MY Daily Story 19/12/2023 : Let's go to the market on Monday after the rain has stopped.



Hello, as you all know, During this period, Malaysia has entered the rainy season. Therefore, every day the rain will fall regularly. Some days it rains in the morning. Some days it rains in the evening and sometimes it rains during the night. This is a regular occurrence. But yesterday it rained from 1:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m. and the rain stopped, but the atmosphere was still dark and cloudy.

And today there is a market in the evening and we need to go out and buy vegetables to prepare for cooking this week. So when the rain stopped, we drove to the Monday market. When we went we were afraid that it would rain so we prepared an umbrella. It took us about 10 minutes to travel to the Monday market. Surprisingly, today was a rainy day but there were many people out walking at the Monday market. We hurriedly went to buy the necessary items. The first was because I was afraid that it would rain again.

At this Monday market, there are many things for sale such as vegetables, fruits, prepared foods, drinks, toys, bakery, divided into neat zones.








Today, even though I'm in a hurry because I'm afraid it will rain again. But I still had time to take photos of the atmosphere and share them with friends. I hope everyone enjoys the evening atmosphere after the rain and the atmosphere of the market this Monday.

Shortly after we bought something The rain began to fall again. We hurried home. Because we were afraid that the children would be sick and besides, we already had all the things. Thank you to everyone who stopped by to read the article and see the pictures of my Monday market atmosphere today. I hope you all enjoy and have fun with it. Thank you for always following and supporting me. Bye everyone.
