My Daily Story 9/12/2023 : Today I took the kids to change the atmosphere and go out to eat some food.



Food is the most important thing in life. Therefore, every day we humans must eat food in order to have energy to continue living... Today it seems like I'm taking the introduction of the article very seriously. Hehe..usually most of us like to cook our own food at home. But sometimes we want to change the atmosphere by going out to eat and trying different flavors of food. Even though sometimes the food we order to eat has already been cooked at home, hehe.
Today my husband and I took our daughter to a regular restaurant and we ordered some simple food such as fried rice, nasirama rice and curry. Children's fried thin noodles And there was French toast for dessert. and another 3 drinks. Today the atmosphere at the restaurant is quite quiet with only about 4-5 tables of customers coming to eat. When we arrived at the restaurant, it started to rain again. It was a very nice day today. While waiting for the food, the children invited each other to watch cartoons to pass the time.




When the food was served at the table, we all concentrated on eating. There's no need to talk about the taste of this restaurant because it's our regular restaurant, which means it must be delicious. After we finished eating, we sat and talked for a while because there were no other customers at the restaurant yet, and when the rain stopped, we all went home. One more meal is gone for this meal of ours. Every once in a while, we go out to eat in order to change the enjoyment of eating. Which sometimes you have thoughts like this too, right? Thank you to everyone who has always followed and supported me. For today, I have to say goodbye for now. Goodbye everyone.
