Matthew Reilly - The One Impossible labyrinth


This is the seventh book in series featuring Jack West Junior a action hero who is saving the world one book at a time. He does not need any super powers because he is an Australian from Outback Western Australia.

Mr Reilly and his publishers do a good job they seem to bring out a new book each year just before Christmas. I always grab one just in case some family member wants to buy me a gift. I like the idea of having something ready that I actually want. This one was wrapped and driven down by us to New South Wales for me to open.

I do not seem to make a lot of time for reading but when I do this series has been hard to put down.

I like a bit of the fast paced action hero stuff and we don't make it to the movies much any more. So this books sort of reminds me of when I was young and helps me escape the real world for a while.

Jack, the Hero is a little like Indiana Jones, trying to stop this omega event that will turn the world into chaos. There has been omega events before, last time "Hercules" of Greek god fame was able to stop it but he fucked a few things up and all the other Greek gods lost there powers. I cant remember all the detail but you get the idea.

It all started with the 6 Sacred Stones that needed to be found and pieced together . I like the way the author weaves some real legendary stories into his fictional story.

There are a lot of other bad guys and girls running around trying to get control of these items too. I just hope Jack can beat them all too it, solve all the puzzles, stop the omega event, then hide them all again so the world can continue on its wonderful way.

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He does not need any super powers because he is an Australian from Outback Western Australia.

haha! spoken like a true Aussie!

The series sounds interesting, its been so long since I've read any fiction, I really should hunt some out again

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I am surprised they have not made a movie out of it

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Dr you really are a fan of this story, it sounds quite entertaining.

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I have the whole series, I must be hooked!

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I must correct myself the book series actually starts with the Seven Ancient Wonders

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