Becoming More Thoughtful - My Personal Experience

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Hello, and welcome back to my space! It is another beautiful weekend, and a great time reflecting on different life experiences that have contributed in shaping me into the person I have become today.

In this post, I want to share a few of those experiences and how they have influenced me in my relationship with people.

My Journey To Becoming A more Thoughtful Person

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I grew up as the youngest in my family, and at that time we lived with my maternal relatives. And in those days of growing up, one would have thought that I would have been an over-pampered child, but far from it. As the youngest, I was always being sent to run errands for the elders, many of whom would not hesitate to scold me or even beat me at the slightest mistake. My Dad had died earlier, and my mum was not always around, as she was working 9-5.

The harsh treatment (both physical and verbal) received from the elders around me made me so unhappy, and I was always angry and defensive. I felt that some of their actions were very unfair, and all I wanted was to grow up and go live on my own.

By the time I became a young adult, I found out that I hardly ever in a good mood for anything. My reactions and responses were always in anger that even my close friends began to complain.

I remember a day when my brother (one and only) sat me down for a heart to heart talk. He first made me to understand that my anger and bitterness issues were not good for my health at all, and that I needed to watch it.

He also made to realize that my mood affects those around me and would only make other people to be angry with me. He encouraged me to make conscious efforts to control my anger, and be mindful of how I respond to people, and also told me to frown less and smile more.

Being that, apart from my mother, my brother was my closest friend at that time, I listened to him, and I began to pay attention to my words and actions. Gradually, I found myself becoming sensitive to the feelings of people around me.

Later on as a full adult, I realized that my words and actions were only reflections of the thoughts inside me, and also that my thoughts shape my reality. From then, I have become more intentional about practicing mindfulness, first to improve my personality and then to be more accomodating to others.

These days when I see my children behaving strange, I take my time to understand what could have prompted their behaviour, and then try to put myself in their shoes to be able to talk to them and guide them aright.

It has not been a smooth journey, but I know that I have become a more caring and thoughtful person than I used to be.

Thank you for reading. Image used in this post is a free-to-use image from


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Kind regards @ngwinndave
You express to us with words full of emotions and feelings, how appreciable it is to overcome adversity, in any of its forms and it is not easy, especially in childhood, where you are building your foundation, it is evident the reaction to the actions. When we experience danger in our own being, defense is expected, perhaps not with inadequate forms, but when we are small, it is gallantry and courage in all its expression. It was not easy for you, being left without your father and that your mother assumed both roles, but from love and understanding you knew how to overcome and overcome the vicissitudes, I am happy for you and yours, and that today you are an example of love and understanding towards your children. Thank you for opening the door of your life, to show us with the facts that you tell us, that it is possible to let go and let go, to follow the path of positivity and understanding from love and achieve happiness, which after all is the cardinal purpose in our existence.
In unison we thank you for your kindness to add your experiences to our weekly call, it is always a pleasure to have you among the participants. Health and well-being to you and yours !LOTUS

Cordiales saludos @ngwinndave
Nos expresas con palabras cargadas de emociones y sentimientos, lo apreciable que es sobreponernos a la adversidad, en cualquiera de sus formas y es que no es fácil, sobre todo en la infancia, donde estas construyendo tus cimientos, es evidente la reacción a las acciones. Cuando experimentamos peligro en nuestra mismidad, es esperado la defensa quizás con formas no adecuadas, pero cuando somos pequeños, es gallardía y valor. No estuvo fácil para Ustedes, quedar sin tu padre y asumir tu madre ambos roles, pero desde el amor y la comprensión supieron sobreponerse y superar los avatares, me alegro por ti y los tuyos, hoy eres ejemplo de amor y comprensión hacia tus hijos. Gracias por abrirnos la puerta de tu vida, para demostrarnos con los hechos que nos relatas, que si es posible soltar y dejar ir, para seguir el camino de la positividad, con la comprensión desde el amor y lograr ser felices, que al fin y al cabo es el propósito cardinal en nuestra existencia.
Al unísono le agradecemos, su gentileza al sumarse con sus vivencias a nuestro llamado semanal, siempre es un gusto tenerla entre los participantes. Salud y bienestar para usted y los suyos.


Thank you so much, @marilour for your beautiful and kind words. I am literally fighting the tears now, but I am grateful for the healing that continues to take place in my life, making it possible to share these experiences. Thank you.


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