My Daily Story 19/1/2024 : Taking photos of nature, mushrooms, flowers, and grass while waiting for the children to play at the playground.



Hello everyone.

Today I took pictures of nature, mushrooms, flowers, and grass while waiting for the children to play at the playground.
Today at around 3:00 p.m., shortly after my family and I returned from the restaurant, it rained for almost an hour. And at 5:00 p.m., the light from the sun came back bright again. The children asked me to take them out to play with their friends at the playground. So I took the kids and went out on a motorbike. First we went to my daughter's friend's house. To invite each other to come out and play on the playground. When the children reached the playground, they ran around and played in the playground. As for me, I sat and watched over them on a bench on the edge of the playground.





When I saw the children playing in the field, I walked around the edge of the field. There were neighbors who had planted flowers and trees. There was a tree that was withered and he cut it down so only the stump was left. Over time, it becomes a shelter for mushrooms. I saw a few mushrooms of some kind clinging to the stump of that tree.
I saw that the mushroom was green with a soft white edge. It felt strange and different from the other mushrooms that were all white. When I looked closer, I could see that the green color there was from the moisture of rain or dew, which caused green moss to appear, but it was cracked at the edge of the mushroom, which was a beautiful soft white. Beautiful. Everyone, please take a look.




After taking pictures of the mushrooms, I saw them next to the stump. There was a fairly tall grass, its flowers were small pink, and next to it was a small white butterfly perched on top. Since I had nothing to do but sit and watch the children running around having fun, I didn't want to waste any time so I picked up my phone and recorded a picture and shared it with my friends.






There were also a few other types of grass flowers that I photographed because they had strange characteristics that I had seen since I was a child. Sometimes it's the little things that give us so much enjoyment. I hope you all enjoyed the article and photos I've shared today. Thank you to everyone who stopped by to read the article. Thank you for following and supporting me all the time.

Thank you very much
