Newbies Initiative
Hello! It is been a month since the applications of the newbies initiative and we are pleased to announce the list of people accepted to participate in the initiative.
There was a total of 32 applications, and all were selected because of the number of applications was close to the maximum number of applications we intended of having.
As the program continues, inactive participants would be dropped off each week.
You can greet them!

Iniciativa de Novatos
¡Hola! Ha pasado un mes desde las solicitudes de la iniciativa para novatos y nos complace anunciar la lista de personas aceptadas para participar en la iniciativa.
Hubo un total de 32 solicitudes, y todas fueron seleccionadas porque el número de solicitudes se acercaba al máximo que pretendíamos tener.
A medida que avance el programa, los participantes inactivos serán dados de baja cada semana.
¡Puedes saludarlos!

As previously stated, the chosen Hivians will be divided into three teams, each of which will be led by a Team Leader.
Como ya se ha dicho, los hivianos elegidos se dividirán en tres equipos, cada uno de los cuales estará dirigido por un jefe de equipo.
Team One / Equipo Uno | Team Two / Equipo Dos | Team Three / Equipo Tres |
@kilvnrex | @nhaji01 | @abu78 |
@ibbtammy | @dianelson | @flamethrow |
@rhyda1 | @zzzinnn | @thisisnativeboy |
@josedam | @essencewoman | @annaconda |
@rosheedkassie | @timix648 | @saydie |
@barryjennifer | @newnow497 | @cleevesh |
@phyna | @amiableamara | @ylaffittep |
@sperosamuel15 | @pearlsuddy | @chidistickz |
@neckkyjane15 | @t-monnay | @yahuzah |
@zitalove | @drplasticwill | @diposheny1 |
@sportsdoctor | @tuisada | ------------------------- |

The Team Leaders' (TL) responsibility will be to support, encourage, and carefully watch over each team member's growth.
Meet the Team Leaders
La responsabilidad de los Líderes de Equipo (TL) será apoyar, alentar y vigilar cuidadosamente el crecimiento de cada miembro del equipo.
Conocer a los Líderes de Equipo

Team One Leader | @justfavour |
Team Two Leader | @depressedfuckup |
Team Three Leader | @moremoney28 |
Líder del Equipo Uno | @justfavour |
Equipo Dos Líder | @depressedfuckup |
Equipo Tres Líder | @moremoney28 |

Congratulations to those accepted into the program!
What do you need to do now?
Visit Hive Learners discord server, to get verified in the community.
Write your Hive Discord name in the Comment Section below, Visit Smile Discord Server, then paste the link of your comment in the noob chat. So that you can be verified and be given your team role
¡Felicidades a los aceptados en el programa!
¿Qué tienes que hacer ahora?
Visita Hive Learners discord server, para ser verificado en la comunidad.
Escribe tu nombre de Hive Discord en la sección de comentarios de abajo, visita Smile Discord Server y pega el enlace de tu comentario en el chat de noobs. Así podrás ser verificado y recibir tu rol de equipo.

- The program will last for 7 weeks and will include challenging activities, fun events, and a celebration that ends with a presentation of awards.
- Beginning on April 6th, the Topic for the Week will be revealed on Thursdays, and supporting materials will be provided in the announcement post.
- Every Newbie is required to read the materials in advance and show up prepared to the Sunday meetings on Smile Discord Server for additional explanations and clarifications. The meetings start at 7 pm GMT.
- The task assignment will be made public the following day (Monday).
- The due date for assignments will be Saturday of that same week.
- On Wednesday of the following week, Team Leaders are required to publish a post with a review and evaluation of the tasks that have been turned in.
Actividades del programa
- El programa durará 7 semanas e incluirá actividades desafiantes, eventos divertidos y una celebración que finalizará con la entrega de premios.
- A partir del 6 de abril, el Tema de la Semana se revelará los jueves, y los materiales de apoyo se proporcionarán en el post de anuncio.
- Todos los Novatos deberán leer los materiales con antelación y acudir preparados a las reuniones de los domingos en el servidor Discord de Smile para recibir explicaciones y aclaraciones adicionales. Las reuniones comienzan a las 7 pm GMT.
- La asignación de tareas se hará pública al día siguiente (lunes).
- La fecha de entrega de las tareas será el sábado de esa misma semana.
- El miércoles de la semana siguiente, los Líderes de Equipo deberán publicar un post con una revisión y evaluación de las tareas entregadas.
WEEK 1 | Layout your Hive goals | April 9th | April 10th | April 15th | ||
WEEK 2 | Hive Guidelines, Markdowns and Canva Tutorials | April 16th | April 17th | April 22nd | ||
WEEK 3 | Hive Keys and Security | April 23rd | April 24th | April 29th | ||
WEEK 4 | Ecency, PeakD & 3speak, Liketu, Leo Tutor | April 30th | May 1st | May 6th | ||
WEEK 5 | Tribe tokens, tipping tokens, Mining Tokens & How to use Hive Engine | May 7th | May 8th | May 13th | ||
WEEK 6 | Blockchain Games - Rising Star | May 14th | May 15th | May 20th | ||
WEEK 7 | Feedbacks & Recount of Hive Goals | — | — | May 20th |
Final Assessment and Award - MAY 30TH
Evaluación final y adjudicación - 30 DE MAYO

High-quality newbies posts on the #newbies-initiative-posts channel in the SMILE DISCORD SERVER will receive upvotes.
High-quality newbies post published in the Hive Learners Community would be selected for curation.
Newbies can ask us anything they want to know about Hive or blogging-related topics in our SMILE DISCORD SERVER under the #noob-chat in the "N.I-INITIATIVE" category.
You'll get to know new authors, communities, and initiatives.
Finally, by completing tasks, commenting, posting, upvoting, and making transfers, Newbies will beat at least part of Hive's learning curve. They will be ready to grow as Hivers and become part of this thriving community.
Las publicaciones de alta calidad de los novatos en el canal #newbies-initiative-posts en el SMILE DISCORD SERVER recibirán upvotes.
Los posts de alta calidad de los novatos publicados en la Hive Learners Community serán seleccionados para su curación.
Los novatos pueden preguntarnos lo que quieran sobre Hive o temas relacionados con los blogs en nuestro SMILE DISCORD SERVER en el #noob-chat de la categoría "N.I-INITIATIVE".
Conocerás nuevos autores, comunidades e iniciativas.
Por último, al completar las tareas, comentar, publicar, votar y hacer transferencias, los novatos superarán al menos parte de la curva de aprendizaje de Hive. Estarán preparados para crecer como Hivers y formar parte de esta próspera comunidad.

Final Words
We are thankful for this opportunity to help Newbies once again. It's always a pleasure to help new Hive users. Besides the people we already mentioned here, we want to thank @theycallmedan and the @aliento team.
Remember to join the SMILE and Hive Learners Discord Servers
Palabras Finales
Estamos agradecidos por esta oportunidad de ayudar a los novatos una vez más. Siempre es un placer ayudar a los nuevos usuarios de Hive. Además de las personas que ya mencionamos aquí, queremos agradecer a @theycallmedan y al equipo de @aliento.
Recuerda unirte a los servidores Discord de SMILE y Hive Learners

Congratulations to all selected winners, I am very excited to be part of this initiative. Thanks for the opportunity given to me.
Congratulations and welcome 🎉
Thank you
This is a rare Opportunity given to the newbies. Congratulations to everyone that was given this chance. I wish you all the best.
Amiable Amara#4878
Amiable Amara#4878
Chidistickz Eddy#2186
Congratulations and welcome 🎉
Thank you
I’m really excited about this new round of the initiative. I still fondly remember our own round a few months ago like it was yesterday. I have no doubt this round will be just as fun as ours if not more, and I look forward to interacting and impacting both my group and other group members the best way I can. Thanks for the chance to learn and lead in this awesome journey!
Hi @danielson, @essencewoman, @amiableamara, @t-monnay, @drplasticwill, I’m your group leader. Can you guys please comment here with the required information and send a link to your comment to the noob chat channel of the smile discord server? Thank you.
hello what is the topic announcement of this week???
Hive drplasticwill
Discord willaugo14#8575
Wow, I'm short of words, what a privilege to be part of this program, thank you so much for the opportunity given to me, kudos to the facilitators, and congratulations to all participants. My discord username is @flamethrow8069
Congratulations and welcome 🎉
Thank you, Sir.
If you have not been verified in HL Discord server and yet to be given a membership role in the community. Please visit the server through this link below to get verified:
Receiving the membership role allows you eligible to support from HL Community Curation trail...
Congrats to the selected applicants, you guys are lucky, make sure to make the best of this opportunity given, newbie initiatives is the best thing that can happen to you as a newbie on hive, as a recent graduate speaking 😀
Congratulations to those selected, I wish you all the best in these few months of learning 🥰.
Gracias 🚀
De na da 🥰
Thanks a lot
You're welcome sir
Who's Sir 😂
You of course 😂
It's not me biko😂
How have you been?
Thanks for choosing me, my discord username is ibbtammy#6026😃
Wohoo. Another episode of the newbies initiative. Congratulations to the selected hivians. With the right attitudes, I'm sure you all will succeed.
Wohoo. Another episode of the newbies initiative. Congratulations to the selected hivians. With the right attitudes, I'm sure you all will succeed.
@kilvnrex @ibbtammy @rhyda1 @josedam @rosheedkassie @barryjennifer @phyna @sperosamuel15 @neckkyjane15 @zitalove @sportsdoctor
Hey, guys. If you’ve not dropped the link to your comment in smile discord server (noob chat), kindly do that now. Thank you.
hi bro, I already did the procedure, if there is any error please let me know to correct it, thanks :)
I've done mine, hope you've seen it?
I’ve done mine boss already
Wow this is just like yesterday I remember when I was a newbie and how beautiful the program was. I wish all the new selected newbies success in their program.
My boss
Hive newnow497
Discord newnow497#6060
Congrats and welcome aboard:)
We are sending you HUESO tokens to appreciate your work and the effort you make to share your content with us.
Congrats and welcome aboard, man:)
Congratulations to all the selected members. I’m very happy to be a part of this and I’m looking forward to having a lot of fun.
My discord username;
Congrats and welcome aboard:)
Thank you.
Congratulations to those selected for this program. Wishing you guys all the best in this your learning phase
What! Where wad I when this started? This is a good initiative.
Thanks for selecting me to be part of this community, i'm really grateful and i will do my best. i might be needing some directions though.
my discord username is Pearlsuddy
Congrats and welcome aboard:)
It’s an honor to be part of the selected people.
I have always wanted to learn more about hive and interact with others
My discord username is: rhyda1 #3301
Muchas gracias por seleccionarme, prometo poner mi máximo empeño en todo el proceso hasta cumplirlo con éxito! 😄
BLTZR | saydie#8564
Congratulations and welcome 🎉
If you have not been verified in HL Discord server and yet to be given a membership role in the community. Please visit the server through this link below to get verified:
Receiving the membership role allows you eligible to support from HL Community Curation trail...
Already done with the membership process and was doing post in the community for some time but still thanks for the reminder. Looking forward to be part of this initiative.
Alright I will look forward to your participations on the initiative program.
Meanwhile always talk to me if anything, and I will appreciate you to chat me up on discord
Not always active but I sometimes join hangout to engage to other HL members.
I'm the happiest person to be in this initiative ☺️
Thanks for selecting me and also congratulations to all those selected.
Calmly anticipating when the programme will start as I need a lot of knowledge from what will be taught.
Thanks once more
Discord username: Spero#9021
Thank you guys so much for this opportunity. I’m very excited to be selected and I can’t wait to commence
Native Boy#6933
Congratulations and welcome 🎉
Congratulations to all selected
I'm glad to be one of the selected my discord name is
Congrats and welcome aboard:)
Thanks 🤝🤝
Thank you for including me in the initiative. I am looking forward to learning and growing together. 👍😃
Discord username: tuisada
Hi @tuisada, can you please add your discord username to this comment and paste the link to your comment in the noob chat channel of the smile discord? Thank you.
Done 😊
Thanks. Congrats and welcome aboard, mate:)
A big congratulations to all the selected newbies,I wish you all the best throughout the program and hopefully you'll have loads of testimonies via the teachings from the various tasks.
chenty yahuzah#0802
Congratulations and welcome 🎉
Thanks for selecting me to have the opportunity to learn from the community.
HIVE ylaffittep
Discord ylaffittep#5172
Congratulations and welcome 🎉
Thank you 😁
Thank you for selecting me for this great initiative, I can't wait to participate. I remember feeling let down because I wasn't chosen in the previous one and I am glad I get to join this one.
My Discord username: Zitalove #4442
Thanks for selecting me. The weekly writing prompts you’ve listed are in fact more than needed. If not for anybody but myself, I do need information and practice on some of these topics especially the Tribe tokens, tipping tokens, Mining Tokens & How to use Hive Engine and the Blockchain Games - Rising Star.
I’m simply cannot wait to get started.
Here’s my discord username: zzzinnn#0832.
Congrats and welcome aboard, man.