Photos from a rainy urban day.


It has been usual for me to introduce myself to you, today I may not tell you much, but I wanted to share this with you. In the afternoon of today, the sky has decided to open its windows, the clouds loaded on the pavement of my urbanization a flurry of drops that lashed without holding the asphalt, I understand that we are on alert for a storm, but come on, just looking at these images fills me with peace, I love the rain and how beautiful it is, it inspires me calm, peace and tranquility.

I am an amateur writer, I am passionate about writing every bit of the physical world and transferring it to an imaginative plane. So what can inspire a few simple drops falling from the sky? Well, I think we all know the water cycle. I think it is wonderful because it has no beginning and no end, but scientists claim that it begins with the evaporation of the ocean waters. So for me the rain is nothing more than an ocean of ideas, that's why you are inspired by observing it, because it brings with it mysteries that man has not yet discovered.

Today I give you this collection of photographs I wanted to do it naturally without editing them, I tried to take the best possible angle, we open this collection with the photograph that for me was the best.

In this photograph I had to place my cell phone on the ground in fear of being damaged by the water, it amazes me how a photograph can make you think what it is not, it really is a very small space, but when I look at it I can see the water impacting the ground.



The sky turned gray, the clouds obstructed the sun's rays, you would think it was getting dark but it was really 2:35pm.



The waters are overflowing! Anyone would think that this is a river, but no, it is a small channel 25cm wide and 15cm deep.


The winds scolded me, but it was not enough to stop my spirit for the love of photography, I placed my camera and ready, just press a button to immortalize this moment.




Well here we are, without a doubt this collection of photos that I liked, I wanted to share them with you friends. A good angle in a rainy day photograph can change your perspective of things, a simple hole can turn into a giant well, a small water channel into an impressive river.



  • These pictures were taken by me.

  • Device: Alcatel 1b phone.

  • Camera: 13mp.

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Gracias por llegar hasta aquí espero que esto te allá agradado.



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Que bonitas fotos...por cierto que a mí también me gusta muchísimo la fotografía. Hay una biblioteca que se está creando en una comunidad a la que me uni recién. En mi blog hay algunas publicaciones y podrás ver las reglas e informarte si llegas a interesarte. Es muy chévere. A mí particularmente me gustó mucho la forma en que lo manejan además que es bien lindo contribuir a formar una biblioteca de imágenes.


O.O la autora de mis covers preferidos ha comentado una de mis publicaciones no sabes lo tanto que me emociona tu comentario, por lo menos ya están empezando a observar mi contenido, por cierto ya te he dicho que me gusta tu forma de cantar soy tu fans xD jaja. Gracias por la sugerencia lo probare sin dudarlo.
