not a big carnivore here.


I used to have an issue with hunters until I learned to differentiate between sport hunters and those who do it to be a part of nature, track animals, appreciate and use all that they take. Now it doesn't bother me. What bothers me more is that I eat pigs that live in pens and probably have never known fresh air. I want to quit.


Yeah, it's sport hunting I don't agree with. I often wonder if those that do that were hunted by the animals they hunt, how'd they feel about that.

Yeah, industrial farming...shudders. You'll get where you want to be when you're ready.


I often wonder if those that do that were hunted by the animals they hunt, how'd they feel about that.

Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure it would just reinforce their self-righteousness.


Not if the get eaten by a bear. 😂


It’s funny everyone else is thinking this is a metal song but I totally heard a rapper in there! There’s this badass dude from Boston, my hometown, that has an awesome flow like this! Let me give you a good sample song to check out. Reading the post, I absolutely had one of his beats in my head lol

@dandays what do you think, I think it sounds like Mr Lif!

0.000 PAL

The Big D&A @dandays (AKA Mountain Biker/Runner) can not come to the PHONE Hive right now as He is in the med bay at the mountaintop military installation recovering from wounds/burns and exhaustion. Since He laid the smackdown on and opened up a can of WOOP ASS on the Java Monsters.

You should see his blackened & bloodied face... what a mess.


0.000 PAL

I had it in my head as a rap beat. That said, what I like is hearing how others perceive. Gives me a great opportunity to see from other perspectives. I can now see both, LOL.

Drop me your sample song, totally up for that!

Thank you @cmplxty!

0.000 PAL

Yeah different perspectives for sure! Sorry I forgot to drop the song I meant to edit it lol

Mr Lif - Enters the Colossus

0.000 PAL

I find seeing from other perspectives to be most useful in getting clarity in life, so I appreciate all of that. Thanks for dropping the link, I'll check that out!

0.000 PAL


0.000 PAL

Can you, perhaps, scream that louder and three times over so I can have a creep shriek?

0.000 PAL

Bass Beat and Nose Snare, Finger Tap Rythm was applied while reading this...

You Mad @ Me Sister..?

Ain't seen you around much. Was wondering if you went to Ottowa.? What a fucking nightmare your little dick tater Kim Jong Terdo has turned out to be for Canada... Aye.?


0.000 PAL

Bass Beat and Nose Snare, Finger Tap Rythm was applied while reading this...

I need that beat translated into music.

You Mad @ Me Sister..?

You'd have to do something to earn mad (takes some effort and time), so no.

Was wondering if you went to Ottowa.?

Only been there once, long time ago, don't need to ever see it again, eh.

0.000 PAL

I must confess. I am no beat boxer. I ended the rap song by blowing snot bubbles.


0.000 PAL

Sounds like syrup in fur. I'll tell you a secret, if you blow them correctly you can create rainbow coloured ones like this:


0.000 PAL

Very good indeed. I can hear how it would be in my head and I do agree with unklebonehead these would make great metal songs!

0.000 PAL

Thanks @meesterboom! I do need to hear what each of you is hearing in your heads. I'm sure I wouldn't have to lift a musical finger. I can hear a metal song since @unklebonehead mentioned that, but he's better at metal, far better.

My sad little guitar sits with two strings broken and I ignore it.

0.000 PAL

Aw, dont ignore your guitar, treat the little chap to some lovely new strings and bang out a tune on it. They love being played! In saying that, I haven't played any of mine for a day or so! Must get back to it!

0.000 PAL

It's an old, old little chap from the early 60's with a honey voice. I have to check if I'm allowed to go into the store to buy new strings. No idea what the rules are anymore here, changes constantly with confusion, so I stopped paying attention unless it's something I really need. My violin is all good with strings, but I've been horrible in terms of learning and practicing that.

They do love being played. What do you play? You have an acoustic, electric or classical?

0.000 PAL

I have a classical, an acoustic and several electrics. I think I have 7 in total. I have been told I am not allowed to buy any more. I do love it but don't get enough time to play my little heart out.

I rarely know which time to observe these days either. Even though they have removed the restrictions here there are still places that ask you to abide by them. Confusing!!

0.000 PAL

That's more than I anticipated. I had visualized four or five only. You're all kitted out! I find that's always the case, never enough time to do everything. Have you posted anything you've played? If you have, can you link me please?

It's totally muddled here, worse than mud sliding down a river bank in Spring with hip waders on flying with fishing tackle, lol. Tiresome quite frankly, but maybe my 99 year cycle here has worn time thread bare. (yes, I'm ridiculous, my father taught me well).

0.000 PAL

I dont think I have ever posted anything serious. I did a Spanish godfather theme once but god knows what that was under. All the rest has been little snippets in posts occasionally.

Muddled muddled muddled. Thats how it is here although it is rapidly progressing to unmuddled because no one is having to obey any rules anymore so they are all just doing as they like! So much for the folk who said this was the start of a new totalitarian world order!

0.000 PAL

I died temporarily and have now come back to life (pardon my long pause for a cause).

Spanish godfather theme, that's rather spectacular. I'll keep an eye out for upcoming snippets. I'm curious to hear.

Maybe you can send some of that spirit this way. People are walking around like zombies buried in their phones, thick with doom and gloom. A couple weeks back, I realized that there is this need to scan a product with one's phone before removing it from the shelf. I didn't hang around to see why, but it seems to be a new trend emerging. I am so, so, so hopelessly out of fashion.

Canada's about to get some new fun things, well not really fun, so I'm waiting to see how that rolls out. All this waiting for unmuddling, if I chewed my claws in anticipation I'd be claw-less.

0.000 PAL

My local supermarket keeps trying to encourage me to download their app to scan my shop as I go. I am thinking, why on earth would I do that. I want to spend some time shopping not staring at my phone!

I bet the kids are doing it for other reasons, there is probably some cool app that tells them they can get the same thing a million times cheaper elsewhere.

Thats it for us. Al the restrictions have gone except for the occasional shop saying you still need to wear a mask. There arent many of them though. Its kinda weird to be on the other side of this thing. For however long it lasts

0.000 PAL

My local supermarket keeps trying to encourage me to download their app to scan my shop as I go.

Exactly. That's called marketing you to do the work for them for free. Then there's customer surveys. I ask them how much they will pay me for my time since I can't work for them for free. That halts it, lol.

Since you mention the scanning for cheaper elsewhere, they do that price matching thing at several grocery stores, so that must be what they are doing. It's all so bizarre. Here, most don't look up from their phones, yet are able to navigate an unseen obstacle course.

For however long it lasts

That would be the key thing. Depends on which province one is in here, as to what is lifted, but nothing has been completely lifted. One province is already warning that restrictions will return in the fall. I wonder how they can predict so well. I need that crystal ball, LOL.


Those surveys, they are hilarious. The ones that they say will take just a few minutes of your time and then ten minutes later you are like oh come on - I don't give them the free labour anymore but I used to with the carrot they dangled of entry into prize draws etc. Its all a crock.

They haven't even said anything like that here for the return of restrictions but I can see it happening. For the moment I am going to enjoy this short time in the sun!


LOL! I always enjoy the look they get when I ask them how much I'll be paid for it as they process what that means. It's all free marketing data, draws, points rewards, etc. that used to be paid for. Total load of shite.

Is it that sunny there? I thought Scotland would be all cold foggy, wet through the bones, never get warm most of the time. Yeah, live today, only way to roll me thinkums. 😁


It is always about what they can get from you. We pay tenfold in what we give away often without knowing.

It has been sunny for the last couple of days. The temperature is a steadfast 10/11 celsius. So its cold as fucck still. But on the plus side it hasn't rained since Monday or so. Your description was quite spot on, lol!


Good point, I'm thinking of all the ways that happens that I know of and then all those I don't know of. Must be more than tenfold.

You ought to catch some rays, and tan with that weather. I've never been over, so I don't really know what it's like there. I'm basing it on my comparison of Newfoundland at end of May, where I couldn't pile enough layers of wool on, plus waterproof jacket, while still ending up cold. I've been told that it's similar to England in that regard, so I figured Scotland must be even more so.

I'll leave you this link for where I went in Newfoundland, third photo down on the page is where I stayed (my friend's B&B). You'll see why the link when you click it. Also visited other wonderfully named places while there.


Oh man, that name. I ma kinda glad the origin is still shrouded in mystery! It looks beautiful though, it would be top donk staying there and the B&B is just amazing looking!

I will be catching some rays as soon as the weather properly turns. A collective madness comes on the Scots at a certain time. We all get our taps aff and the party will begin


I thought you'd appreciate that name. It's a tiny place. First thing I asked my friend on arrival was, "Where is it?". He showed me a spot where a large wooden one used to be, but it was removed some time ago. The B&B is 132 years old, a heritage house. It's a total spoil yourself experience there, ocean on one side of the street (literally) and the B&B on the other.

Collective madness! I can see it now (I just did). In Canada, it's 'legal' for women to also go taps aff totally uncensored. 😂


Then let the taps aff commence! :OD

It does look amazing. I showed the Good Lady and she was like aw, I wanna go there! The name is just plain hilarious


I knew you'd support that! 😂 Today was the day for it, so warm and sunny, gets that fever in the blood going.

I showed the Good Lady and she was like aw, I wanna go there!

LOL! I think you'd both love it. Other places nearby...."Spread Eagle", "Come By Chance", plus many more. I have a bunch of photos from there that I plan on posting about, plus a little funny story, give it a rounder picture. You'd love all the pubs in St. John's, about an hour and half from there. Every other door is pub, pretty much.


I cant believe the names are all double-entendres, that is quite hilarious! I shall be keeping an eye out for said post.

I shall make St John's my home when crypto goes to the moon!


It's wild, Newfoundland is known for this and everyone laughs about it. It will be a little bit for the post, I seem to have another raprant brewing today, I think it has those pink chesty decorations in it.

I shall make St John's my home when crypto goes to the moon!

😂 I looked at property while there, one that was $8000 CDN, four acres, so cheap, but couldn't get past the idea of being on an island, no matter how big, mainlander that I am.

Here's another link for more Newfoundland chuckles


I should have been born in Newfoundland by the sounds of it.

I think I would like to live on an island. I love the water. To be surrounded by it would be tops.

Lol. Those are funny. It's surprising how many of them phrases sound so English. Done people even say, Me ole cock up here!

It works be fun to live in Placentia, right enough!


LOL, seems like love at first sight! It's so massive in size, many areas to see there and you don't feel like you are on an island. I grew up by the Atlantic ocean, really get that draw. There's nothing like it.

I would suspect there's some English settled there, although majority are Irish with similarities in accent.


Its funny those islands that are massive, sometimes you are surprised to get to the coast and see the sea!

The Irish accent is a thing to behold. At least the regular Irish one that is. The north of Irelands accent is an awful thing :OD


That's true. It's the largest island I've ever been on. There's also Prince Edward Island, so small, so tame, so flat, so awful in the winter, but lovely in the summer.

Hahaha, regular Irish accent! I find the accents differ from county to county. I can't recall a northern one at the moment, but I'm sure you're on the mark. I think I'll have to find it to listen to it, so I can experience the awfulness first hand.
