Hello Hive gamers, today I continue from where I ended in the game Rise of the tomb raider, playing this game again feels like I’ve never played it before cause it’s been a long time and I am completely loving it. For the next part.

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Lara sets out on a journey in the Syria Rocky Mountains and it begins with her in a car alongside an Arab man who is her driver telling her it’s not safe but Lara insist for him to push on, as they push on an helicopter appears from nowhere and she feels like something isn’t right, she immediately suspects the driver and asks him if he told anyone and he said they pay better than her and in that heated argument their car is shot at and bullets take the driver and the car tumbles. Lara is lucky to get out of the car before it explodes but it pushes her down a cliff and she is hurt.

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From the fall I am given a task to search for ruins in the cliff so I followed the only visible path I could see, I climbed through some rough walls till I got to a tomb opening that didn’t really look like a tomb but a structure that has buried for centuries. I go went into the cave an I found this huge stone with ancient inscriptions on it, unreadable but it confirmed to Lara that her dad was right, I am then asked to explore the tomb.

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First I explored the room where the stone was and I found this image on the wall with inscriptions that looked like someone was been buried and I was able to translate that which somehow increased my Greek translation ability so I was prompted to look for other images, I found two more which increased my Greek translation ability to 1 which is what I needed to translate the inscription on the stone(they called it the Monolith)

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Thought something big was gonna happen when I translated it but all I got was a location of some cache so I moved on with exploring till I got to this wall that looked like it was falling apart so i immediately knew it was my way through and with the help of my hook i break through the wall and I found this very old and massive structure buried under the rocks that looked like a palace and all I needed was a way to get there.

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Found a way to get there through a high wall that connected one part of the cliff to the other, climbed the wall and figured out that trinity guys were already on sight which meant I had to sneak my way in. Finally got through but I needed to find a way in.

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Found an entrance at the top of the structure that led me to "The prophets tomb" where I think they buried the prophets cause of the countless skeletons I found there. Just walkthrough and got to this corridor where I heard explosions indicating I was getting close. Was getting quite impatient to get to the part of the game where I’ll have combat😩

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Just as I was getting excited I got caught my a foot trap and almost drowned(it was part of the game though) it took me to the center of the building exactly where I was heading but the main goal was to get to the top of the main tomb structure.

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I think getting to the top has been the hardest part of the game so far, it was a crazy puzzle, standing there I had no idea what to do cause I had tried everything possible and it only got me back to where I started. I had played the game a long time ago so I forgot what I did there the last time.

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With a lot of struggle I figured out it was very easy and the trick was with the water, I found a broken wall with water flowing through it and I break the wall which increased the amount of water but it wasn’t enough so I needed another water source to increase the water till it gets to the required height. The second one wasn’t a challenge it did the job and I finally got out of the hole.

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Got to this other place which looked like the first but wasn’t difficult cause I understood the water thing already, after completing the puzzle the water carried me directly to the main tomb structure. When I open the prophets tomb it was empty and just then trinity arrived and I was forced to hide inside the prophets tomb.

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They opened the tomb and found Lara inside but was Lara fast a enough to grab the trigger of the charges they had set and detonate it. This causes the whole structure to start collapsing so I run as fast as I can while experiencing a little combat but nothing epic but I finally succeed in going out and that part of the game ends there.

Wasn’t what I expected from this part but hoping I see a lot more combat on the next part.

0.000 PAL


The game looks great, I haven't played it yet but it looks cool

0.000 PAL