Could I change the world?
In theory, Yes.
In reality, probably not.
What does it take to change the world? What are the core ingredients that create technological outliers like Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, khaleelkazi?
I have ideas, some money, some skills.
What separates the likes of me from the likes of these people?

Oh, ya....
That vision and drive to turn them into reality. That motivation to realize goals and to turn dreams into realities. It's a key component and a rare one in these outliers. We all dream big ideas and think that we can make something amazing but it takes something special to make them happen.
What motivates these people?
I could do it.
I could draw up a plan, get a loan, hire a team, build my dreams and become one of these people.
I could.
I never will. It doesn't excite me enough to bother. It doesn't seem worth the effort. My mind just doesn't work that way. It's in your DNA.
I read an article today about winners in sport who take every bit of motivation that they can find to get over the line. They record every slight, every insult and every person that tells them that it will never happen. Articles posted to the wall, video sessions of the naysayers. Motivation is everything and when you don't have it, you need to create it.
The example they used to compare to these athletes was a very interesting one and a story that i had never heard before. I had never even heard the name before but they turned into kind of a big deal.
IN 1997, A California valley upstart launched selling and renting DVDs by mail. They toiled away for a decade as the internet blew that corner to bits. Quickly, the small business pivoted towards streaming and video on demand.
Time Warner CEO Jeff Bewkes watched this minion’s moves with nonchalance. A threat? It wasn’t even in the same league. “It’s a little bit like, is the Albanian army going to take over the world?” he dismissively told the Times in 2010.
Reed Hastings was the founder and CEO of Netflix. Red flag, meet bull.
“For the next year, I wore Albanian Army dog tags around my neck. It was my rosary beads of motivation,” he told the New Yorker. During a two-day retreat at the Silicon Valley convention center, the company’s executives wore Albanian berets. They latched onto that insult.
By 2018 Netflix’s market cap had soared to double Time Warner’s.
Source: the42
I love that spark and upstart mentality. Doing it just to prove that it can be done. This is a man that changed the world with a great idea.
Now I'm sure that he was not the first person to have this idea but he was the first person motivated enough to bring it successfully to life.

When his first version went down in flames he took the insults on board and went at it again. Years of work were not wasted but used to launch an even better product.
Pivoted his idea towards a new market and learned from the first time around.
That is how you change the world.
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It all comes down to taking action, but there's plenty of work that needs to be done before that as well. Everyone of us has the power to change the world every day no matter how big or small that might be. I just hope more choose to make it for the better
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Someday with enough financial security I will change this mindset.
At the moment I am still in survival mode trying to create a livable income but once that goal is reached then I will move to the next level and try to build somethings that helps others to do the same.
Every small positive action helps change the world.
Khal changing the world. It is amazing to think like that.
We are going to see amazing things coming out of Leofinance.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
He very much could. This is only really the second year of leo on hive. It's a whole new beast that is creating a whole new industry.
Tokenized communities with blogging, earning, defi, cross chain adaption.
It could become massive in ten years time and have millions of users and thousands of copies.
He could change the face of the internet and social media if he keeps building and innovating.
Doesn't even need to write a line of code.
Sounds like a solid plan if you have that winner's mentality.
I take things one step at a time and it's amazing how it all starts to add up quite fast. I find ti easier to remain productive this way.
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